< Brojevi 18 >
1 Tada Jahve reče Aronu: “Ti, tvoji sinovi i tvoj pradjedovski dom s tobom bit ćete odgovorni za grijehe u Svetištu; ti i tvoji sinovi s tobom bit ćete odgovorni za grijehe svoga svećeništva.
The Lord told Aaron, “You and your sons and the other Levites bear the responsibility for sins relating to the sanctuary. You and your sons alone bear the responsibility for sins relating to your priesthood.
2 Pridruži k sebi i svoju braću od Levijeva plemena - tvoga pradjedovskog doma - neka ti se priključe da ti poslužuju, tebi i tvojim sinovima s tobom, pred Šatorom svjedočanstva.
Have your brothers from the tribe of Levi, your father's tribe, join you to help you and your sons with your service in the Tent of the Testimony.
3 Neka stoje na službu tebi i svemu Šatoru, ali neka se ne približuju pokućstvu u Svetištu niti žrtveniku, da ne poginu i oni i vi.
They will take care of your responsibilities and those relating to the Tent, but they must not come too close to the sacred objects of the sanctuary or the altar, otherwise they will die, and you will too.
4 Neka su, dakle, tebi pridruženi i neka preuzmu brigu za Šator sastanka, svaku službu oko Šatora. I neka se ni jedan svjetovnjak ne približuje vama,
They are to help you and take care of the responsibilities of the Tent of Meeting, doing all the work at the Tent, but they are not allowed to be with you during your priestly ministry.
5 a vi vršite službu u Svetištu i službu oko žrtvenika da se više ne izlijeva gnjev na Izraelce.
You are to carry out the responsibilities relating to the sanctuary and the altar, so that my anger will not fall on the Israelites again.
6 Uzeh, evo, vašu braću levite između Izraelaca vama za dar; kao darovani pripadaju Jahvi da obavljaju službu oko Šatora sastanka.
Look, I myself have chosen your brothers the Levites from the Israelites as my gift to you, dedicated to the Lord to do the work that relates the Tent of Meeting.
7 Ti i tvoji sinovi s tobom preuzmite svećeničke poslove oko svega što spada na žrtvenik i iza zavjese. Službu koju dajem na dar vašem svećeništvu vi obavljajte. A svjetovnjak koji se primakne neka se pogubi.”
But only you and your sons are responsible for your priesthood, doing all that concerns the altar and is behind the veil. Only you are to perform that service. I am giving you the gift of your priesthood, but anyone else who approaches the sanctuary must be executed.”
8 Još reče Jahve Aronu: “Tebi, evo, povjeravam brigu o onom što se meni prinosi. Sve što Izraelci posvećuju dodjeljujem tebi i tvojim sinovima kao baštinu trajnim zakonom.
The Lord told Aaron, “Listen, I have put you in charge of officiating at my offerings. All the holy contributions of the Israelites that they bring are reserved for you, and this is a permanent rule.
9 Ovo neka pripadne tebi od svetinja nad svetinjama: od paljenih žrtava svi njihovi darovi, za sve njihove prinosnice, za sve njihove okajnice i za sve njihove naknadnice što ih budu meni uzvraćali; ta vrlo sveta stvar neka pripadne tebi i tvojim sinovima!
Part of the most holy offerings taken from the burnt offerings are yours. Part of all the offerings they give me as most holy offerings, whether it's grain offerings or sin offerings or guilt offerings, that part belongs to you and your sons.
10 Blagujte ih kao najveće svetinje! Svaki muškarac može ih jesti. Neka ti budu svete!
You shall eat it in a most holy place. Every male is allowed to eat it. You are to regard it as something holy.
11 I ovo neka bude za te: ono što se uzima od izraelskih prinosa da se prinese kao prikaznica - trajnim zakonom predajem tebi, tvojim sinovima i tvojim kćerima s tobom. Svatko tko u tvome domu bude čist može od toga jesti.
The following also belongs to you: the voluntary gifts as well as all the wave offerings of the Israelites. I have given this to you and your sons and daughters as a permanent rule. Everyone in your household who is ceremonially clean is allowed to eat it.
12 Najbolje od novoga ulja i najbolje od novoga vina i žita - prvine koje se prinose Jahvi - predajem tebi.
I am giving you all the best olive oil and all the best new wine and grain that the Israelites give as firstfruits to the Lord.
13 Prvi rodovi svega u njihovoj zemlji što ih budu donosili Jahvi neka budu tvoji. Tko je god čist u tvome domu može ih jesti.
The firstfruits of all the crops they produce in their land that they bring to the Lord are yours. Everyone in your family who is ceremonially clean is allowed to eat them.
14 Sve što u Izraelu bude određeno za 'herem' neka je tvoje.
Everything in Israel that is dedicated to the Lord is yours.
15 Svako prvorođenče svih bića - kako ljudi tako i životinja - što se prinose Jahvi neka bude tvoje. Samo pusti da se otkupi prvenac od ljudi i prvenče od nečiste stoke.
