< Brojevi 31 >

1 Jahve reče Mojsiju:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 “Iskali osvetu Izraelaca na Midjancima, a poslije toga pridružit ćeš se svojim precima.”
Revenge first the children of Israel on the Madianites, and so thou shalt be gathered to thy people.
3 A Mojsije reče narodu: “Opremite ljude između sebe za pohod na Midjance,
And Moses forthwith said: Arm of you men to fight, who may take the revenge of the Lord on the Madianites.
4 da na Midjancima izvrše Jahvinu osvetu. Na vojnu opremite po jednu tisuću od svakoga izraelskog plemena!”
Let a thousand men be chosen out of every tribe of Israel to be sent to the war.
5 I tako su iz izraelskih porodica - tisuću po plemenu - za vojnu skupili dvanaest tisuća.
And they gave a thousand of every tribe, that is to say, twelve thousand men well appointed for battle.
6 Posla ih Mojsije - tisuću po plemenu - na vojnu zajedno s Pinhasom, sinom svećenika Eleazara. On je nosio posvećene stvari i trube.
And Moses sent them with Phinees the son of Eleazar the priest, and he delivered to him the holy vessels, and the trumpets to sound.
7 Oni zavojuju na Midjance, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju, i pobiju sve muškarce.
And when they had fought against the Madianites and had overcome them, they slew all the men.
8 Među ostalima pobili su i midjanske kraljeve: Evija, Rekema, Sura, Hura i Rebu - pet midjanskih kraljeva. Mačem pogube i Bileama, Beorova sina.
And their kings Evi, and Recem, and Sur, and Hur, and Rebe, five princes of the nation: Balaam also the son of Beer they killed with the sword.
9 Odvedu tada Izraelci u ropstvo midjanske žene s njihovom djecom i svu njihovu stoku, krupnu i sitnu, i zaplijene sve njihovo blago.
And they took their women, and their children captives, and all their cattle, and all their goods: and all their possessions they plundered:
10 Ognjem spale sve gradove njihove u kojima se živjeli i sva njihova naselja,
And all their cities, and their villages, and castles, they burned.
11 a sve njihovo uzmu za plijen i pljačku, i ljude i životinje.
And they carried away the booty, and all that they had taken both of men and of beasts.
12 Onda u tabor na Moapskim poljanama uz Jordan, nasuprot Jerihonu, dovedu Mojsiju, svećeniku Eleazaru i svoj izraelskoj zajednici zarobljenike, plijen i pljačku.
And they brought them to Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and to all the multitude of the children of Israel. But the rest of the things for use they carried to the camp on the plains of Moab, beside the Jordan over against Jericho.
13 Mojsije, svećenik Eleazar i svi glavari zajednice izađu im u susret izvan tabora.
And Moses and Eleazar the priest and all the princes of the synagogue went forth to meet them without the camp.
14 Mojsije se razljuti na zapovjednike vojske, tisućnike i satnike, koji se bijahu vratili s toga bojnog pohoda.
And Moses being angry with the chief officers of the army, the tribunes, and the centurions that were come from the battle,
15 Reče im: “Što! Na životu ste ostavili sve ženskinje!
Said: Why have you saved the women?
16 A baš su žene, po nagovoru Bileamovu, zavele Izraelce da u Peorovu slučaju istupe protiv Jahve. Tako dođe pomor na Jahvinu zajednicu.
Are not these they, that deceived the children of Israel by the counsel of Balaam, and made you transgress against the Lord by the sin of Phogor, for which also the people was punished?
17 Stoga svu mušku djecu pobijte! A ubijte i svaku ženu koja je poznala muškarca!
Therefore kill all that are of the male sex, even of the children: and put to death the women, that have carnally known men.
18 A sve mlade djevojke koje nisu poznale muškarca ostavite na životu za se.
But the girls, and all the women that are virgins save for yourselves:
19 Vi pak proboravite izvan tabora sedam dana; svi vi koji ste koga ubili i koji ste se ubijenoga dotakli. Čistite se i vi i vaši zarobljenici trećega i sedmoga dana;
And stay without the camp seven days. He that hath killed a man, or touched one that is killed, shall be purified the third day and the seventh day.
20 očistite svu odjeću, sve mješine, sve od kostrijeti napravljeno i sve drvene predmete.”
And of all the spoil, every garment, or vessel, or any thing made for use, of the skins, or hair of goats, or of wood, shall be purified.
21 Zatim svećenik Eleazar progovori borcima koji su se vratili iz boja: “Ovo je odredba koju je izdao Jahve Mojsiju:
Eleazar also the priest spoke to the men of the army, that had fought, in this manner: This is the ordinance of the law, which the Lord hath commanded Moses:
22 'Zlato, srebro, bakar, gvožđe, mjed i olovo -
Gold, and silver, and brass, and iron, and lend, and tin,
23 sve što podnosi vatru - provucite kroz vatru i bit će očišćeno.' Ipak, neka se očisti i vodom očišćenja. A sve što ne podnosi vatru provucite kroz vodu.
And all that may pass through the fire, shall be purified by fire, but whatsoever cannot abide the fire, shall be sanctified with the water of expiation:
24 Sedmoga dana operite svoju odjeću i bit ćete čisti. Poslije toga možete se vratiti u tabor.”
And you shall wash your garments the seventh day, and being purified, you shall afterwards enter into the camp.
25 Jahve reče Mojsiju:
And the Lord said to Moses:
26 “Ti, svećenik Eleazar i obiteljske starješine zajednice napravite popis ratnoga plijena, ljudstva i stoke,
Take the sum of the things that were taken both of man and beast, thou and Eleazar the priest and the princes of the multitude:
27 a onda ratni plijen podijeli napola: na borce koji su išli u borbu i na svu ostalu zajednicu.
