< Mudre Izreke 21 >

1 Kraljevo je srce u ruci Jahve kao voda tekućica; vodi ga kuda god hoće.
Yahweh controls what kings do [MTY] [like] he controls how streams flow; he causes kings to do just what he wants them to do.
2 Svaki je put čovjeku pravedan u vlastitim očima, a Jahve ispituje srca.
People always think that what they do is right, but Yahweh judges our (motives/reasons [for doing things)] [MTY].
3 Da se vrši pravda i čini pravo, draže je Jahvi nego žrtva.
Doing what is right and fair is more acceptable to Yahweh than [bringing] sacrifices [to him].
4 Ponosite oči i oholo srce i svjetiljka opakih - to je grijeh.
Being proud and arrogant [DOU] is [like] a lamp [MTY] [that guides] wicked people; being proud and arrogant characterizes (wicked people’s whole behavior/everything that wicked people do).
5 Namisli marljivoga samo su na korist, a nagloga samo na siromaštvo.
People who plan carefully will surely have plenty [of what they need]; those who act too quickly [to become rich] will become poor.
6 Blago stečeno jezikom lažljivim nestalna je ispraznost onih koji traže smrt.
Money that people acquire [by cheating others] by lying [MTY] to them will soon disappear [like] a mist, and doing that will [soon] lead to their death.
7 Opake će odnijeti nasilje njihovo jer ne žele činiti pravice.
Wicked [people] refuse to do what is right/just, but they will be ruined because of the violent things [PRS] that they do.
8 Zapleten je put zločinca, a pravo je djelo čista čovjeka.
Guilty [people continually do what is evil; it is as though] [MET] they are walking on a crooked road; but righteous/innocent people [always] do what is right.
9 Bolje je živjeti pod rubom krova nego u zajedničkoj kući sa ženom svadljivom.
It is better to live in the corner of an attic/housetop [by yourself] than to live inside the house with a wife who is always nagging.
10 Duša opakoga želi zlo: u njega nema samilosti ni za bližnjega.
Wicked [people] [SYN] are always wanting [to do what is] evil; they never act mercifully toward anyone.
11 Kad se podsmjevač kazni, neiskusan postaje mudar, a mudri iz pouke crpe znanje.
When those who ridicule [others] are punished, [even] those who do not have good sense [see that, and] they become wise, and when those who are wise are taught, they become wiser.
12 Na kuću opakoga pazi Svepravedni i opake strovaljuje u nesreću.
[God], the one [who is completely] righteous, knows [what happens inside] the houses of wicked [people], and [he will cause] those people to be completely ruined/destroyed.
13 Tko zatvori uho svoje pred vikom siromaha, i sam će vikati, ali ga neće nitko uslišati.
There are people who refuse to listen when poor people cry out [for help]; [but some day] they themselves will cry out [for help], and no one will hear them.
14 Potajan dar utišava srdžbu, a poklon ispod ruke i žestoku jarost.
When someone is angry [with you], if you secretly give him a gift, he will stop being angry.
15 Sud pravičan radost je pravedniku a užas zločincima.
Good/Righteous [people] are happy when they [see others do] what is just/fair, but those who do what is evil are terrified [when they think about what may happen to them].
16 Čovjek koji skreće s puta razbora počivat će u zboru mrtvačkom.
Those who stop behaving like those who have good sense behave will [soon] discover that they have gone to the place where dead people are.
17 Tko ljubi veselje, postaje siromah, i tko ljubi vino i mirisno ulje, ne obogati se.
Those who spend their money to buy (things that give them pleasure/things that cause them to feel happy) will become poor; those who love [to spend money to buy] wine and nice/fancy food [MTY] will never become rich.
18 Opak čovjek otkup je za pravednika, i bezbožnik stupa na mjesto pravednog.
Wicked [people] bring on themselves the sufferings that they were trying to cause righteous [people] to experience [DOU].
19 Bolje je živjeti u pustinji nego sa ženom svadljivom i gnjevljivom.
It is better to live [alone] in a desert than [to live] with a wife who is [always] nagging and complaining.
20 Krasno je blago i ulje u stanu mudroga, a bezuman ih čovjek rasipa.
Wise people have many valuable things in their houses, but foolish people [quickly] spend/waste [all their money].
21 Tko teži za pravdom i dobrohotnošću, nalazi život i čast.
Those who [always] try to act in a fair and kind way [toward others] will live [a long time] and be honored/respected.
22 Mudrac nadvladava i grad pun ratnika i krši silu u koju su se uzdali.
A wise army commander [helps his troops] climb over a wall [to attack] a city that is defended by a strong army, with the result that they are able to (get over/destroy) the high walls that their enemies trusted [would protect them].
23 Tko čuva usta i jezik svoj, čuva sebe od nevolje.
Those who are very careful about what they say [MTY] are [able to] avoid trouble.
24 Drzovitom i oholici ime je “podsmjevač”; on sve radi s prekomjernom drskošću.
Those who make fun of [everything that is good] are proud and conceited [DOU]; they [always] act in an inconsiderate way [toward others].
25 Lijenčinu ubija želja njegova jer mu ruke bježe od posla.
Lazy people, who refuse to work, [will] die [of hunger] because they [SYN] do not earn [money to buy food].
26 Opak po cio dan živo želi, a pravednik daje i ne škrtari.
All during the day [wicked people] desire to obtain things, but righteous [people] have plenty, [with the result that] they [are able to] give things generously to others.
27 Mrska je žrtva opakih, osobito kad se požudno prinosi.
[Yahweh] detests the sacrifices that wicked [people] offer [to him]; [but he] detests it even more when they [think that they will escape being punished for] their evil deeds because of the sacrifices that they bring.
28 Lažljiv svjedok propada, a čovjek koji sluša, opet će govoriti.
Those who tell lies in court will be punished; no one stops/silences witnesses who say what is truthful/reliable.
29 Opaki pokazuju drsko lice, a poštenjak učvršćuje put svoj.
Wicked people pretend [that they know everything], but righteous people think carefully about [what will happen because of] what they do.
30 Nema mudrosti i nema razuma i nema savjeta protiv Jahve.
[Thinking that we are] wise, and that we understand many things, and that we have good insight, does not help us if Yahweh is (acting against/not pleased with) us.
31 Konj se oprema za dan boja, ali Jahve daje pobjedu.
We [can] get horses ready to fight in a battle, but Yahweh is the one who enables us to (win victories/defeat our enemies).

< Mudre Izreke 21 >