< Nehemija 13 >

1 U ono vrijeme čitala se narodu knjiga Mojsijeva i ondje se našlo zapisano da Amonac i Moabac ne smiju nikada ući u zbor Božji,
On that day there was read in the scroll of Moses, in the ears of the people, and it has been found written in it that an Ammonite and Moabite does not come into the assembly of God for all time,
2 jer nisu sinovima Izraelovima izašli u susret s kruhom i vodom, nego su čak najmili protiv njih Bileama da ih prokune, ali je naš Bog obratio kletvu u blagoslov.
because they have not come before the sons of Israel with bread and with water, and hire against them Balaam to revile them, and our God turns the reviling into a blessing.
3 Kad su čuli Zakon, isključili su iz Izraela sve strance.
And it comes to pass, at their hearing the Law, that they separate all the mixed people from Israel.
4 A prije toga svećenik Elijašib, postavljen nad sobama Doma Boga našega, bijaše svom rođaku Tobiji
And before this Eliashib the priest, appointed over chambers of the house of our God, [is] a relation of Tobiah,
5 uredio prostranu sobu gdje su se prije ostavljali prinosi, tamjan, posuđe, desetine žita, vina i ulja, određene za levite, pjevače i vratare, i doprinosi za svećenike.
and he makes for him a great chamber, and there they were formerly putting the present, the frankincense, and the vessels, and the tithe of the grain, the new wine, and the oil—the commanded thing of the Levites, and the singers, and the gatekeepers—and the raised-offering of the priests.
6 U to vrijeme nisam bio u Jeruzalemu, jer sam trideset i druge godine babilonskog kralja Artakserksa otišao kralju; ali poslije nekog vremena izmolio sam u kralja
And during all this I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I came to the king, and at the end of days I have asked of the king,
7 da se mogu vratiti u Jeruzalem. Tada doznadoh za zlo djelo što ga učini Elijašib uredivši Tobiji sobu u predvorjima Doma Božjega.
and I come to Jerusalem, and understand concerning the evil that Eliashib has done for Tobiah, to make to him a chamber in the courts of the house of God,
8 To me veoma rasrdilo: izbacih iz sobe sav namještaj Tobijina stana
and it is very displeasing to me, and I cast all the vessels of the house of Tobiah outside, out of the chamber,
9 i naredih da se sobe očiste, zatim unesoh onamo posuđe Doma Božjega, prinose i tamjan.
and I command, and they cleanse the chambers, and I bring back there the vessels of the house of God with the present and the frankincense.
10 Doznadoh i to da levitima nisu davali njihovih dijelova i da su se i leviti i pjevači, određeni za službu, razbježali svaki u svoje polje.
And I know that the portions of the Levites have not been given, and they flee each to his field—the Levites and the singers, doing the work.
11 I prekorih odličnike i rekoh: “Zašto je zapušten Dom Božji?” Zatim skupih levite i pjevače i vratih ih k njihovim službama.
And I strive with the prefects, and say, “Why has the house of God been forsaken?” And I gather them, and set them on their station;
12 Tada je sva Judeja donosila u spremišta desetinu žita, vina i ulja.
and all Judah has brought in the tithe of the grain, and of the new wine, and of the oil, to the treasuries.
13 Nad spremištima postavio sam svećenika Šelemju, književnika Sadoka i levita Pedaju, a uz njih Hanana, sina Zakura, sina Matanijina. Njih su smatrali pouzdanima; njihova je dužnost bila da dijele svojoj braći.
And I appoint treasurers over the treasuries, Shelemiah the priest, and Zadok the scribe, and Pedaiah of the Levites; and by their hand [is] Hanan son of Zaccur, son of Mattaniah, for they have been reckoned steadfast, and on them [it is] to give a portion to their brothers.
14 Zato, sjeti se mene, Bože moj: ne prezri mojih pobožnih djela koja učinih za Dom Boga svoga i za službu u njemu.
Be mindful of me, O my God, for this, and do not blot out my kind acts that I have done, for the house of my God, and for its charges.
15 U ono sam vrijeme vidio u Judeji ljude koji gaze u tijescima u dan subotnji; drugi su nosili snopove žita, tovarili na magarce vino, grožđe, smokve i svakojake terete da ih u dan subotnji unesu u Jeruzalem. I prekorih ljude što u taj dan prodaju živež.
In those days I have seen in Judah those treading wine-vats on Sabbath, and bringing in the sheaves, and loading on the donkeys, and also, wine, grapes, and figs, and every burden, indeed, they are bringing into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, and I testify in the day of their selling provision.
16 A Tirci koji su živjeli u Jeruzalemu donosili su onamo ribu i svakovrsnu robu da je prodaju Židovima u subotu.
And the Tyrians have dwelt in it, bringing in fish, and every ware, and selling on Sabbath to the sons of Judah and in Jerusalem.
