< Mudre Izreke 19 >

1 Bolji je siromah koji živi u nedužnosti nego čovjek opakih usana i k tomu bezuman.
Conducting our lives as we should [even though] we are poor is better than being foolish and telling lies.
2 Revnost bez razboritosti nije dobra, i tko brzo hoda, spotiče se.
Being enthusiastic but not thinking carefully [about what we are about to do] is not good; doing things hastily can cause us a lot of trouble [IDM].
3 Ludost čovjeku kvari život, a srce mu se ljuti na Jahvu!
Some people are ruined as a result of their [own] foolish actions, and when that happens, they [SYN] angrily say that it is Yahweh’s fault.
4 Bogatstvo pribavlja mnoge prijatelje, a siromaha i njegov prijatelj ostavlja.
Those who are rich easily find people who want to be their friends, but when [people become] poor, their friends [often] desert them.
5 Lažljiv svjekok ne ostaje bez kazne, i tko širi laži, neće uteći.
Those who tell lies in court will surely be punished [LIT]; they will not escape it.
6 Mnogi laskaju licu odličnikovu i svatko je prijatelj čovjeku darežljivu.
Many [people] try to persuade important people to do favors for them; everyone [wants to] be a friend of those who give gifts.
7 Na siromaha mrze sva braća njegova, još više se udaljuju od njega prijatelji njegovi: on hlepi za dobrim riječima, ali ih ne nalazi!
[Even] the relatives of someone who becomes poor hate him, and his friends certainly stay away from him, too; [even] if he tries to talk with them, they will not be his friends [again].
8 Tko stječe razboritost, ljubi sebe, a tko čuva razum, nalazi sreću.
Those who become wise [IDM] are doing a favor for themselves; those who get good sense will prosper.
9 Lažljiv svjedok ne ostaje bez kazne, i tko širi laži, propada.
Those who tell lies in court will certainly be punished [LIT]; they will be ruined.
10 Ne dolikuje bezumnomu živjeti raskošno, a još manje sluzi vlast nad knezovima.
It is not appropriate for foolish people to live (luxuriously/like rich people), and it is even less appropriate for slaves to rule important officials.
11 Um čovjeka usteže od srdžbe, a čast mu je oprostiti krivicu.
Those who have good sense do not quickly become angry; people respect those who ignore offensive [things that people say to them].
12 Kraljev je gnjev kao rika lavlja, a njegova milost kao rosa bilju.
When a king is angry, [that causes people to be afraid of him], like the roar of a lion [causes people to be afraid] [SIM], but if he acts kindly toward people, [they like it just] like [they like] dew on the grass [in the morning].
13 Nesreća je ocu svojemu bezuman sin, i neprestano prokišnjavanje svađe su ženine.
Foolish children [can] cause disasters to happen to their parents. A wife who constantly (nags/quarrels with) [her husband is as annoying as] water that continually drips [MET].
14 Kuća se i bogatstvo baštine od otaca, a od Jahve je žena razumna.
We [can] inherit a house or money from our parents [when they die], but only Yahweh [can] give someone a sensible wife.
15 Lijenost navlači čovjeku dubok san i nemarna duša gladuje.
Those who are lazy sleep soundly, but if they are lazy, they will be hungry [because of not earning money to buy food].
16 Tko se drži zapovijedi, čuva život svoj, a tko ne pazi putove svoje, umire.
Those who obey [God’s] commandments will remain alive [for a long time]; those who despise/disobey them (OR, those who do not control their own conduct) will die [while they are still young].
17 Jahvi pozaima tko je siromahu milostiv, i on će mu platiti dobročinstvo.
When we give things to poor [people], [it is as though] we are lending to Yahweh, and he will (pay us back/reward us for what we did).
18 Kažnjavaj sina svoga dok ima nade, ali ne idi za tim da ga ubiješ.
Discipline your children while [they are young], while you still hope that [they will learn to behave as they should]; [if you do not discipline them], you are helping them to destroy [themselves].
19 Tko je jarostan, plaća globu, i kad ga štediš, samo uvećavaš njegov gnjev.
Those who (do not control their temper/quickly become very angry) will have to endure what happens as a result; [but] if we rescue them [from those troubles once], we will have to continue rescuing them.
20 Slušaj savjet i primaj pouku, kako bi naposljetku postao mudar.
Pay attention when [people give you good] advice and learn from them, in order that you will become wise for the rest of your life.
21 Mnogo je namisli u srcu čovječjem, ali što Jahve naumi, to i bude.
People plan to do many [kinds of things], but what will happen is what Yahweh has decided will happen.
22 Dražest je čovjekova u dobroti njegovoj, i bolji je siromah od lažljivca.
People want others to be loyal to them; it is better to be poor than to tell a lie [to a judge in court in order to get money].
23 Strah Gospodnji daje život, i tko se njime ispuni, zlo ga ne pohodi.
[Those who have] an awesome respect for Yahweh will live [a long life]; they rest peacefully and are not harmed [during the night].
24 Lijenčina umače ruku u zdjelu, ali je ustima svojim ne prinosi.
Some people are extremely lazy; they put their hand in a dish [to take some food] but do not even lift the food up to their mouths.
25 Udari podsmjehivača, i lud se opameti; ukori razumnog, i shvatit će znanje.
If you punish someone who makes fun of those who are wise, those who (are naive/need to be instructed) will learn to do what is smart; if you rebuke those who are wise, they will [listen to what you say and] become wiser.
26 Sin je sramotan i pokvaren tko zlostavlja oca i odgoni majku.
Anyone who mistreats/abuses his father or forces his mother to leave the home is a child who is acting shamefully and disgracefully.
27 Prestani, sine moj, slušati naputke koji odvode od riječi spoznaje!
My son, if you stop learning things, you will [soon] forget what [you already] know.
28 Nevaljao se svjedok podruguje pravdi i usta opakih gutaju nepravdu.
Worthless witnesses [in court] make fun of [judges who try to] make fair decisions, and wicked people [enjoy] doing evil [like] they enjoy eating [good food] [MET].
29 Pripravljene su kazne podsmjevačima i udarci za leđa bezumnika.
[God] is ready to punish those who make fun [of him/religion]; those who do foolish things deserve to be flogged/whipped.

< Mudre Izreke 19 >