< Nehemija 11 >

1 Tada se nastaniše knezovi narodni u Jeruzalemu. Ostali je narod bacao ždrijeb da od svakih deset ljudi izađe jedan koji će stanovati u svetom gradu Jeruzalemu, dok će ostalih devet ostati u drugim gradovima.
And the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusalem: and the rest of the people cast lots, to bring one of every ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, and the nine parts to [remain] in the [other] cities.
2 I narod je blagoslovio sve ljude koji su dragovoljno htjeli živjeti u Jeruzalemu.
And the people blessed all the men, that offered themselves voluntarily to dwell at Jerusalem.
3 A evo glavara pokrajinskih koji su se nastanili u Jeruzalemu i po gradovima Judeje. Izrael, svećenici, leviti, netinci i sinovi Salomonovih slugu nastanili su se u svojim gradovima, svaki na svome posjedu.
Now these are the chiefs of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, [to wit, ] Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the temple-servants, and the children of Solomon's servants.
4 U Jeruzalemu se nastaniše sinovi Judini i sinovi Benjaminovi. Od sinova Judinih: Ataja, sin Uzije, sina Zaharijina, sina Amarjina, sina Šefatjina, sina Mahalalelova, od sinova Faresovih;
And at Jerusalem dwelt certain of the children of Judah, and of the children of Benjamin. Of the children of Judah: 'Athayah the son of 'Uzziyah, the son of Zechariah, the son of Amaryah, the son of Shephatyah, the son of Mahalalel, of the children of Perez:
5 Maaseja, sin Baruha, sina Kol-Hozea, sina Hazaje, sina Adaje, sina Jojariba, sina Zaharije, sina Šelina.
And Ma'asseyah the son of Baruch, the son of Kol-chozeh, the son of Chazayah, the son of 'Adayah, the son of Joyarib, the son of Zechariah, the son of Hashiloni;
6 Svega je bilo Faresovih sinova u Jeruzalemu četiri stotine šezdeset i osam ljudi sposobnih za boj.
All the sons of Perez that dwelt at Jerusalem were four hundred sixty and eight valiant men.
7 Evo Benjaminovih sinova: Salu, sin Mešulama, sina Joedova, sina Pedajina, sina Kolajina, sina Maasejina, sina Itielova, sina Ješajina,
And these are the sons of Benjamin: Sallu the son of Meshullam, the son of Jo'ed, the son of Pedayah, the son of Kolayah, the son of Ma'asseyah, the son of Ithiel, the son of Jessha'yah;
8 i braća njegova: sposobnih za boj devet stotina dvadeset i osam.
And next to him Gabbai, Sallai; nine hundred twenty and eight.
9 Joel, sin Zikrijev, bio je njihov zapovjednik, i Juda, sin Hasenuin, drugi upravitelj grada.
And Joel the son of Zichri was overseer over them; and Judah the son of Hassenuah was second over the city.
10 Od svećenika: Jedaja, Jojarib, Jakin,
Of the priests: Jedayah the son of Joyarib, Jachin:
11 Seraja, sin Hilkije, sina Mešulama, sina Sadoka, sina Merajota, sina Ahituba, predstojnik Doma Božjega, i
Serayah the son of Chilkiyah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Merayoth, the son of Achitub, the superintendent of the house of God;
12 njihova braća koja su vršila službu u Domu: osam stotina dvadeset i dvojica; i Adaja, sin Jerohama, sina Pelalije, sina Amsija, sina Zaharije, sina Pašhura, sina Malkijina,
And their brethren who did the work of the house, eight hundred twenty and two; and 'Adayah the son of Jerocham, the son of Pelalyah, the son of Amzi, the son of Zechariah, the son of Pashchur, the son of Malkiyah;
13 i njegova braća, glavari obitelji: dvjesta četrdeset i dvojica; i Amasaj, sin Azarela, sina Ahzaja, sina Mešilemota, sina Imerova,
And his brethren, chiefs of the divisions, two hundred forty and two; and 'Amashsai the son of 'Azarel, the son of Achsai, the son of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer;
14 i njihove braće, sposobnih za boj: stotinu dvadeset i osam. Zapovjednik nad njima bio je Zabdiel, sin Hagedolimov.
And their brethren, mighty men of valor, one hundred twenty and eight; and the overseer over them was Zabdiel, the son of Haggedolim.
