< Mudre Izreke 18 >

1 Vlastitoj požudi popušta onaj tko zastranjuje, i svađa se usprkos svakom razboru.
Those who separate themselves [from other people] think [only] about those things that they are interested in; [if they would continually associate with] those who have good judgment/sense, they would constantly disagree/quarrel with them.
2 Bezumnomu nije mio razum; stalo mu je dati srcu oduška.
Foolish people do not want to understand [anything]; they only want to (express their [own] opinions/say what they think) [IDM].
3 Kad dolazi opačina, dolazi i prezir i bruka sa sramotom.
Whenever people do wicked things, others will despise them; when people do things that cause themselves to no [longer] be honored, they will be disgraced [also].
4 Duboke su vode riječi iz usta nečijih, izvor mudrosti bujica što se razlijeva.
What wise people say is [like] a deep ocean [that you can never get to the bottom of] [MET], and it [refreshes us like water from] a rapidly flowing stream.
5 Ne valja se obazirati na opaku osobu, da se pravedniku nanese nepravda na sudu.
It is not good [for a judge] to decide matters in favor of those who (are guilty/have done wicked things) and to not do what is just for those who (are innocent/have not done what is wrong).
6 Bezumnikove se usne upuštaju u svađu i njegova usta izazivlju udarce.
When foolish people [SYN] start arguments, [it is as though] they [SYN] are requesting/inviting someone to flog/whip them.
7 Bezumnomu su propast vlastita usta i usne su mu zamka životu.
What foolish people [MTY] say causes them to be ruined; their [own] words are [like] a trap [MET] [that catches/seizes] them.
8 Klevetnikove su riječi kao poslastice: spuštaju se u dno utrobe.
[People enjoy listening to] what gossips say like [SIM] [they enjoy] tasty food; they [accept what gossips tell them like] [MET] they swallow tasty food.
9 Tko je nemaran u svom poslu, brat je onomu koji rasipa.
People who are lazy while they work are [just as bad] as [IDM] those who destroy things.
10 Tvrda je kula ime Jahvino: njemu se pravednik utječe i nalazi utočišta.
Yahweh [MTY] is [like] a strong tower [MET]; righteous people [can] go to him and be safe [like they can run to a tower to be safe].
11 Bogatstvo je bogatašu njegova tvrđava i kao visok zid u mašti njegovoj.
Rich people [are protected because they have] a lot of money [PRS] like a city is protected because it has a high wall surrounding it [SIM].
12 Pred slomom se oholi srce čovječje, a pred slavom ide poniznost.
Proud people are on the road to being ruined, but being humble leads to being honored.
13 Tko odgovara prije nego što sasluša, na ludost mu je i sramotu.
Those who reply to someone before that person has finished speaking are foolish; doing that is disgraceful.
14 Kad je čovjek bolestan, njegov ga duh podiže, a ubijen duh tko će podići?
A desire to [continue to] live can sustain someone when he is sick; if he loses that desire, he (cannot endure it/will become very discouraged) when he is sick [RHQ].
15 Razumno srce stječe znanje i uho mudrih traži znanje.
Intelligent people [are always wanting to] learn more; wise people [SYN] are not content with what they already know.
16 Dar čovjeku otvara put i vodi ga pred velikaše.
If you take a gift to an important person, that will open the way to allow you to talk to him.
17 Prvi je pravedan u svojoj parnici, a kad dođe njegov protivnik, opovrgne ga.
The first person to present his case in court seems right, but when (someone else/his opponent) begins to ask him questions, [it may become clear that what he said was not true].
18 Ždrijeb poravna svađe, pa i među moćnicima odlučuje.
If two influential/important people are arguing, [someone can] settle the matter by (casting lots/throwing marked stones to decide who is right).
19 Uvrijeđen brat jači je od tvrda grada i svađe su kao prijevornice na tvrđavi.
If you help relatives, they will [protect you] like [SIM] a strong wall [protects a city], but if you quarrel with them, [that will separate you from them] like bars on a city gate [separate the city from those who want to enter it] [MET].
20 Svatko siti trbuh plodom usta svojih, nasićuje se rodom usana svojih.
People are happy when they hear others say [MTY] something that is good, [like] they are happy when they eat food that is good [MET].
21 Smrt i život u vlasti su jeziku, a tko ga miluje, jede od ploda njegova.
What you say can cause others to be killed or it can cause them to [continue to] live; [so] those who like [to talk a lot] must (accept the consequences/realize that what they say can cause much harm).
22 Tko je našao ženu, našao je sreću i stekao milost od Jahve.
If you marry a [good] woman, that is [like] finding a wonderful thing; [it shows that] Yahweh is pleased with you.
23 Ponizno moleći govori siromah, a grubo odgovara bogataš.
[It is necessary for] poor [people] to speak politely when they request [rich people to do something for them], but rich [people] reply very impolitely when poor people speak to them.
24 Ima prijatelja koji vode u propast, a ima i prijatelja privrženijih od brata.
There are [some] people who [only] pretend to be friends [with us], but there are [some] friends who are more loyal than members of our families.

< Mudre Izreke 18 >