< Mudre Izreke 13 >

1 Mudar sin sluša naputak očev, a podsmjevač ne sluša ukora.
A wise son is obedient to his father: but a disobedient son will be destroyed.
2 Od ploda usta svojih uživa čovjek sreću, a srce je nevjernika puno nasilja.
A good [man] shall eat of the fruits of righteousness: but the lives of transgressors shall perish before their time.
3 Tko čuva usta svoja, čuva život svoj, a tko nesmotreno zbori, o glavu mu je.
He that keeps his own mouth keeps his own life: but he that is hasty with his lips shall bring terror upon himself.
4 Uzaludna je žudnja lijenčine, a ispunit će se želja marljivih.
Every slothful man desires, but the hands of the active are diligent.
5 Pravednik mrzi na lažljivu riječ, a opaki goji mržnju i sramotu.
A righteous man hates an unjust word: but an ungodly man is ashamed, and will have no confidence.
6 Pravda čuva pobožna, a opake grijeh obara.
7 Netko se gradi bogatim, a ništa nema, netko se gradi siromašnim, a ima veliko bogatstvo.
There are [some] who, having nothing, enrich themselves: and there are [some] who bring themselves down in [the midst of] much wealth.
8 Otkup života bogatstvo je čovjeku; a siromah ne sluša opomene.
A man's own wealth is the ransom of his life: but the poor endures not threatening.
9 Svjetlost pravednička blistavo sja, a svjetiljka opakih gasi se.
The righteous always have light: but the light of the ungodly is quenched. Crafty souls go astray in sins: but just men pity, and are merciful.
10 Oholost rađa samo svađu, a mudrost je u onih koji primaju savjet.
A bad man does evil with insolence: but they that are judges of themselves are wise.
11 Naglo stečeno bogatstvo iščezava, a tko sabire pomalo, biva bogat.
Wealth gotten hastily with iniquity is diminished: but he that gathers for himself with godliness shall be increased. The righteous is merciful, and lends.
12 Predugo očekivanje ubija srce, a ispunjena želja drvo je života.
Better is he that begins to help heartily, than he that promises and leads [another] to hope: for a good desire is a tree of life.
13 Tko riječ prezire, taj propada, a tko poštiva zapovijedi, plaću dobiva.
He that slights a matter shall be slighted of it: but he that fears the commandment has health [of soul]. To a crafty son there shall be nothing good: but a wise servant shall have prosperous doings, and his way shall be directed aright.
14 Pouka mudračeva izvor je životni, ona izbavlja od zamke smrti.
The law of the wise is fountain of life: but the man void of understanding shall die by a snare.
15 Uvid u dobro pribavlja milost, a put bezbožnika hrapav je.
Sound discretion gives favour, and to know the law is the part of a sound understanding: but the ways of scorners tend to destruction.
16 Svatko pametan djeluje promišljeno, a bezumnik se hvališe svojom ludošću.
Every prudent man acts with knowledge: but the fool displays his own mischief.
17 Zao glasnik zapada u zlo, a vjeran poslanik donosi spasenje.
A rash king shall fall into mischief: but a wise messenger shall deliver him.
18 Siromaštvo i sramota onomu tko odbija pouku, a tko ukor prima, doći će do časti.
Instruction removes poverty and disgrace: but he that attends to reproofs shall be honoured.
19 Slatka je duši ispunjena želja, a bezumnicima je mrsko kloniti se oda zla.
The desires of the godly gladden the soul, but the works of the ungodly are far from knowledge.
20 Druži se s mudrima, i postat ćeš mudar, a tko se drži bezumnika, postaje opak.
If you walk with wise men you shall be wise: but he that walks with fools shall be known.
21 Grešnika progoni zlo, a dobro je nagrada pravednima.
Evil shall pursue sinners; but good shall overtake the righteous.
22 Valjan čovjek ostavlja baštinu unucima, a bogatstvo se grešnikovo čuva pravedniku.
A good man shall inherit children's children; and the wealth of ungodly men is laid up for the just.
23 Izobilje je hrane na krčevini siromaškoj, a ima i tko propada s nepravde.
The righteous shall spend many years in wealth: but the unrighteous shall perish suddenly.
24 Tko štedi šibu, mrzi na sina svog, a tko ga ljubi, na vrijeme ga opominje.
He that spares the rod hates his son: but he that loves, carefully chastens [him].
25 Pravednik ima jela do sitosti, a trbuh opakih poznaje oskudicu.
A just [man] eats and satisfies his soul: but the souls of the ungodly are in lack.

< Mudre Izreke 13 >