Every firstborn, whether human or animal, that is offered to the Lord is yours. But you must buy back every firstborn son and every firstborn male of unclean animals.
16 Kad budu stari mjesec dana, pusti da ih otkupljuju. A njihovu otkupnu cijenu odredi: pet srebrnih šekela, prema hramskom šekelu, a to je dvadeset gera.
When they are one month old you shall pay the redemption price of five shekels of silver, (using the sanctuary shekel standard), equivalent to twenty gerahs.
17 Ali prvenče kravlje, prvenče ovčje i prvenče kozje neka se ne otkupljuje. Oni su svetinja. Krv njihovu izlij na žrtvenik, a pretilinu njihovu sažeži u kad kao žrtvu spaljenu na ugodan miris Jahvi.
But you are not allowed to redeem the firstborn of an ox, a sheep, or a goat because they are holy. You shall sprinkle their blood on the altar, and burn their fat as a burnt offering accepted by the Lord.
18 Njihovo meso neka pripadne tebi; kao i grudi žrtve prikaznice i desno pleće.
Their meat is yours, in the same way that the breast and right thigh of the wave offering are yours.
19 Sve posvećene prinose što ih Izraelci podižu Jahvi predajem trajnim zakonom tebi, tvojim sinovima i tvojim kćerima s tobom. To je savez osoljen, trajan pred Jahvom, tebi i tvome potomstvu s tobom.”
I am giving all the voluntary gifts that the Israelites present to the Lord to you and to your sons and daughters as a permanent rule. It is a permanent agreement of salt before the Lord for you and your descendants.”
20 “Nemoj imati baštine u zemlji njihovoj”, reče Jahve Aronu, “niti sebi stječi posjeda među njima! Ja sam tvoj dio i tvoja baština među Izraelcima.”
“You won't possess property in their country, and you won't have a share in their land. I am your share and your possession among the Israelites.
21 “Levijevim sinovima, evo, predajem u baštinu sve desetine u Izraelu za njihovu službu - za službu što je obavljaju u Šatoru sastanka.
Instead I have given the Levites all the tithes in Israel as compensation for the service they provide in doing the work in the Tent of Meeting.
22 A Izraelci neka se više ne primiču Šatoru sastanka, da ne navuku na se grijeh i ne poginu.
The Israelites are no longer allowed to approach the Tent of Meeting, or they will commit an offense and die.
23 Neka samo leviti obavljaju službu u Šatoru sastanka; i neka oni budu odgovorni za svoj grijeh. Trajna je to odredba za vaše naraštaje; među Izraelcima neka nemaju posjeda,
The Levites are to carry out the work in the Tent of Meeting, and they must take responsibility for any sins involved. This is a permanent rule for all future generations. The Levites won't receive a share of land among the Israelites.
24 jer ja im predajem u posjed desetine što ih Izraelci prinose na dar Jahvi. Stoga sam za njih rekao: neka oni nemaju posjeda među Izraelcima.”
Instead I have given to the Levites as their compensation the tithe that the Israelites give to the Lord as a contribution. That's why I told them that they wouldn't receive a share of land among the Israelites.”
26 “Levitima govori i reci im: 'Kad od Izraelaca primate desetinu, koju ja od njih dajem vama u baštinu, od toga onda vi prinesite podizanicu Jahvi: desetinu od desetine.
“Talk to the Levites and explain to them, ‘When you receive from the Israelites the tithe that I have given you as your compensation, you must return part of it as an offering to the Lord: a tithe of the tithe.
27 Prinos će vam biti zaračunan kao da je prinos s gumna i Óotoka iz badnja.
Your offering will be considered as if it were the firstfruits of grain from your threshing floor or grape juice from the winepress.
28 Tako isto prinosite podizanicu Jahvi i od svih svojih desetina što ih primate od Izraelaca. Od toga davajte podizanicu Jahvinu svećeniku Aronu.
In this way you are to contribute an offering to the Lord from every tithe you receive from the Israelites, giving the Lord's offering to Aaron the priest.
29 Od svih darova koje budete primali podižite podizanicu Jahvi; od svega ono najbolje - onaj dio koji treba posvećivati.'
From all the gifts you receive you are to contribute as the Lord's offering the very best, the holiest part of every gift.’
30 Još im reci: 'Pošto od toga prinesete najbolji dio, neka se to levitima uračuna kao prihod s gumna i prihod iz badnja.
So tell the Levites, ‘When you have presented the best part, it will be considered as your contribution produced by your threshing floor or winepress.
31 Na svakome ga mjestu možete jesti, i vi i vaši ukućani, jer to vam je nagrada za vašu službu u Šatoru sastanka.
You and your families may eat it anywhere because it's compensation for your service in the Tent of Meeting.
32 Pošto prinesete njegov najbolji dio, nećete navući na se grijeha; svetinja Izraelaca nećete oskvrnjivati te nećete ginuti.'”
You will not be considered to have sinned if you have presented the best part of it. But if you treat the sacred offerings of the Israelites with disrespect you will die.’”