< Brojevi 30 >
1 Zatim reče Mojsije glavarima plemena Izraelovih: “Ovo je Jahve naredio.
And Moses speaks to the heads of the tribes of the sons of Israel, saying, “This [is] the thing which YHWH has commanded:
2 Ako koji čovjek učini zavjet ili se uz zakletvu obveže da će se nečega odreći, neka ne krši svoje riječi; neka izvrši sve što iz njegovih usta izađe!
When a man vows a vow to YHWH, or has sworn an oath to bind a bond on his soul, he does not defile his word; he does according to all that is going out from his mouth.
3 Ako koja žena učini Jahvi zavjet ili se obveže da će se nečega odreći dok je još mlada, u očevu domu,
And when a woman vows a vow to YHWH, and has bound a bond in the house of her father in her youth,
4 a otac joj sazna za zavjet i obećanje kojim se obvezala pa joj ništa ne rekne, tada su valjani svi njezini zavjeti i valjano je svako obećanje kojim se obvezala.
and her father has heard her vow and her bond which she has bound on her soul, and her father has kept silent to her, then all her vows have been established, and every bond which she has bound on her soul is established.
5 Ali ako joj se otac usprotivi kad sazna, nikakav njezin zavjet ni njezino obećanje kojim se vezala ne vrijedi. Jahve će joj oprostiti jer joj se otac usprotivio.
And if her father has disallowed her in the day of his hearing, none of her vows and her bonds which she has bound on her soul are established, and YHWH is propitious to her, for her father has disallowed her.
6 Ako se uda dok je pod svojim zavjetima ili pod obećanjem koje je nepromišljeno izišlo iz njezinih usta,
And if she is having a husband, and her vows [are] on her, or a wrongful utterance [on] her lips which she has bound on her soul,
7 pa njezin muž sazna i pošto je saznao ništa joj ne rekne, tada vrijede njezini zavjeti i vrijede obećanja kojima se obvezala.
and her husband has heard, and in the day of his hearing he has kept silent to her, then her vows have been established, and her bonds which she has bound on her soul are established.
8 No ako se njezin muž usprotivi kad o tom sazna, ukida se time njezin zavjet i obećanje što je nepromišljeno izišlo iz njezinih usta. I Jahve će joj oprostiti.
And if in the day of her husband’s hearing he disallows her, then he has broken her vow which [is] on her, and the wrongful utterance of her lips which she has bound on her soul, and YHWH is propitious to her.
9 A zavjet udovice ili žene otpuštene i sve obveze koje je na se preuzela vrijede za nju.
As for the vow of a widow or cast-out woman, all that she has bound on her soul is established on her.
10 Ako se zavjetuje ili se obveže zakletvom na obećanje dok je u kući svoga muža,
And if she has vowed [in] the house of her husband, or has bound a bond on her soul with an oath,
11 pa njezin muž sazna i ništa joj ne rekne, ne usprotivi joj se, svaki je njezin zavjet valjan i valjano je svako obećanje kojim se obvezala.
and her husband has heard, and has kept silent to her—he has not disallowed her—then all her vows have been established, and every bond which she has bound on her soul is established.
12 Ali ako ih njezin muž proglasi ništetnim kad o njima sazna, tada ništa što je izišlo iz njezinih usta, njezini zavjeti ili preuzete obveze neće vrijediti. Muž ih je njezin poništio, i Jahve će joj oprostiti.
And if her husband certainly breaks them in the day of his hearing, none of the outgoing of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her soul, is established—her husband has broken them—and YHWH is propitious to her.
13 Svaki zavjet i svaku zakletvu koja obvezuje ženu na neko mrtvenje njezin muž može uzdržati na snazi ili poništiti.
Every vow and every oath—a bond to humble a soul—her husband establishes it, or her husband breaks it;
14 Ako joj muž od dana do dana ništa ne rekne, time potvrđuje sve njezine zavjete i sva njezina obećanja kojima se obvezala; on ih je učinio valjanima ako ništa nije rekao kad je o njima čuo.
and if her husband certainly keeps silent to her from day to day, then he has established all her vows or all her bonds which [are] on her; he has established them, for he has kept silent to her in the day of his hearing;
15 Ali ako ih poništi kasnije, pošto je o njima već čuo, neka snosi njezinu krivnju.”
and if he indeed breaks them after his hearing, then he has borne her iniquity.”
16 To su uredbe koje je Jahve Mojsiju izdao za muža i njegovu ženu i za oca i njegovu kćer, koja, još mlada, živi u kući očevoj.
These [are] the statutes which YHWH has commanded Moses between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, in her youth, [in] the house of her father.