< Brojevi 31 >
Yahweh spoke to Moses/me and said,
2 “Iskali osvetu Izraelaca na Midjancima, a poslije toga pridružit ćeš se svojim precima.”
“Before you die, [tell the] Israeli people that they should (pay back/get revenge on) the Midian people-group for what they did to you.”
3 A Mojsije reče narodu: “Opremite ljude između sebe za pohod na Midjance,
So Moses/I said to the people, “Get some men prepared for battle. Yahweh will enable them to (pay back/get revenge on) the Midian people-group [for what they did to us].
4 da na Midjancima izvrše Jahvinu osvetu. Na vojnu opremite po jednu tisuću od svakoga izraelskog plemena!”
Select 1,000 men from each tribe to fight.”
5 I tako su iz izraelskih porodica - tisuću po plemenu - za vojnu skupili dvanaest tisuća.
So 12,000 men prepared for fighting in the battle, 1,000 from each tribe.
6 Posla ih Mojsije - tisuću po plemenu - na vojnu zajedno s Pinhasom, sinom svećenika Eleazara. On je nosio posvećene stvari i trube.
When Moses/I sent them to the battle, Phinehas, the son of Eleazar the priest, went with them. He took with him some of the things from the Sacred Tent and the trumpets that would be blown to give the signal [to start the battle].
7 Oni zavojuju na Midjance, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju, i pobiju sve muškarce.
The Israeli men fought the soldiers from the Midian people-group, as Yahweh had told Moses/me to tell them to do, and they killed every man from the Midian people-group.
8 Među ostalima pobili su i midjanske kraljeve: Evija, Rekema, Sura, Hura i Rebu - pet midjanskih kraljeva. Mačem pogube i Bileama, Beorova sina.
Among those whom they killed were the five kings of the Midian people-group—Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba. They also killed with a sword Balaam, the son of Beor.
9 Odvedu tada Izraelci u ropstvo midjanske žene s njihovom djecom i svu njihovu stoku, krupnu i sitnu, i zaplijene sve njihovo blago.
They captured all the women and children of the Midian people-group and took away their cattle, their flocks of sheep, and herds of goats, and all their other possessions.
10 Ognjem spale sve gradove njihove u kojima se živjeli i sva njihova naselja,
Then they burned down all the houses in the towns and villages where the people of the Midian people-group lived,
11 a sve njihovo uzmu za plijen i pljačku, i ljude i životinje.
but they took home with them all the women and children and animals and possessions.
12 Onda u tabor na Moapskim poljanama uz Jordan, nasuprot Jerihonu, dovedu Mojsiju, svećeniku Eleazaru i svoj izraelskoj zajednici zarobljenike, plijen i pljačku.
They brought all these to Eliezer and Moses/me, and to the rest of the Israeli people who were at their/our camp on the plains where the Moab people-group lived, near the Jordan River, across from Jericho.
13 Mojsije, svećenik Eleazar i svi glavari zajednice izađu im u susret izvan tabora.
Eleazar and all the leaders of the people and Moses/I went outside the camp to greet/meet with them.
14 Mojsije se razljuti na zapovjednike vojske, tisućnike i satnike, koji se bijahu vratili s toga bojnog pohoda.
But Moses/I was angry with some of the men who had returned from the battle. He/I was angry with the army officers and the men who were commanders of 1,000 men and those who were commanders of 100 men.
15 Reče im: “Što! Na životu ste ostavili sve ženskinje!
He/I asked them, “Why did you allow the women to live [RHQ]?
16 A baš su žene, po nagovoru Bileamovu, zavele Izraelce da u Peorovu slučaju istupe protiv Jahve. Tako dođe pomor na Jahvinu zajednicu.
They are the ones who did what Balaam suggested and urged/persuaded our people to worship Baal [instead of Yahweh]. As a result, Yahweh caused a plague to strike his people while they were at Peor.
17 Stoga svu mušku djecu pobijte! A ubijte i svaku ženu koja je poznala muškarca!
So, now you must kill all the boys of the Midian people-group, and also kill all the women who have had sex [EUP] with any man.