17 Prekorih judejske velikaše i rekoh im: “Kakvo to zlo djelo činite i skrnavite dan subotnji?
And I strive with the nobles of Judah, and say to them, “What [is] this evil thing that you are doing, and defiling the Sabbath day?
18 Nisu li tako činili i vaši oci te je Bog naš doveo svu ovu nesreću na nas i na ovaj grad? A zar vi želite umnažati gnjev protiv Izraela skrnaveći subotu?”
Thus did not your fathers do? And our God brings in on us all this evil, and on this city, and you are adding fierceness on Israel, to defile the Sabbath.”
19 I zapovjedih još da uoči subote, kad se mrak spusti na jeruzalemska vrata, zatvore njihova krila i rekoh neka se ne otvaraju do iza subote! Postavio sam nekoliko svojih momaka na vrata da se ne unosi nikakav tovar u dan subotnji.
And it comes to pass, when the gates of Jerusalem have been dark before the Sabbath, that I command, and the doors are shut, and I command that they do not open them until after the Sabbath; and of my servants I have stationed at the gates; there does not come in a burden on the Sabbath day.
20 Jednom su ili dvaput trgovci i prodavači svakovrsne robe proveli noć izvan Jeruzalema,
And they lodge—the merchants and sellers of all ware—at the outside of Jerusalem, once or twice,
21 ali sam ih upozorio i rekao im: “Zašto provodite noć pod zidom? Ako to ponovite, dignut ću na vas ruku!” Od toga vremena nisu više dolazili u subotu.
and I testify against them, and say to them, “Why are you lodging in front of the wall? If you repeat [it], I put forth a hand on you”; from that time they have not come in on the Sabbath.
22 Zapovjedio sam levitima da se očiste i da dođu čuvati vrata, kako bi se svetkovao dan subotnji. I za ovo se spomeni mene, Bože moj, i smiluj mi se po svome velikom milosrđu!
And I command to the Levites that they be cleansed, and coming in, keeping the gates, to sanctify the Sabbath day. Also, this, remember for me, O my God, and have pity on me, according to the abundance of Your kindness.
23 Onih sam dana vidio i Židove koji se bijahu oženili Ašdođankama, Amonkama i Moapkama.
Also, in those days, I have seen the Jews [who] have settled women of Ashdod, of Ammon, of Moab.
24 Polovica njihovih sinova govorila je ašdodski ili jezikom ovoga ili onoga naroda: više nisu znali govoriti židovski.
And of their sons, half are speaking Ashdoditish—and are not knowing to speak Jewish—and according to the language of people and people.
25 Korio sam ih i proklinjao, neke sam i tukao, čupao im kose i zaklinjao ih Bogom: “Ne dajite svojih kćeri njihovim sinovima i ne uzimajte žene od njihovih kćeri za svoje sinove, a ni za sebe!
And I strive with them, and declare them vile, and strike certain of them, and pluck off their hair, and cause them to swear by God, “You do not give your daughters to their sons, nor do you take of their daughters to your sons, and to yourselves.
26 Nije li u tome sagriješio Salomon, kralj Izraelov? Među mnogim narodima nije bilo kralja njemu ravna. Bio je drag Bogu svome i Gospod ga je postavio kraljem nad svim Izraelom. Ali su i njega tuđinke navele na grijeh!
By these did not Solomon king of Israel sin? And among the many nations there was no king like him, and he was beloved by his God, and God makes him king over all Israel—even him [whom] the strange women caused to sin.
27 Treba li slušati kako i vi činite veliko zlo i postajete nevjerni Bogu našemu ženeći se tuđinkama?”
And do we listen to you to do all this great evil, to trespass against our God, to settle strange women?”
28 Jedan od sinova Jojade, sina velikog svećenika Elijašiba, bijaše zet Horonjaninu Sanbalatu. Njega sam otjerao od sebe.
And [one] of the sons of Joiada son of Eliashib the high priest, [is] son-in-law to Sanballat the Horonite, and I cause him to flee from off me.
29 Spomeni se, Bože moj, ovih ljudi, jer su oskvrnuli svećeništvo i zavjet svećenički i levitski.
Be mindful of them, O my God, for the redeemed of the priesthood, and the covenant of the priesthood, and of the Levites.
30 Tako sam ih očistio od svega tuđega i opet uspostavio službe svećenika i levita dodijelivši svakome njegov posao.
And I have cleansed them from every stranger, and appoint charges to priests and to Levites, each in his work,
31 Uredio sam i da se nose drva u određene dane i prvine. Sjeti me se, Bože moj, za moje dobro!
and for the wood-offering at appointed times, and for first-fruits. Be mindful of me, O my God, for good.

< Nehemija 13 >