< Brojevi 20 >

1 Potom stigoše Izraelci, sva zajednica, u pustinju Sin u prvome mjesecu. Narod se nastani u Kadešu. Ondje umrije Mirjam i ondje je sahraniše.
And the sons of Israel, all the congregation, come [into] the wilderness of Zin in the first month, and the people abide in Kadesh; and Miriam dies there and is buried there.
2 Nije bilo vode za zajednicu. Stoga se udruže protiv Mojsija i protiv Arona.
And there has been no water for the congregation, and they are assembled against Moses and against Aaron,
3 Narod se poče svađati s Mojsijem i govoriti: “Da smo bar izginuli kad su nam i braća poginula pred Jahvom!
and the people strive with Moses and speak, saying, “And oh that we had expired when our brothers expired before YHWH!
4 Zašto ste doveli Jahvinu zajednicu u ovu pustinju da ovdje pomremo i mi i naša stoka?
And why have you brought in the assembly of YHWH to this wilderness to die there, we and our beasts?
5 Zašto ste nas izveli iz Egipta da nas dovedete u ovo nesretno mjesto; mjesto u kojem nema ni žita, ni smokava, ni loze, ni mogranja? Nema ni vode da pijemo.”
And why have you brought us up out of Egypt to bring us to this evil place? [It is] not a place of seed, and fig, and vine, and pomegranate; and there is no water to drink.”
6 Mojsije i Aron odu ispred zajednice do ulaza u Šator sastanka i padnu ničice. Tada im se pokaza slava Jahvina.
And Moses and Aaron go in from the presence of the assembly to the opening of the Tent of Meeting and fall on their faces, and the glory of YHWH is seen by them.
7 I Jahve reče Mojsiju:
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
8 “Uzmi štap pa ti i tvoj brat Aron skupite zajednicu. Onda, na njihove oči, progovorite pećini da ustupi svoje vode. Iz pećine im izvedi vodu te napoj zajednicu i njezino blago.”
“Take the rod and assemble the congregation—you and your brother Aaron—and you have spoken to the rock before their eyes, and it has given its water, and you have brought out water to them from the rock, and have watered the congregation and their beasts.”
9 Mojsije uzme štap ispred Jahve kako mu je naredio.
And Moses takes the rod from before YHWH as He has commanded him,
10 Zatim Mojsije i Aron skupe zbor pred pećinu pa im Mojsije rekne: “Čujte, buntovnici! Hoćemo li vam iz ove pećine izvesti vodu?”
and Moses and Aaron assemble the assembly to the front of the rock, and he says to them, “Now hear, O rebels, do we bring out water to you from this rock?”
11 Zatim Mojsije podigne ruku i dvaput udari štapom o pećinu: voda provali u obilju, pa su mogli piti i zajednica i njezino blago.
And Moses lifts up his hand and strikes the rock with his rod twice; and much water comes out, and the congregation drinks, and their beasts [drink].
12 Potom će Jahve Mojsiju i Aronu: “Budući da se niste pouzdavali u me i niste me svetim očitovali u očima sinova Izraelovih, nećete uvesti ovaj zbor u zemlju koju im dajem.”
And YHWH says to Moses and to Aaron, “Because you have not believed in Me to sanctify Me before the eyes of the sons of Israel, therefore you do not bring in this assembly to the land which I have given to them.”
13 To su Meripske vode, kraj njih su se Izraelci prepirali s Jahvom, a on se pokazao svetim.
These [are] the waters of Meribah, because the sons of Israel have “striven” with YHWH, and He is sanctified among them.
