< Brojevi 4 >

1 Jahve reče Mojsiju i Aronu:
Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
2 “Izdvojite između sinova Levijevih glavare Kehatovih sinova po rodovima i porodicama njihovim:
“Write down the names of the men who belong to the clans descended from Levi.
3 od trideset godina naviše, sve do pedeset godina - sve koji mogu ući u red da vrše službe u Šatoru sastanka.
Write the names of the men who are between 30 and 50 years old. These will be men who will work at the Sacred Tent.
4 A služba je Kehatovih sinova u Šatoru sastanka: briga za svetinje nad svetinjama.
“The work of these descendants of Kohath will be [to take care of] the sacred items [that are used when the people worship] at the Sacred Tent.
5 Kad se tabor diže na put, neka uđu Aron i njegovi sinovi te skinu zaštitnu zavjesu i njom pokriju Kovčeg svjedočanstva.
When you Israelis move to another location, Aaron and his sons must enter the tent to take down the curtain that separates the Very Holy Place from the other part of the Sacred Tent. They must cover the sacred chest with that curtain.
6 Neka onda na nj stave pokrivalo od fine kože, a po njemu neka razastru platno, potpuno ljubičasto. Potom neka Kovčegu namjeste motke.
Then they must cover that with a nice covering made from the skins of goats. Over that they must spread a blue cloth. Then they must insert into the rings on the chest the poles [for carrying it].
7 Po stolu prinošenja neka prostru ljubičasto platno. Onda neka na nj stave zdjele, žlice, krčage i vrčeve za ljevanice. Kruh neprekidnog prinošenja neka također bude na njemu.
“Then they must put a blue cloth over the table on which the priests put the sacred bread. On top of the cloth they must put the bowls [for incense], the pans, the other dishes, the jars for [the wine that will be] offered as a sacrifice, and the sacred bread.
8 To neka prekriju tamnocrvenim platnom, a preko njega neka prebace pokrivalo od fine kože. Potom neka stolu namjeste motke.
Over all of this they must spread a scarlet/red cloth. Finally, they must put on top a nice covering made from the skins of goats. Then they must insert into the [rings at the corners of] the tables the poles [for carrying it].
9 Neka zatim uzmu ljubičasto platno i pokriju svijećnjak za svjetlo i njegove svjetiljke, njegove usekače, njegove lugare i sve posude za ulje kojima se ono poslužuje.
“Then with another blue cloth they must cover the lampstand, the lamps, the lamp snuffers, the trays, and the special jars of [olive] oil [to burn in the lamps].
10 Neka ga stave sa svim njegovim priborom na pokrivalo od fine kože pa polože na nosiljku.
They must cover the lampstand and all the other items with a nice covering made from the skins of goats. They must place all these things on a frame for carrying them.
11 Po zlatnom žrtveniku neka razastru ljubičasto platno i prekriju ga pokrivalom od fine kože. Potom neka mu namjeste motke.
“Then they must spread another blue cloth over the gold altar [which is used for burning] incense. Over this they must spread a nice covering made from the skins of goats. Then they must insert into [the rings of] that altar the poles for carrying it.
12 Neka sad uzmu sav pribor što se upotrebljava za službu u Svetištu pa ga stave na ljubičasto platno i onda prekriju pokrivačem od fine kože. Zatim neka sve to polože na nosiljku.
“They must take all the other items that are inside the Sacred Tent and wrap them in a blue cloth, cover that with a nice covering made from the skins of goats, and place all that on a frame for carrying it.
13 Neka pometu pepeo sa žrtvenika i po njemu razastru crveno platno.
“Then they must remove the ashes from the altar [on which they have burned sacrifices]. Then they must cover the altar with a purple cloth.
14 Na nj neka postave sav pribor što se upotrebljava za službu: kadionike, viljuške, lopatice i zdjele - sve posuđe za žrtvenik. Po njemu onda neka razastru pokrivalo od fine kože. Zatim neka namjeste motke.
Then they must spread on top of the cloth all the items used at the altar—the pans [for carrying the hot coals], the meat forks, the shovels, the bowls [for containing the blood to sprinkle on the people], and all the other containers. Then they must spread over all those things a nice covering made from the skins of goats. Then they must insert into [the rings at the sides of] the altar the poles [for carrying it].
