< Brojevi 11 >
1 I stade narod zlobno mrmljati u Jahvine uši. Kad to ču Jahve, planu gnjevom. Jahvin oganj izbi među njima i spali jedan kraj tabora.
Meanwhile, there arose a murmur among the people against the Lord, as if they were grief-stricken because of their labors. And when the Lord had heard it, he was angry. And when the fire of the Lord was enflamed against them, it devoured those who were at the extreme end of the camp.
2 Narod zavapi Mojsiju, a Mojsije se pomoli Jahvi i oganj se utiša.
And when the people had cried out to Moses, Moses prayed to the Lord, and the fire was consumed.
3 Ono se mjesto prozva Tabera, jer je Jahvin oganj ondje zaplamtio na njih.
And he called the name of that place, ‘The Burning,’ because the fire of the Lord had burned against them.
4 Svjetinu koja se oko njih skupila obuzme pohlepa za jelom. Izraelci se opet upuste u jadikovanje govoreći: “Tko će nas nasititi mesom?
So then, the mix of common people, who had ascended with them, were enflamed with desire, and sitting and weeping, with the sons of Israel joining them, they said, “Who will give us flesh to eat?
5 Sjećamo se kako smo u Egiptu jeli badava ribe, krastavaca, dinje, prÓase, luka i češnjaka.
We remember the fish that we ate freely in Egypt; we call to mind the cucumbers, and melons, and leeks, and onions, and garlic.
6 Sad nam život vene; nema ničega, osim mÓane, pred našim očima.”
Our life is dry; our eyes look out to see nothing but manna.”
7 MÓana je bila kao zrno korijandera i nalik na bdelij.
Now the manna was like coriander seed, but with the color of bdellium.
8 Narod išao naokolo, skupljao je, a onda tro kamenom na kamenoj ploči ili stÓupao u stÓupi. Kuhao ju je u loncu i od nje pravio kolače. Okus joj bijaše kao okus kolača zgotovljena u ulju.
And the people wandered about, gathering it, and they crushed it with a millstone, or ground it with a mortar; then they boiled it in a pot, and made biscuits out of it, with a taste like bread made with oil.
9 Kad bi se noću spuštala rosa po taborištu, s njome bi se spustila i mÓana.
And when the dew descended in the night over the camp, the manna descended together with it.
10 Mojsije je slušao kako jadikuje narod u svojim obiteljima, svatko na ulazu u svoj šator. Gnjev Jahvin žestoko planu i Mojsije se ražalosti.
And so, Moses heard the people weeping by their families, each one at the door of his tent. And the fury of the Lord was greatly enflamed. And to Moses also the matter seemed intolerable.
11 “Zašto zlostavljaš slugu svoga?” - upravi Mojsije riječ Jahvi. “Zašto nisam stekao milost u tvojim očima kad si na me uprtio teret svega ovog naroda?
And so he said to the Lord: “Why have you afflicted your servant? Why do I not find favor before you? And why have you imposed the weight of this entire people upon me?
12 Zar je od mene potekao sav ovaj narod? Zar sam ga ja rodio, kad veliš: 'Nosi ga u svome krilu, kao što dojilja nosi dojenče, u zemlju što sam je pod zakletvom obećao njihovim očevima!'
Could I have conceived this entire multitude, or have given birth to them, so that you might say to me: Carry them in your bosom, as a nursemaid usually carries a little infant, and bring them into the land, about which you have sworn to their fathers?
13 Odakle meni meso da ga dam svemu ovom puku koji plače oko mene govoreći: 'Daj nam mesa da jedemo!'
From where would I obtain the flesh to give to so great a multitude? They weep against me, saying, ‘Give us flesh, so that we may eat.’
14 Ja sam ne mogu nositi sav ovaj narod. Preteško je to za me.
I alone am unable to sustain this entire people, because it is too heavy for me.
15 Ako ćeš ovako sa mnom postupati, radije me ubij, ako sam stekao milost u tvojim očima, da više ne gledam svoga jada.”
But if it seems to you otherwise, I beg you to put me to death, and so may I find grace in your eyes, lest I be afflicted with such evils.”
16 Onda Jahve reče Mojsiju: “Skupi mi sedamdeset muževa između starješina izraelskih za koje znaš da su starješine narodu i njegovi nadglednici. Dovedi ih u Šator sastanka pa neka ondje zauzmu svoja mjesta s tobom.
And the Lord said to Moses: “Gather to me seventy men from the elders of Israel, whom you know to be elders, as well as teachers, of the people. And you shall lead them to the door of the tabernacle of the covenant, and you shall cause them to stand there with you,
17 Ja ću sići i ondje s tobom govoriti; uzet ću nešto duha koji je na tebi i stavit ću ga na njih. Tako će s tobom nositi teret naroda da ga ne nosiš sam.
so that I may descend and speak to you. And I will take from your spirit, and I will deliver it to them, so that, with you, they may sustain the burden of the people, and so that you will not be weighed down alone.
18 Nadalje, kaži narodu: Za sutra se posvetite i jest ćete mesa, jer ste mrmljali u uši Jahvi govoreći: 'Tko će nas nasititi mesa? U Egiptu nam je bilo dobro.' Jahve će vam, dakle, dati mesa da jedete.