And thou shalt divide the spoil equally, between them that fought and went out to the war, and between the rest of the multitude.
28 Od boraca koji su išli u borbu ustavi ujam za Jahvu: jednu glavu od svakih pet stotina, bilo ljudi, bilo krupnog blaga, magaradi ili sitne stoke.
And thou shalt separate a portion to the Lord from them that fought and were in the battle, one soul of five hundred as well of persons as of oxen and asses and sheep.
29 Uzmi to od njihove polovice i podaj svećeniku Eleazaru kao podizanicu za Jahvu.
And thou shalt give it to Eleazar the priest, because they are the firstfruits of the Lord.
30 A od polovice što zapadne druge Izraelce uzmi po glavu od pedeset, bilo ljudi, bilo krupnog blaga, magaradi ili sitne stoke - od svih životinja - pa ih podaj levitima koji vode brigu o Jahvinu prebivalištu.”
Out of the moiety also of the children of Israel thou shalt take the fiftieth head of persons, and of oxen, and asses, and sheep, and of all beasts, and thou shalt give them to the Levites that watch in the charge of the tabernacle of the Lord.
31 Mojsije i svećenik Eleazar učine kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
And Moses and Eleazar did as the Lord had commanded.
32 Ratnoga je plijena bilo, osim pljačke što su vojnici napljačkali: šest stotina sedamdeset i pet tisuća grla sitne stoke,
And the spoil which the army had taken, was six hundred seventy-five thousand sheep,
33 sedamdeset i dvije tisuće grla krupne stoke,
Seventy-two thousand oxen,
34 šezdeset i jedna tisuća magaradi,
Sixty-one thousand asses:
35 a ljudskih duša - žena koje nisu poznale muškarca - bijaše u svemu trideset i dvije tisuće.
And thirty-two thousand persons of the female sex, that had not known men.
36 Prema tome, polovica što je dodijeljena onima koji su išli u borbu bila je: tri stotine trideset i sedam tisuća i pet stotina grla sitne stoke;
And one half was given to them that had been in the battle, to wit, three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep:
37 ujam za Jahvu od sitne stoke šest stotina sedamdeset i pet grla;
Out of which, for the portion of the Lord, were reckoned six hundred seventy-five sheep.
38 krupne je stoke bilo trideset i šest tisuća grla, a njihov ujam za Jahvu sedamdeset i dva grla;
And out of the thirty-six thousand oxen, seventy-two oxen:
39 magaradi je bilo trideset tisuća i pet stotina, a njihov ujam za Jahvu šezdeset i jedno.
Out of the thirty thousand five hundred asses, sixty-one asses:
40 Ljudskih je duša bilo šesnaest tisuća, a njihov ujam za Jahvu trideset i dvije osobe.
Out of the sixteen thousand persons, there fell to the portion of the Lord, thirty-two souls.
41 Ujam predade Mojsije svećeniku Eleazaru za podizanicu Jahvi, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
And Moses delivered the number of the firstfruits of the Lord to Eleazar the priest, as had been commanded him,
42 A od polovice koja je zapala druge Izraelce i koju Mojsije odijeli od one što je pripala ljudima koji su se borili -
Out of the half of the children of Israel, which he had separated for them that had been in the battle.
43 dakle, polovica što je pripala zajednici iznosila je: trista trideset i sedam tisuća i pet stotina grla sitne stoke,
But out of the half that fell to the rest of the multitude, that is to say, out of the three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep,
44 a krupne stoke trideset i šest tisuća grla;
And out of the thirty-six thousand oxen,
45 magaradi trideset tisuća i pet stotina,
And out of the thirty thousand five hundred asses,
46 a ljudskih duša šesnaest tisuća.
And out of the sixteen thousand persons,
47 Tako, od polovice što je pripala Izraelcima Mojsije ostavi po jedno od pedeset, i od ljudstva i od stoke, te ih predade levitima koji su se brinuli o Jahvinu prebivalištu, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
Moses took the fiftieth head, and gave it to the Levites that watched in the tabernacle of the Lord, as the Lord had commanded.
48 Onda pristupiše k Mojsiju vojnički zapovjednici, tisućnici i satnici,
And when the commanders of the army, and the tribunes and centurions were come to Moses, they said:
49 i rekoše mu: “Tvoje sluge prebrojile su borce što bijahu pod našim zapovjedništvom i od nas nitko nije izgubljen.
We thy servants have reckoned up the number of the fighting men, whom we had under our hand, and not so much as one was wanting.
50 Uz to smo donijeli svoje darove Jahvi: narukvica, orukvica, prstenja, naušnica i ogrlica - na kakvu je tko zlatninu već naišao - da se nad nama obavi obred pomirenja pred Jahvom.”
Therefore we offer as gifts to the Lord what gold every one of us could find in the booty, in garters and tablets, rings and bracelets, and chains, that thou mayst pray to the Lord for us.
51 Mojsije i svećenik Eleazar prime od njih to zlato, to jest sve te izrađene predmete.
And Moses and Eleazar the priest received all the gold in divers kinds,
52 Bilo je svega zlata što su kao svoju podizanicu Jahvi donijeli tisućnici i satnici: šesnaest tisuća sedam stotina i pedeset šekela.
In weight sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty sicles, from the tribunes and from the centurions.
53 Svaki je vojnik za se zadržao svoj plijen.
For that which every one had taken in the booty was his own.
54 Tako Mojsije i svećenik Eleazar uzmu zlato od tisućnika i satnika te ga donesu u Šator sastanka na spomen Izraelcima pred Jahvom.
And that which was received they brought into the tabernacle of the testimony, for a memorial of the children of Israel before the Lord.

< Brojevi 31 >