15 Pošto Aron i njegovi sinovi završe pokrivanje Svetišta i svega svetog posuđa, u času kad imadne tabor krenuti na put, neka dođu potomci Kehatovi da to ponesu. No svetih se predmeta ne smiju doticati da ne poginu. To je dužnost Kehatovih potomaka u Šatoru sastanka.
“Then Aaron and his sons have finished covering all these sacred things, the Israeli people will be ready to move [to a new location]. The descendants of Kohath must come and carry all the sacred things to [the next place] where you Israelis will set up your tents. But the descendants of Kohath must not touch any of these sacred items, because they will [immediately] die [if they touch them]. They are the ones who will carry these things, [but they must not touch them].
16 A Eleazar, sin svećenika Arona, neka se brine za ulje svijećnjaka, za mirisni kad, za trajnu prinosnicu i za ulje pomazanja; neka se brine za sve Prebivalište, za sve što je u njemu - za Svetište i njegovo posuđe.”
“Aaron’s son Eleazar will have the work of taking care of the [olive] oil for the lamps, the nice-smelling incense, the grain which will be burned on the altar each day, and the [olive] oil for anointing [the priests]. Eleazar is the one who will supervise the work that is done at the Sacred Tent and the men who take care of everything that is in it.”
17 Jahve reče Mojsiju i Aronu:
“Then Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses/me,
18 “Ne dopustite da nestane pleme rodova Kehatovih između levita.
“When the descendants of Kohath approach the sacred items in the Sacred Tent [to take them to another location], Aaron and his sons must always go in with them and show each of them what work to do and what things to carry. But the descendants of Kohath must not enter the Sacred Tent [at any other time] and look at the things that are in it. If they do that, I will get rid of all the descendants of Kohath.”
19 Ovako postupajte s njima, da žive i ne izginu primičući se najvećim svetinjama: neka dođu Aron i njegovi sinovi da postave svakoga od njih na njegovu službu i uz njegovu dužnost.
20 Oni neka ne ulaze ni da začas pogledaju Svetište da ne bi poginuli.”
21 Jahve reče Mojsiju:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
22 “Popiši i Geršonove sinove po njihovim porodicama i njihovim rodovima, od trideset godina naviše, sve do pedesete godine;
“Write down the names of all the men who belong to the clans descended from the Gershon [division of the descendants of Levi].
23 popiši ih sve koji mogu ići u red da vrše službu u Šatoru sastanka.
Write the names of the men who are between 30 and 50 years old. They will be men who will also work at the Sacred Tent.
24 A ovo je služba rodova Geršonovaca pri radu i prenošenju:
“This is the work that they must do and the things that they must carry [when you move to a new location]:
25 neka nose zavjese Prebivališta, Šator sastanka s njegovim krovom, pokrivalo od fine kože što je povrh njega, i zavjesu na ulazu u Šator sastanka;
They must carry the curtains of the Sacred Tent; they must carry the Sacred Tent and all the things that cover it, including the nice outer covering made from skins of goats, and the curtain which is at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
26 onda, dvorišne zavjese, zavjesu s vrata na ulazu u predvorje što opkoljuje Prebivalište i žrtvenik, konopce i sav pribor za njihovu službu; što god treba oko tih stvari raditi, neka učine.
They must also carry the curtains that form the wall that surrounds the courtyard that surrounds the Sacred Tent and the altar, the curtain that is at the entrance to the courtyard, and the ropes [that fasten the curtains]. They must also do the packing and loading of these things.
27 Neka Geršonovci obavljaju sve svoje dužnosti - sve što imaju nositi i sve što imaju raditi - po nalogu Arona i njegovih sinova. Njihovoj brizi povjerite sve što treba da nose.
Aaron and his sons will supervise the work of all the descendants of Gershom. That work includes carrying those things and doing other work that is necessary for moving them. They must tell each of the descendants of Gershom what things they must carry.
28 To je služba rodova Geršonovaca u Šatoru sastanka. Njihova služba neka bude pod vodstvom Itamara, sina svećenika Arona.”
Those are the tasks that you must give to the men who belong to the clans descended from Gershom. Aaron’s son Ithamar is the one who will supervise their work.
29 “Sinove Merarijeve popiši po rodovima i porodicama njihovim.
Count also the men who belong to the clans descended from Levi’s son Merari.
30 Popiši ih od trideset godina naviše, sve do pedeset godina, koji mogu ući u red da vrše službu u Šatoru sastanka.
Write the names of the men who are between 30 and 50 years old. They will be men who will also work at the Sacred Tent.
