< Mudre Izreke 18 >
1 Vlastitoj požudi popušta onaj tko zastranjuje, i svađa se usprkos svakom razboru.
A man who wishes to separate from friends seeks excuses; but at all times he will be liable to reproach.
2 Bezumnomu nije mio razum; stalo mu je dati srcu oduška.
A senseless man feels no need of wisdom, for he is rather led by folly.
3 Kad dolazi opačina, dolazi i prezir i bruka sa sramotom.
When an ungodly man comes into a depth of evils, he despises [them]; but dishonor and reproach come upon him.
4 Duboke su vode riječi iz usta nečijih, izvor mudrosti bujica što se razlijeva.
A word in the heart of a man is a deep water, and a river and fountain of life spring forth.
5 Ne valja se obazirati na opaku osobu, da se pravedniku nanese nepravda na sudu.
[It is] not good to accept the person of the ungodly, nor [is it] holy to pervert justice in judgment.
6 Bezumnikove se usne upuštaju u svađu i njegova usta izazivlju udarce.
The lips of a fool bring [him] into troubles, and his bold mouth calls for death.
7 Bezumnomu su propast vlastita usta i usne su mu zamka životu.
A fool's mouth is ruin to him, and his lips are a snare to his soul.
8 Klevetnikove su riječi kao poslastice: spuštaju se u dno utrobe.
Fear casts down the slothful; and the souls of the effeminate shall hunger.
9 Tko je nemaran u svom poslu, brat je onomu koji rasipa.
A man who helps not himself by his labor is brother of him that ruins himself.
10 Tvrda je kula ime Jahvino: njemu se pravednik utječe i nalazi utočišta.
The name of the Lord is of great strength; and the righteous running to it are exalted.
11 Bogatstvo je bogatašu njegova tvrđava i kao visok zid u mašti njegovoj.
The wealth of a rich man is a strong city; and its glory casts a broad shadow.
12 Pred slomom se oholi srce čovječje, a pred slavom ide poniznost.
Before ruin a man's heart is exalted, and before honor it is humble.
13 Tko odgovara prije nego što sasluša, na ludost mu je i sramotu.
Whoso answers a word before he hears [a cause], it is folly and reproach to him.
14 Kad je čovjek bolestan, njegov ga duh podiže, a ubijen duh tko će podići?
A wise servant calms a man's anger; but who can endure a faint-hearted man?
15 Razumno srce stječe znanje i uho mudrih traži znanje.
The heart of the sensible [man] purchases discretion; and the ears of the wise seek understanding.
16 Dar čovjeku otvara put i vodi ga pred velikaše.
A man's gift enlarges him, and seats him among princes.
17 Prvi je pravedan u svojoj parnici, a kad dođe njegov protivnik, opovrgne ga.
A righteous man accuses himself at the beginning of his speech, but when he has entered upon the attack, the adversary is reproved.
18 Ždrijeb poravna svađe, pa i među moćnicima odlučuje.
A silent [man] quells strifes, and determines between great powers.
19 Uvrijeđen brat jači je od tvrda grada i svađe su kao prijevornice na tvrđavi.
A brother helped by a brother is as a strong and high city; and is [as] strong as a [well]-founded palace.
20 Svatko siti trbuh plodom usta svojih, nasićuje se rodom usana svojih.
A man fills his belly with the fruits of his mouth; and he shall be satisfied with the fruits of his lips.
21 Smrt i život u vlasti su jeziku, a tko ga miluje, jede od ploda njegova.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue; and they that rule it shall eat the fruits thereof.
22 Tko je našao ženu, našao je sreću i stekao milost od Jahve.
He that has found a good wife has found favours, and has received gladness from God. [He that puts away a good wife, puts away a good thing, and he that keeps an adulteress is foolish and ungodly.]
23 Ponizno moleći govori siromah, a grubo odgovara bogataš.
24 Ima prijatelja koji vode u propast, a ima i prijatelja privrženijih od brata.