14 Iz Kadeša pošalje Mojsije glasnike: “Kralju Edoma. Ovako veli tvoj brat Izrael: 'Ti znaš sve jade koji su nas snašli.
And Moses sends messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom, “Thus said your brother Israel: You have known all the travail which has found us,
15 Naši se preci spustiše u Egipat. U Egiptu smo proboravili mnogo vremena. Egipćani su s nama i s našim precima loše postupali.
that our fathers go down to Egypt, and we dwell in Egypt [for] many days, and the Egyptians do evil to us and to our fathers;
16 Stoga smo vapili Jahvi, i on ču naš glas i posla anđela koji nas izbavi iz Egipta. Evo nas sad u Kadešu, gradu uz rub tvoga područja.
then we cry to YHWH, and He hears our voice, and sends a Messenger, and is bringing us out of Egypt; and behold, we [are] in Kadesh, a city [in] the extremity of your border.
17 Pusti nas da prođemo kroz tvoju zemlju. Nećemo ići preko polja ni vinograda niti ćemo piti vodu iz bunara; ići ćemo Kraljevskim putem, ne skrećući ni desno ni lijevo, dok ne prođemo tvoje područje.”
Please let us pass over through your land; we do not pass over through a field or through a vineyard, nor do we drink waters of a well; we go the way of the king, we do not turn aside [to] the right or left until we pass over your border.”
18 Edom mu odgovori: “Ne prolazi preko moje zemlje, jer eto me s mačem preda te!”
And Edom says to him, “You do not pass over through me, lest I come out to meet you with the sword.”
19 “Ići ćemo utrenikom”, rekoše Izraelci, “a budemo li pili tvoje vode, mi i naša stada, za to ćemo ti platiti. Ništa više, samo da prođemo pješice.”
And the sons of Israel say to him, “We go in the highway, and if we drink of your waters—I and my livestock—then I have given their price; only, let me pass over on my feet, nothing [more].”
20 “Ne prolazi!” - odgovori. I Edom mu izađe u susret s mnogo ljudi i s velikom silom.
And he says, “You do not pass over”; and Edom comes out to meet him with many people and with a strong hand;
21 Tako Edom nije dopustio Izraelu da prođe kroz njegovo područje i Izrael se okrenu od njega.
and Edom refuses to permit Israel to pass over through his border, and Israel turns aside from off him.
22 Zaputivši se od Kadeša, stigoše Izraelci, sva zajednica, k brdu Horu.
And the sons of Israel, all the congregation, journey from Kadesh and come to Mount Hor,
23 Kod brda Hora, uz među edomsku, reče Jahve Mojsiju i Aronu:
and YHWH speaks to Moses and to Aaron in Mount Hor, on the border of the land of Edom, saying,
24 “Neka se Aron pridruži svojim precima! Neće ući u zemlju koju dajem Izraelcima, jer ste se oprli mojoj zapovijedi kod Meripskih voda.
“Aaron is gathered to his people, for he does not go into the land which I have given to the sons of Israel, because that you provoked My mouth at the waters of Meribah.
25 Uzmi Arona i njegova sina Eleazara, pa ih izvedi na brdo Hor.
Take Aaron and his son Eleazar, and cause them to go up Mount Hor,
26 I svuci Aronu njegove haljine pa ih obuci njegovu sinu Eleazaru. Aron će se pridružiti precima, umrijet će ondje.”
and strip Aaron of his garments, and you have clothed his son Eleazar [with] them, and Aaron is gathered, and dies there.”
27 Mojsije učini kako naredi Jahve. Pred svom zajednicom popeše se na brdo Hor.
And Moses does as YHWH has commanded, and they go up to Mount Hor before the eyes of all the congregation,
28 Mojsije svuče s Arona njegove haljine te ih obuče njegovu sinu Eleazaru. Ondje navrh brda umrije Aron. Zatim se Mojsije i Eleazar spustiše s brda.
and Moses strips Aaron of his garments, and clothes his son Eleazar with them, and Aaron dies there on the top of the mountain; and Moses comes down—Eleazar also—from the mountain,
29 Sva zajednica vidje da je Aron preminuo i sav dom Izraelov oplakivaše Arona trideset dana.
and all the congregation sees that Aaron has expired, and all the house of Israel laments Aaron [for] thirty days.

< Brojevi 20 >