< Mudre Izreke 1 >
1 Mudre izreke Salomona, sina Davidova, kralja izraelskog:
The proverbs of Solomon son of David, the king of Israel.
2 da se spozna mudrost i pouka, da se shvate razumne riječi;
These proverbs are to teach wisdom and instruction, to teach words of insight,
3 da se primi umna pouka, pravda i pravica i nepristranost;
that you may receive instruction in order to live by doing what is right, just, and fair.
4 da se dade pamet neiskusnima, mladiću znanje i umijeće;
These proverbs are also to give wisdom to the naive, and to give knowledge and discretion to young people.
5 kad mudar čuje, da umnoži znanje, a razuman steče mudrije misli;
Let wise people listen and increase their learning, and let discerning people get guidance,
6 da razumije izreke i prispodobe, riječi mudraca i njihove zagonetke.
to understand proverbs, sayings, and words of wise people and their riddles.
7 Strah je Gospodnji početak spoznaje, ali ludi preziru mudrost i pouku.
The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge— fools despise wisdom and instruction.
8 Poslušaj, sine moj, pouku oca svoga i ne odbacuj naputka svoje majke!
My son, hear the instruction of your father and do not lay aside the rules of your mother;
9 Jer će ti biti ljupki vijenac na glavi i ogrlica oko tvoga vrata.
they will be a graceful wreath for your head and pendants hanging from your neck.
10 Sine moj, ako te grešnici mame, ne pristaj;
My son, if sinners try to entice you into their sin, refuse to follow them.
11 ako bi rekli: “Hodi s nama, da vrebamo krv, čekamo u zasjedi nevina ni za što;
If they say, “Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood, let us hide and attack innocent people for no reason.
12 da ih progutamo žive kao carstvo smrti i cijele kao one koji silaze u grob; (Sheol )
Let us swallow them up alive, like Sheol takes away those who are healthy, and make them like those who fall into the pit. (Sheol )
13 naplijenit ćemo svakojaka blaga, napuniti svoje kuće plijenom;
We shall find all kinds of valuable things; we will fill our houses with what we steal from others.
14 bacat ćeš s nama svoj ždrijeb, svi ćemo zajedno imati jednu kesu.”
Throw in your lot with us; we will all have one purse together.”
15 Sine moj, ne idi s njima na put, makni nogu od njihove staze.
My son, do not walk down that road with them; do not let your foot touch where they walk;
16 Jer na zlo trče svojim nogama i hite prolijevati krv.
their feet run to evil and they hurry to shed blood.
17 Jer uzalud je razapinjati mrežu pred očima svima pticama.
For it is useless to spread the net in the sight of any bird.
18 A oni vrebaju vlastitu krv, postavljaju zasjedu svojemu životu.
These men lie in wait for their own blood— they set an ambush for their own lives.
19 Takva je sudba svih lakomih na ružan dobitak: on ih života stane.
So are the ways of everyone who gains riches by injustice; unjust gain takes away the lives of those who hold on to it.
20 Mudrost glasno uzvikuje na ulici, na trgovima diže svoj glas;
Wisdom cries aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the open places;
21 propovijeda po bučnim uglovima, na otvorenim gradskim vratima govori svoje riječi:
at the head of the noisy streets she cries out, at the entrance of the city gates she speaks,
22 “Dokle ćete, vi glupi, ljubiti glupost i dokle će podsmjevačima biti milo podsmijevanje, i dokle će bezumnici mrziti znanje?
“How long, you naive people, will you love being naive? How long, you mockers, will you delight in mockery, and how long, you fools, will you hate knowledge?
23 Poslušajte moju opomenu! Gle, svoj duh pred vas izlijevam, hoću vas poučiti svojim riječima.
Pay attention to my correction; I will pour out my thoughts to you; I will make my words known to you.
24 Koliko sam vas zvala, a vi ste odbijali; pružala sam ruku, ali je nitko ne opazi.
I have called, and you have refused to listen; I reached out with my hand, but there was no one who paid attention.
25 Nego ste odbacili svaki moj savjet i niste poslušali moje opomene;
But you have ignored all my instruction and paid no attention to my correction.
26 zato ću se i ja smijati vašoj propasti, rugat ću se kad vas obuzme tjeskoba:
I will laugh at your calamity, I will mock you when the terror comes—
27 kad navali na vas strah kao nevrijeme i zgrabi vas propast kao vihor, kad navali na vas nevolja i muka.
when your fearful dread comes like a storm and disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you.
28 Tada će me zvati, ali se ja neću odazvati; tražit će me, ali me neće naći.
Then they will call upon me, and I will not answer; they will desperately call for me, but they will not find me.
29 Jer su mrzili spoznaju i nisu izabrali Gospodnjeg straha
Because they hate knowledge and did not choose the fear of Yahweh,
30 niti su poslušali moj savjet, nego su prezreli svaku moju opomenu.
they would not follow my instruction, and they despised all my correction.
31 Zato će jesti plod svojeg vladanja i nasititi se vlastitih savjeta.
They will eat the fruit of their ways, and with the fruit of their schemes they will be filled.
32 Jer glupe će ubiti njihovo odbijanje, a nemar će upropastiti bezumne.
For the naive are killed when they turn away, and the indifference of fools will destroy them.
33 A tko sluša mene, bezbrižan ostaje i spokojno živi bez straha od zla.”
But whoever listens to me will live in safety and will rest secure with no fear of disaster.”