< Mudre Izreke 2 >

1 Sine moj, ako primiš moje riječi i pohraniš u sebi moje zapovijedi,
[My] son, if you will receive the utterance of my commandment, and hide it with you;
2 i uhom svojim osluhneš mudrost i obratiš svoje srce razboru;
your ear shall listen to wisdom; you shall also apply your heart to understanding, and shall apply it to the instruction of your son.
3 jest, ako prizoveš razum i zavapiš za razborom;
For it you shall call to wisdom, and utter your voice for understanding;
4 ako ga potražiš kao srebro i tragaš za njim kao za skrivenim blagom -
and if you shall seek it as silver, and search diligently for it as for treasures;
5 tada ćeš shvatiti strah Gospodnji i naći ćeš Božje znanje.
then shall you understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.
6 Jer Jahve daje mudrost, iz njegovih usta dolazi znanje i razboritost.
For the Lord gives wisdom; and from his presence [come] knowledge and understanding,
7 On pravednicima pruža svoju pomoć, štit je onih koji hode u bezazlenosti.
and he treasures up salvation for them that walk uprightly: he will protect their way;
8 Jer on štiti staze pravde i čuva pute svojih pobožnika.
that he may guard the righteous ways: and he will preserve the way of them that fear him.
9 Tada ćeš shvatiti pravdu, pravicu, pravednost i sve staze dobra,
Then shall you understand righteousness, and judgement; and shall direct all your course aright.
10 jer će mudrost ući u tvoje srce i spoznaja će obradovati tvoju dušu.
For if wisdom shall come into your understanding, and discernment shall seem pleasing to your soul,
11 Oprez će paziti na te i razboritost će te čuvati:
good counsel shall guard you, and holy understanding shall keep you;
12 da te izbavi od zla puta, od varava čovjeka,
to deliver you from the evil way, and from the man that speaks nothing faithfully.
13 od onih koji ostavljaju staze poštenja te idu mračnim putovima;
Alas [for those] who forsake right paths, to walk in ways of darkness;
14 koji se vesele čineći zlo i likuju u opačinama zloće;
who rejoice in evils, and delight in wicked perverseness;
15 kojih su staze krive i koji su opaki na svojim putovima;
whose paths are crooked, and their courses winding;
16 da te izbavi od preljubnice i od tuđinke koja laska riječima;
to remove you far from the straight way, and to estrange you from a righteous purpose. [My] son, let not evil counsel overtake you,
17 koja ostavlja prijatelja svoje mladosti i zaboravlja zavjet svoga Boga
[of her] who has forsaken the instruction of her youth, and forgotten the covenant of God.
18 jer joj kuća tone u smrt i njezini putovi vode mrtvima.
For she has fixed her house near death, and [guided] her wheels near Hades with the giants.
19 Tko god zalazi k njoj ne vraća se nikad i ne nalazi više putove života.
None that go by her shall return, neither shall they take hold of right paths, for they are not apprehended of the years of life.
20 Zato idi putem čestitih i drži se staza pravedničkih!
For had they gone in good paths, they would have found the paths of righteousness easy.
21 Jer samo će pravedni nastavati zemlju i bezazleni će ostati na njoj.
For the upright shall dwell in the earth, and the holy shall be left behind in it.
22 A opake će zbrisati sa zemlje i bogohulnike iščupati iz nje.
The paths of the ungodly shall perish out of the earth, and transgressors shall be driven away from it.

< Mudre Izreke 2 >