< Brojevi 35 >

1 Reče Jahve Mojsiju na Moapskim poljanama kod Jordana, nasuprot Jerihonu:
And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, [near] Jericho, saying,
2 “Naredi Izraelcima da ustupe levitima od baštine koju posjeduju gradove gdje će stanovati i pašnjake oko gradova. To dajte levitima.
'Command the sons of Israel, and they have given to the Levites of the inheritance of their possession cities to inhabit; also a suburb for the cities round about them ye do give to the Levites.
3 Neka gradovi budu njima za stanovanje, a okolni pašnjaci neka budu za njihova goveda, njihovo blago i sve njihove životinje.
And the cities have been to them to inhabit, and their suburbs are for their cattle, and for their goods, and for all their beasts.
4 Pašnjaci uz gradove koje ustupite levitima neka zahvate od gradskih zidina van do tisuću lakata naokolo.
'And the suburbs of the cities which ye give to the Levites [are], from the wall of the city and without, a thousand cubits round about.
5 Izmjerite od grada van dvije tisuće lakata s istočne strane, dvije tisuće lakata s južne strane, dvije tisuće lakata sa zapadne strane i sa sjeverne strane dvije tisuće lakata, tako da grad bude u sredini. To neka im budu gradski pašnjaci.
And ye have measured from the outside of the city, the east quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the south quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the west quarter, two thousand by the cubit, and the north quarter, two thousand by the cubit; and the city [is] in the midst; this is to them the suburbs of the cities.
6 Od gradova koje budete dali levitima šest će ih biti gradovi-utočišta, koje ćete ustupiti da ubojica može tamo pobjeći. Ovima dodajte još četrdeset i dva grada.
'And the cities which ye give to the Levites [are] the six cities of refuge, which ye give for the fleeing thither of the man-slayer, and besides them ye give forty and two cities;
7 Tako će svih gradova koje ustupite levitima biti četrdeset i osam gradova s njihovim pašnjacima.
all the cities which ye give to the Levites [are] forty and eight cities, them and their suburbs.
8 A gradove koje budete izdvajali od vlasništva Izraelaca, od onih koji ih imaju mnogo uzmite više, a manje od onih koji imaju malo. Neka svatko ustupi gradove levitima prema omjeru baštine koju bude primio.”
And the cities which ye give [are] of the possession of the sons of Israel, from the many ye multiply, and from the few ye diminish; each, according to his inheritance which they inherit, doth give of his cities to the Levites.'
9 Nadalje reče Jahve Mojsiju:
And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, saying,
10 “Govori Izraelcima i reci im: 'Kad prijeđete preko Jordana u zemlju kanaansku,
'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, When ye are passing over the Jordan to the land of Canaan,
11 označite sebi gradove koji će vam služiti kao gradovi-utočišta, kamo može pobjeći ubojica koji nehotice koga ubije.
and have prepared to yourselves cities — cities of refuge they are to you — then fled thither hath a man-slayer, smiting a person unawares,
12 Ti gradovi neka vam budu utočište od osvetnika, tako da ubojica ne moradne poginuti dok ne stane na sud pred zajednicu.
and the cities have been to you for a refuge from the redeemer, and the man-slayer doth not die till his standing before the company for judgment.
13 Od gradova koje ustupite bit će vam šest gradova za utočište.
'As to the cities which ye give — six [are] cities of refuge to you;
14 Dodijelite tri grada s onu stranu Jordana, a tri grada u zemlji kanaanskoj. Neka to budu gradovi-utočišta.
the three of the cities ye give beyond the Jordan, and the three of the cities ye give in the land of Canaan; cities of refuge they are.
15 Tih šest gradova neka budu za utočište kako Izraelcima tako i strancu i došljaku koji među njima borave, kamo može pobjeći tko god ubije koga nehotice.
To sons of Israel, and to a sojourner, and to a settler in their midst, are these six cities for a refuge, for the fleeing thither of any one smiting a person unawares.
16 Ali ako tko udari koga gvozdenim predmetom te ga usmrti, to je onda ubojica. Ubojica mora glavom platiti.
'And if with an instrument of iron he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he [is] a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.
17 Udari li ga iz ruke kamenom od kojega čovjek može poginuti i zbilja pogine, to je opet ubojica. Ubojica mora glavom platiti.
'And if with a stone [in] the hand, wherewith he dieth, he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he [is] a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.
18 Ili ako ga udari iz ruke kakvim drvenim predmetom od kojega može umrijeti i zbilja umre, i to je ubojica. Ubojica mora glavom platiti.
'Or with a wooden instrument [in] the hand, wherewith he dieth, he hath smitten him, and he dieth, he [is] a murderer: the murderer is certainly put to death.