31 Za sve njihove službe u Šatoru sastanka dužnost im je da nose trenice za Prebivalište, njegove priječnice, njegove stupce i njegova podnožja;
Their work will be to carry the frames that hold up the tent, the crossbars, the posts [that hold up the curtains], and the bases.
32 stupce što okružuju predvorje, njihova podnožja, njihove kočiće, njihove konopce, sa svim priborom za njihovu službu. Poimenično popišite predmete što su im povjereni da ih nose.
They must also carry the posts for [the curtains that form the walls of] the courtyard and the bases for the posts, the tent pegs, and the ropes [to fasten the curtains]. Tell each man what things he must carry.
33 To je služba rodova Merarijevaca u svemu što imaju činiti u Šatoru sastanka pod vodstvom Itamara, sina svećenika Arona.”
Those are the tasks that the descendants of Merari must do at the Sacred Tent. Aaron’s son Ithamar is the one who will supervise them.”
34 Mojsije, Aron i glavari zajednice popisali su Kehatove sinove po njihovim rodovima i porodicama -
So Aaron and Moses/I and the Israeli leaders counted the descendants of Kohath, writing also the names of their clans and family groups.
35 sve koji mogu ući u red da vrše službu u Šatoru sastanka, od trideset godina naviše, sve do pedeset godina.
They/We counted all the men who were between 30 and 50 years old who were able to work at the Sacred Tent.
36 I popisanih po njihovim rodovima bijaše dvije tisuće sedam stotina i pedeset.
The total was 2,750 men.
37 To je popis rodova Kehatovaca, svih koji su služili u Šatoru sastanka, a koje popisa Mojsije i Aron na zapovijed što je Jahve dade Mojsiju.
They were the descendants of Kohath who [were able to] work at the Sacred Tent. Aaron and Moses/I counted them just as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
38 Popisanih sinova Geršonovih po njihovim rodovima i porodicama,
They/We also counted the descendants of Gershon, writing also the names of their clans and family groups.
39 od trideset godina naviše, sve do pedeset godina, svih koji mogu ući u red da vrše službu u Šatoru sastanka -
They/We counted all the men who were between 30 and 50 years old who were able to work at the Sacred Tent.
40 popisanih, dakle, po njihovim rodovima i porodicama bijaše dvije tisuće šest stotina i pedeset.
The total was 2,630 men.
41 To je popis rodova Geršonovaca, svih koji su služili u Šatoru sastanka, a koje popisa Mojsije i Aron na Jahvinu zapovijed.
They were the descendants of Gershon who [were able to] work at the Sacred Tent. Aaron and Moses/I counted them as Yahweh had commanded.
42 Popis rodova Merarijevih sinova po njihovim rodovima i porodicama,
They/We also counted the descendants of Merari, writing also the names of their clans and family groups.
43 od trideset godina naviše, sve do pedeset godina, svih koji mogu ući u red da vrše službu u Šatoru sastanka -
They/We counted all the men who were between 30 and 50 years old who were able to work at the Sacred Tent.
44 popisanih, dakle, po njihovim rodovima bijaše tri tisuće dvjesta.
The total was 3,200 men.
45 To je popis Merarijevaca što su ga sastavili Mojsije i Aron na zapovijed koju je Jahve dao Mojsiju.
They were the descendants of Merari who [were able to] work. Aaron and Moses/I counted them as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
46 Svih, dakle, popisanih levita koje su popisali Mojsije, Aron i glavari izraelski po njihovim rodovima i porodicama, od trideset godina naviše do pedeset godina -
So Aaron and Moses/I and the Israeli leaders counted all the descendants of Levi, writing also the names of their clans and family groups.
47 svih koji su ušli u službu posluživanja i službu prenošenja u Šatoru sastanka -
They/We counted all the men who were between 30 and 50 years old. They were ones who [were able to] work at the Sacred Tent and who carried the tent and everything that was connected with it.
48 bilo je osam tisuća pet stotina i osamdeset.
The total was 8,580 men.
49 Na zapovijed koju je Jahve dao Mojsiju svakoga su unijeli u popis prema onom u čemu je služio i što je prenosio. Popisali su ih kako je Jahve zapovjedio Mojsiju.
They/We completed the counting [of all the descendants of Levi], as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me. And they/we told each man what work he was to do and what things he must carry [when they moved to a new location].

< Brojevi 4 >