< Mudre Izreke 26 >

1 Kao snijeg ljeti ili kiša o žetvi, tako pristaju počasti bezumnomu.
As dew in harvest, and as rain in summer, so honor is not [seemly] for a fool.
2 Kao vrabac kad prhne i lastavica kad odleti, tako se i bezrazložna kletva ne ispunja.
As birds and sparrows fly, so a curse shall not come upon any one without a cause.
3 Bič konju, uzda magarcu, a šiba leđima bezumnika.
As a whip for a horse, and a goad for an ass, so [is] a rod for a simple nation.
4 Ne odgovaraj bezumniku po njegovoj ludosti, da mu i sam ne postaneš jednak.
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you become like him.
5 Odgovori bezumniku po ludosti njegovoj, da se ne bi učinio sam sebi mudar.
Yet answer a fool according to his folly, lest he seem wise in his own conceit.
6 Odsijeca noge sebi i gorčinu pije tko po bezumnom poruke šalje.
He that sends a message by a foolish messenger procures for himself a reproach from his own ways.
7 Klecava bedra u hromoga - mudra je izreka u ustima bezumničkim.
[As well] take away the motion of the legs, as transgression from the mouth of fools.
8 Kamen za praćku vezuje tko bezumnom iskazuje čast.
He that binds up a stone in a sling, is like one that gives glory to a fool.
9 Trnovita grana u ruci pijanice: mudra izreka u ustima bezumnika.
Thorns grow in the hand of a drunkard, and servitude in the hand of fools.
10 Strijelac koji ranjava sve prolaznike: takav je onaj tko unajmljuje bezumnika.
All the flesh of fools endures much hardship; for their fury is brought to nothing.
11 Bezumnik se vraća svojoj ludosti kao što se pas vraća na svoju bljuvotinu.
As when a dog goes to his own vomit, and becomes abominable, so is fool who returns in his wickedness to his own sin. [There is a shame that brings sin: and there is a shame [that is] glory and grace.]
12 Vidiš li čovjeka koji se sam sebi mudrim čini? Znaj, i od bezumnika ima više nade nego od njega!
I have seen a man who seemed to himself to be wise; but a fool had more hope than he.
13 Lijenčina veli: “Zvijer je na putu, i lav je na ulicama.”
A sluggard when sent on a journey says, [There is] a lion in the ways, and [there are] murderers in the streets.
14 Kao što se vrata okreću na stožerima svojim, tako i lijenčina na postelji svojoj.
As a door turns on the hinge, so does a sluggard on his bed.
15 Lijenčina umače ruku u zdjelu, ali je ne može prinijeti ustima.
A sluggard having hid his hand in his bosom, will not be able to bring it up to his mouth.
16 Lijenčina se čini sebi mudrijim od sedmorice koji umno odgovaraju.
A sluggard seems to himself wiser than one who most satisfactorily brings back a message.
17 Psa za uši hvata tko se, u prolazu, umiješa u raspru koja ga se ne tiče.
As he that lays hold of a dog's tail, so is he that makes himself the champion of another's cause.
18 Kao bjesomučnik koji baca zublje, strelice i sije smrt,
As those who need correction put forth [fair] words to men, and he that first falls in with the proposal will be overthrown;
19 takav je čovjek koji vara bližnjega svoga i veli: “Samo se našalih.”
so are all that lay wait for their own friends, and when they are discovered, say, I did it in jest.
20 Kad nestane drva, oganj se gasi, i kad više nema klevetnika, prestaje svađa.
With much wood fire increases; but where there is not a double-minded man, strife ceases.
21 Ugljen je za žeravnicu i drvo za oganj, a svadljivac da raspaljuje svađu.
A hearth for coals, and wood for fire; and railing man for the tumult of strife.
22 Klevetnikove su riječi kao slastice: spuštaju se u dno utrobe.
The words of cunning knaves are soft; but they strike [even] to the inmost parts of the bowels.
23 Srebrna gleđa preko zemljana suđa: laskave usne i opako srce.
Silver dishonestly given is to be considered as a potsherd: smooth lips cover a grievous heart.
24 Mrzitelj hini usnama svojim, a u sebi nosi prijevaru;
A weeping enemy promises all things with his lips, but in his heart he contrives deceit.
25 ne vjeruj mu kad ljupkim glasom govori, jer u srcu mu je sedam grdila;
Though [your] enemy entreat you with a loud voice, consent not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.
26 ako himbom skriva mržnju, njegova će se opačina otkriti na zboru.
He that hides enmity frames deceit: but being easily discerned, exposes his own sins in the public assemblies.
27 Tko jamu kopa, sam u nju pada, i tko kamen valja, na njega se prevaljuje.
He that digs a pit for his neighbor shall fall into it: and he that rolls a stone, rolls it upon himself.
28 Lažljiv jezik mrzi svoje žrtve, laskava usta propast spremaju.
A lying tongue hates the truth; and an unguarded mouth causes tumults.

< Mudre Izreke 26 >