< Mudre Izreke 1 >

1 Mudre izreke Salomona, sina Davidova, kralja izraelskog:
The Proverbs of Solomon son of David, who reigned in Israel;
2 da se spozna mudrost i pouka, da se shvate razumne riječi;
to know wisdom and instruction, and to perceive words of understanding;
3 da se primi umna pouka, pravda i pravica i nepristranost;
to receive also hard saying, and to understand true justice, and [how] to direct judgement;
4 da se dade pamet neiskusnima, mladiću znanje i umijeće;
that he might give subtlety to the simple, and to the young man discernment and understanding.
5 kad mudar čuje, da umnoži znanje, a razuman steče mudrije misli;
For by the hearing of these a wise man will be wiser, and man of understanding will gain direction;
6 da razumije izreke i prispodobe, riječi mudraca i njihove zagonetke.
and will understand a parable, and a dark speech; the saying of the wise also, and riddles.
7 Strah je Gospodnji početak spoznaje, ali ludi preziru mudrost i pouku.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and [there is] good understanding to all that practise it: and piety towards God is the beginning of discernment; but the ungodly will set at nothing wisdom and instruction.
8 Poslušaj, sine moj, pouku oca svoga i ne odbacuj naputka svoje majke!
Hear, [my] son, the instruction of your father, and reject not the rules of your mother.
9 Jer će ti biti ljupki vijenac na glavi i ogrlica oko tvoga vrata.
For you shall receive for your head a crown of graces, and a chain of gold round your neck.
10 Sine moj, ako te grešnici mame, ne pristaj;
[My] son, let not ungodly men lead you astray, neither consent you [to them].
11 ako bi rekli: “Hodi s nama, da vrebamo krv, čekamo u zasjedi nevina ni za što;
If they should exhort you, saying, Come with us, partake in blood, and let us unjustly hide the just man in the earth:
12 da ih progutamo žive kao carstvo smrti i cijele kao one koji silaze u grob; (Sheol h7585)
and let us swallow him alive, as Hades [would], and remove the memorial of him from the earth: (Sheol h7585)
13 naplijenit ćemo svakojaka blaga, napuniti svoje kuće plijenom;
let us seize on his valuable property, and let us fill our houses with spoils:
14 bacat ćeš s nama svoj ždrijeb, svi ćemo zajedno imati jednu kesu.”
but do you cast in your lot with us, and let us all provide a common purse, and let us have one pouch:
15 Sine moj, ne idi s njima na put, makni nogu od njihove staze.
go not in the way with them, but turn aside your foot from their paths:
16 Jer na zlo trče svojim nogama i hite prolijevati krv.
[For their feet run to do evil, and are swift to shed blood. ]
17 Jer uzalud je razapinjati mrežu pred očima svima pticama.
for nets are not without cause spread for birds.
18 A oni vrebaju vlastitu krv, postavljaju zasjedu svojemu životu.
For they that are concerned in murder store up evils for themselves; and the overthrow of transgressors is evil.
19 Takva je sudba svih lakomih na ružan dobitak: on ih života stane.
These are the ways of all that perform lawless deeds; for by ungodliness they destroy their own life.
20 Mudrost glasno uzvikuje na ulici, na trgovima diže svoj glas;
Wisdom sings aloud in passages, and in the broad places speaks boldly.
21 propovijeda po bučnim uglovima, na otvorenim gradskim vratima govori svoje riječi:
And she makes proclamation on the top of the walls, and sits by the gates of princes; and at the gates of the city boldly says,
22 “Dokle ćete, vi glupi, ljubiti glupost i dokle će podsmjevačima biti milo podsmijevanje, i dokle će bezumnici mrziti znanje?
So long as the simple cleave to justice, they shall not be ashamed: but the foolish being lovers of haughtiness, having become ungodly have hated knowledge, and are become subject to reproofs.
23 Poslušajte moju opomenu! Gle, svoj duh pred vas izlijevam, hoću vas poučiti svojim riječima.
Behold, I will bring forth to you the utterance of my breath, and I will instruct you in my speech.
24 Koliko sam vas zvala, a vi ste odbijali; pružala sam ruku, ali je nitko ne opazi.
Since I called, and you did not listen; and I spoke at length, and you gave no heed;
25 Nego ste odbacili svaki moj savjet i niste poslušali moje opomene;
but you set at nothing my counsels, and disregarded my reproofs;
26 zato ću se i ja smijati vašoj propasti, rugat ću se kad vas obuzme tjeskoba:
therefore I also will laugh at your destruction; and I will rejoice against [you] when ruin comes upon you:
27 kad navali na vas strah kao nevrijeme i zgrabi vas propast kao vihor, kad navali na vas nevolja i muka.
yes when dismay suddenly comes upon you, and [your] overthrow shall arrive like a tempest; and when tribulation and distress shall come upon you, or when ruin shall come upon you.
28 Tada će me zvati, ali se ja neću odazvati; tražit će me, ali me neće naći.
For it shall be that when you call upon me, I will not listen to you: wicked men shall seek me, but shall not find [me].
29 Jer su mrzili spoznaju i nisu izabrali Gospodnjeg straha
For they hated wisdom, and did not choose the word of the Lord:
30 niti su poslušali moj savjet, nego su prezreli svaku moju opomenu.
neither would they attend to my counsels, but derided my reproofs.
31 Zato će jesti plod svojeg vladanja i nasititi se vlastitih savjeta.
Therefore shall they eat the fruits of their own way, and shall be filled with their own ungodliness.
32 Jer glupe će ubiti njihovo odbijanje, a nemar će upropastiti bezumne.
For because they wronged the simple, they shall be slain; and an inquisition shall ruin the ungodly.
33 A tko sluša mene, bezbrižan ostaje i spokojno živi bez straha od zla.”
But he that hearkens to me shall dwell in confidence, and shall rest securely from all evil.

< Mudre Izreke 1 >