19 Krvni osvetnik mora sam ubojicu usmrtiti. Kad ga sretne, neka ga ubije.
'The redeemer of blood himself doth put the murderer to death; in his coming against him he doth put him to death.
20 Nadalje, ako tko koga gurne iz mržnje ili na nj nešto baci namjerno te ga usmrti,
'And if in hatred he thrust him through, or hath cast [anything] at him by lying in wait, and he dieth;
21 ili ga udari rukom iz zlobe te udareni umre, napadač mora zaglaviti - on je ubojica. Krvni osvetnik neka ubojicu ubije čim ga sretne.
or in enmity he hath smitten him with his hand, and he dieth; the smiter is certainly put to death; he [is] a murderer; the redeemer of blood doth put the murderer to death in his coming against him.
22 No gurne li ga slučajno, ne iz neprijateljstva, ili nešto na nj baci, ali ne iz zasjede,
'And if, in an instant, without enmity, he hath thrust him through, or hath cast at him any instrument, without lying in wait;
23 ili iz nepažnje na njega obori kakav kamen od kojega čovjek može poginuti te ga usmrti, a nije mu bio neprijatelj niti mu je zlo želio -
or with any stone wherewith he dieth, without seeing, and causeth [it] to fall upon him, and he dieth, and he [is] not his enemy, nor seeking his evil;
24 tada neka zajednica prosudi između ubojice i krvnog osvetnika prema ovim pravilima:
then have the company judged between the smiter and the redeemer of blood, by these judgments.
25 Zajednica mora izbaviti ubojicu iz ruku krvnog osvetnika; onda neka ga zajednica vrati u grad-utočište kamo je pobjegao; tu neka on ostane do smrti velikoga svećenika koji je bio pomazan svetim uljem.
'And the company have delivered the man-slayer out of the hand of the redeemer of blood, and the company have caused him to turn back unto the city of his refuge, whither he hath fled, and he hath dwelt in it till the death of the chief priest, who hath been anointed with the holy oil.
26 Ali ako ubojica ikad izađe izvan granice utočišta kamo je pobjegao,
'And if the man-slayer at all go out [from] the border of the city of his refuge whither he fleeth,
27 pa na nj nabasa krvni osvetnik izvan granica njegova grada-utočišta te krvni osvetnik ubije ubojicu, to mu se ne računa u krvoproliće,
and the redeemer of blood hath found him at the outside of the border of the city of his refuge, and the redeemer of blood hath slain the man-slayer, blood is not for him;
28 jer ubojica mora ostati u gradu-utočištu do smrti velikoga svećenika. A poslije smrti velikoga svećenika može se vratiti na svoj posjed.
for in the city of his refuge he doth dwell till the death of the chief priest; and after the death of the chief priest doth the man-slayer turn back unto the city of his possession.
29 Neka vam takvi budu sudbeni postupci od naraštaja do naraštaja svuda gdje budete boravili.
'And these things have been to you for a statute of judgment to your generations, in all your dwellings:
30 Za svako ubojstvo čovjeka kazna smrti nad ubojicom može se izvršiti na dokaz svjedoka. Nitko se ne može smrću kazniti na dokaz samo jednog svjedoka.
whoso smiteth a person, by the mouth of witnesses doth [one] slay the murderer; and one witness doth not testify against a person — to die.
31 Ne smijete primati otkupnine za život ubojice koji je zaslužio smrt: on mora umrijeti.
'And ye take no atonement for the life of a murderer who [is] condemned — to die, for he is certainly put to death;
32 Niti smijete primati otkupnine od bilo koga koji, pošto je pobjegao u svoj grad-utočište, hoće da se vrati i da živi na svome tlu prije smrti velikoga svećenika.
and ye take no atonement for him to flee unto the city of his refuge, to turn back to dwell in the land, until the death of the priest.
33 Nemojte oskvrnjivati zemlje u kojoj živite. A krvoprolićem zemlja se oskvrnjuje. Za zemlju na kojoj je krv prolivena pomirenje se ne može pribaviti, osim krvlju onoga koji ju je prolio.
'And ye profane not the land which ye [are] in, for blood profaneth the land; as to the land, it is not pardoned for blood which is shed in it except by the blood of him who sheddeth it;
34 Ne smije se obeščašćivati zemlja u kojoj živite i usred koje ja boravim, jer ja, Jahve, prebivam među sinovima Izraelovim.'”
and ye defile not the land in which ye are dwelling, in the midst of which I do tabernacle, for I Jehovah do tabernacle in the midst of the sons of Israel.'

< Brojevi 35 >