You shall also say to the people: Be sanctified. Tomorrow you will eat flesh. For I have heard you say: ‘Who will give us flesh to eat? It was well with us in Egypt.’ So then, may the Lord give you flesh. And you will eat,
19 Nećete ga jesti samo jedan dan, ni dva dana, ni pet dana, ni deset dana, ni dvadeset dana,
not for one day, nor for two, nor for five, nor for ten, nor even for twenty,
20 nego cio mjesec, sve dok vam ne izbije na nosnice i ne ogadi vam se, jer ste odbacili Jahvu koji je među vama mrmljajući pred njim riječima: 'Zašto smo uopće odlazili iz Egipta!'”
but for up to a month of days, until it exits from your nostrils, and until it turns into nausea for you, because you have slipped away from the Lord, who is in your midst, and because you have wept before him, saying: ‘Why did we go forth out of Egypt?’”
21 “Naroda u kojemu se nalazim”, odgovori Mojsije, “ima šest stotina tisuća pješaka, a ti kažeš: 'Mesa ću im dati da jedu mjesec dana.'
And Moses said: “There are six hundred thousand footmen of this people, and yet you say, ‘I will give them flesh to eat for a whole month.’
22 Može li im se naklati sitne i krupne stoke da im dostane? Mogu li im se sve ribe iz mora zgrnuti da im bude dosta?”
Could a multitude of sheep and oxen be slain, so that there would be enough food? Or will the fishes of the sea be gathered together, in order to satisfy them?”
23 Jahve reče Mojsiju: “Zar je ruka Jahvina tako kratka? Sad ćeš vidjeti hoće li se obistiniti moja riječ ili neće.”
And the Lord answered him: “Can the hand of the Lord be ineffective? Soon now, you shall see whether my word will be fulfilled in this work.”
24 Mojsije izađe i kaza narodu Jahvine riječi. Onda skupi sedamdeset muževa između narodnih starješina i smjesti ih oko Šatora.
And so, Moses went and explained the words of the Lord to the people. Gathering together seventy men from the elders of Israel, he caused them to stand around the tabernacle.
25 Jahve siđe u oblaku i poče s njim govoriti. Zatim uze od duha koji bijaše na njemu i stavi na onu sedamdesetoricu starješina. Kad duh počinu na njima, počeše prorokovati, ali to više nikad ne učiniše.
And the Lord descended in a cloud, and he spoke to him, taking from the Spirit which was in Moses, and giving to the seventy men. And when the Spirit had rested in them, they prophesied; nor did they cease afterwards.
26 Dvojica ostadoše u taboru. Jednome je bilo ime Eldad, a drugome Medad. Duh je i na njima počinuo - bili su i oni među upisanima, premda nisu došli u tabor - te počeše u taboru prorokovati.
Now there had remained in the camp two of the men, of whom one was called Eldad, and the other Medad, upon whom the Spirit rested; for they also had been enrolled, but they did not go forth to the tabernacle.
27 Neki mladić otrča te javi Mojsiju: “Eldad i Medad”, reče, “prorokuju u taboru!”
And when they were prophesying in the camp, a boy ran and reported to Moses, saying: “Eldad and Medad prophesy in the camp.”
28 Jošua, sin Nunov, koji je posluživao Mojsija od svoje mladosti, prozbori i reče: “Mojsije, gospodaru moj, ušutkaj ih!”
Promptly, Joshua the son of Nun, the minister of Moses and chosen from many, said: “My lord Moses, prohibit them.”
29 Mojsije mu odgovori: “Zar si zavidan zbog mene! Oh, kad bi sav narod Jahvin postao prorok! Kad bi Jahve na njih izlio svoga duha!”
But he said, “Why are you jealous on my behalf? Who decides that any of the people may prophesy and that God may give to them his Spirit?”
30 Potom se Mojsije i starješine izraelske vrate u tabor.
And Moses returned, with those greater by birth of Israel, into the camp.
31 Tada Jahve zapovjedi te zapuhnu vjetar i nanese prepelice od mora i sasu ih na tabor, na dan hoda i s ove i s one strane tabora, na dva lakta iznad zemlje.
Then a wind, going out from the Lord and moving forcefully across the sea, brought quails and cast them into the camp, across a distance of one day’s journey, in every part of the camp all around, and they flew in the air two cubits high above the ground.
32 Narod je ustao te je toga cijeloga dana, svu noć i cio sutrašnji dan skupljao prepelice. Onaj tko ih je skupio najmanje imao je deset homera.
Therefore, the people, rising up, gathered quails all that day and night, and the next day; he who did least well gathered ten homers. And they dried them throughout the camp.
33 Zatim ih razastriješe oko tabora. Meso još bijaše među njihovim zubima - još ga nisu prožvakali - kadli planu Jahvin gnjev protiv naroda: Jahve udari narod strašnim pomorom.
The flesh was still between their teeth, neither had this kind of food ceased, and behold, the fury of the Lord was provoked against the people, and he struck them with an exceedingly great scourge.
34 Ono se mjesto prozva Kibrot Hataava, jer su ondje pokopali one koji se bijahu polakomili.
And that place was called, ‘The Graves of Lust.’ For there, they buried the people who had desired.
35 Iz Kibrot Hataave narod se zaputi u Haserot. I utabori se u Haserotu.
Then, departing from the Graves of Lust, they arrived in Hazeroth, and they stayed there.