18 A sve mlade djevojke koje nisu poznale muškarca ostavite na životu za se.
Spare only the girls who are virgins [EUP]. You can keep them to be your [wives or your slaves].
19 Vi pak proboravite izvan tabora sedam dana; svi vi koji ste koga ubili i koji ste se ubijenoga dotakli. Čistite se i vi i vaši zarobljenici trećega i sedmoga dana;
All of you who have killed someone or touched the corpse of someone who was killed [in the battle] must stay outside the camp for seven days. On the third day and on the seventh day, you must [perform the ritual to] cause you and those whom you have captured to become acceptable to God again.
20 očistite svu odjeću, sve mješine, sve od kostrijeti napravljeno i sve drvene predmete.”
You must also wash your clothes and anything [that you took to the battle] that is made of leather or goat’s hair or wood.”
21 Zatim svećenik Eleazar progovori borcima koji su se vratili iz boja: “Ovo je odredba koju je izdao Jahve Mojsiju:
Then Eleazar said to the soldiers who had returned from the battle, “This is what Yahweh has instructed Moses:
22 'Zlato, srebro, bakar, gvožđe, mjed i olovo -
You must put into a fire any gold or silver or bronze or iron or tin or lead things [that you brought back from the battle].
23 sve što podnosi vatru - provucite kroz vatru i bit će očišćeno.' Ipak, neka se očisti i vodom očišćenja. A sve što ne podnosi vatru provucite kroz vodu.
Put everything that will not burn into the fire, and then they will be acceptable for you to use. But also sprinkle those things with the water that causes things and people to become acceptable to God. The things that would burn [if you put them] in a fire, sprinkle them with that water.
24 Sedmoga dana operite svoju odjeću i bit ćete čisti. Poslije toga možete se vratiti u tabor.”
On the seventh day, wash your clothes, and then you will become acceptable to God again. After you do that, you may return to the camp.”
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
26 “Ti, svećenik Eleazar i obiteljske starješine zajednice napravite popis ratnoga plijena, ljudstva i stoke,
“Tell Eleazar and the leaders of the family groups that they must write down a list of all the goods, the women, and the animals that were captured [in the battle].
27 a onda ratni plijen podijeli napola: na borce koji su išli u borbu i na svu ostalu zajednicu.
Then they must divide all those things, half given to the men who fought in the battle and the other half given to the rest of the people.
28 Od boraca koji su išli u borbu ustavi ujam za Jahvu: jednu glavu od svakih pet stotina, bilo ljudi, bilo krupnog blaga, magaradi ili sitne stoke.
From the men who fought in the battle, take one from every 500 people and from every 500 cattle and donkeys and sheep, to be a tax for me.
29 Uzmi to od njihove polovice i podaj svećeniku Eleazaru kao podizanicu za Jahvu.
Take these things to Eleazar to (be my share/belong to me).
30 A od polovice što zapadne druge Izraelce uzmi po glavu od pedeset, bilo ljudi, bilo krupnog blaga, magaradi ili sitne stoke - od svih životinja - pa ih podaj levitima koji vode brigu o Jahvinu prebivalištu.”
And from the half that belongs to the ordinary people, take one item from every 50. That includes people, cattle, donkeys, sheep, goats, and other animals. Give those things to the descendants of Levi who take care of my Sacred Tent.”
31 Mojsije i svećenik Eleazar učine kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
So Eleazar and Moses/I did what Yahweh commanded.
32 Ratnoga je plijena bilo, osim pljačke što su vojnici napljačkali: šest stotina sedamdeset i pet tisuća grla sitne stoke,
There were 675,000 sheep, 72,000 cattle, 61,000 donkeys, and 32,000 virgins that they had captured from the Midian people-group.
33 sedamdeset i dvije tisuće grla krupne stoke,
34 šezdeset i jedna tisuća magaradi,
35 a ljudskih duša - žena koje nisu poznale muškarca - bijaše u svemu trideset i dvije tisuće.
36 Prema tome, polovica što je dodijeljena onima koji su išli u borbu bila je: tri stotine trideset i sedam tisuća i pet stotina grla sitne stoke;
The men who fought in the battle took 337,000 sheep [from the battle],
37 ujam za Jahvu od sitne stoke šest stotina sedamdeset i pet grla;
and they gave 675 of them to Yahweh.
38 krupne je stoke bilo trideset i šest tisuća grla, a njihov ujam za Jahvu sedamdeset i dva grla;
They took 36,000 cattle and gave 72 of them to Yahweh.
39 magaradi je bilo trideset tisuća i pet stotina, a njihov ujam za Jahvu šezdeset i jedno.
They took 30,500 donkeys, and they gave 61 of them to Yahweh.
40 Ljudskih je duša bilo šesnaest tisuća, a njihov ujam za Jahvu trideset i dvije osobe.
They took 16,000 virgins, and they dedicated 32 of them to Yahweh.
41 Ujam predade Mojsije svećeniku Eleazaru za podizanicu Jahvi, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
Moses/I gave to Eleazar all [the animals] that had been given to Yahweh, as Yahweh had commanded.
42 A od polovice koja je zapala druge Izraelce i koju Mojsije odijeli od one što je pripala ljudima koji su se borili -
Moses/I separated what those who had fought in the battle received from what the other people received. The people had taken 337,500 sheep, 36,000 cattle, 30,500 donkeys, and 16,000 virgins,
43 dakle, polovica što je pripala zajednici iznosila je: trista trideset i sedam tisuća i pet stotina grla sitne stoke,
44 a krupne stoke trideset i šest tisuća grla;
45 magaradi trideset tisuća i pet stotina,
46 a ljudskih duša šesnaest tisuća.
47 Tako, od polovice što je pripala Izraelcima Mojsije ostavi po jedno od pedeset, i od ljudstva i od stoke, te ih predade levitima koji su se brinuli o Jahvinu prebivalištu, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
From what the people received, Moses/I took one from every 50 items and dedicated them to Yahweh. That included animals and people. As Yahweh commanded, he/I gave them all to the descendants of Levi who took care of the Sacred Tent.
48 Onda pristupiše k Mojsiju vojnički zapovjednici, tisućnici i satnici,
Then the army officers and those who commanded 1,000 men and those who commanded 100 men came to Moses/me.
49 i rekoše mu: “Tvoje sluge prebrojile su borce što bijahu pod našim zapovjedništvom i od nas nitko nije izgubljen.
They said, “We, who are your servants, have counted the soldiers whom we command, and [we found that] none of them (is missing/has been killed).
50 Uz to smo donijeli svoje darove Jahvi: narukvica, orukvica, prstenja, naušnica i ogrlica - na kakvu je tko zlatninu već naišao - da se nad nama obavi obred pomirenja pred Jahvom.”
So [to thank Yahweh for that], we have brought to him a gift of the gold items that we found [after the battle]: Gold arm bands and bracelets and rings and earrings and necklaces. This will enable us to be forgiven for our sins.”
51 Mojsije i svećenik Eleazar prime od njih to zlato, to jest sve te izrađene predmete.
So Eleazar and Moses/I accepted the gold items that they brought.
52 Bilo je svega zlata što su kao svoju podizanicu Jahvi donijeli tisućnici i satnici: šesnaest tisuća sedam stotina i pedeset šekela.
The total of it weighed about (420 pounds/190 kg.).
53 Svaki je vojnik za se zadržao svoj plijen.
Each soldier had taken these things for himself.
54 Tako Mojsije i svećenik Eleazar uzmu zlato od tisućnika i satnika te ga donesu u Šator sastanka na spomen Izraelcima pred Jahvom.
Eleazar and Moses/I accepted these gold items from these commanders and put them in the Sacred Tent to remind the Israeli people about how Yahweh [had helped them defeat the Midian people-group].