15 Od levita: Šemaja, sin Hašuba, sina Azrikama, sina Hašabje, sina Bunijeva;
Also of the Levites: Shema'yah the son of Chasshub, the son of 'Azrikam, the son of Chashabyah, the son of Bunni;
16 i Šabtaj i Jozabad, od glavara levitskih, za nadzor vanjskih poslova Doma Božjega;
And Shabbethai and Jozabad, of the chiefs of the Levites, had the oversight of the outward business of the house of God;
17 i Matanija, sin Miheja, sina Zabdijeva, sina Asafova, koji je ravnao psalmima, počinjao zahvale i molitve; i Bakbukja, drugi među svojom braćom; i Abda, sin Šamue, sina Galala, sina Jedutunova.
And Matthaniah the son of Micha, the son of Zabdi, the son of Assaph, the principal to begin the thanksgiving at prayer; and Bakbukyah the second among his brethren and 'Abda the son of Shammua', the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun.
18 Svega je levita bilo u Svetom gradu: dvjesta osamdeset i četiri.
All the Levites in the holy city were two hundred eighty and four.
19 A vratari: Akub, Talmon i njihova braća koja su čuvala stražu na vratima: stotinu sedamdeset i dva.
And the gatekeepers, Akkub, Talmon and their brethren that watched at the gates, were one hundred seventy and two.
20 A ostali Izraelci, svećenici i leviti, nastaniše se u svim gradovima Judeje, svaki na svojoj baštini i po naseljima u njihovim poljima.
And the residue of Israel, of the priests, and the Levites, were in all the cities of Judah, every one in his inheritance.
21 Netinci su stanovali u Ofelu; Siha i Gišpa bijahu na čelu netinaca.
But the temple-servants dwelt in the hill-fort; and Zicha and Gishpa were over the temple-servants.
22 Predstojnik je levitima u Jeruzalemu bio Uzi, sin Banija, sina Hašabje, sina Matanije, sina Mihejina. On je bio od sinova Asafovih, koji su bili pjevači za službu Doma Božjega.
And the overseer of the Levites at Jerusalem was 'Uzzi the son of Bani, the son of Chashabyah, the son of Matthanyah, the son of Micha, one of the sons of Assaph, the singers, over the business of the house of God.
23 Jer je za njih bila kraljeva zapovijed i uredba za svakodnevnu službu.
For the king's command was obligatory on them; and there was a fixed rate for the singers, the requirement of every day on its day.
24 Petahja, sin Mešezabelov, od sinova Zeraha, sina Judina, bio je kraljev povjerenik za sve poslove s narodom.
And Pethachyah the son of Meshezabel, of the children of Zerach the son of Judah, was at the king's hand in every thing concerning the people.
25 Od sinova Judinih nastanili su se u Kirjat Haarbi i njezinim zaseocima, u Dibonu i njegovim zaseocima, u Jekabseelu i njegovim naseljima,
And respecting the villages with their fields, some of the children of Judah dwelt at Kiryath-arba' and in its villages, and at Dibon and in its villages, and at Jekabzeel and in its villages.
26 u Jesui, u Moladi, u Bet Peletu,
And at Jeshua', and at Moladah, and at Beth-phelet,
27 u Hasar Šualu, u Beer Šebi i u njenim zaseocima,
And at Chazar-shu'al, and at Beer-sheba' and in its villages,
28 u Siklagu, u Mekoni i njenim zaseocima,
And at Ziklag, and at Mechonah and in its villages,
29 u En Rimonu, u Sori, u Jarmutu,
And at 'En-rimmon, and at Zor'ah, and at Yarmuth,
30 Zanoahu, Adulamu i njihovim naseljima; u Lakišu i njegovim poljima, u Azeki i njenim zaseocima: tako su se naselili od Beer Šebe sve do Hinomske doline.
Zanoach, 'Adullam, and in their villages, at Lachish and its fields, at 'Azekah and in its villages. And they dwelt from Beer-sheba' as far as the valley of Hinnom.
31 Benjaminovi sinovi življahu u Gebi, Mikmasu, Aju i Betelu i u njihovim zaseocima,
And the children of Benjamin [dwelt], beginning from Geba', at Michmash, and 'Ay-ya, and Beth-el, and in their villages,
32 u Anatotu, Nobu, Ananiji,
'Anathoth, Nob, 'Ananyah,
33 Hasoru, Rami, Gitajimu,
Chazor, Ramah, Gittayim.
34 Hadidu, Seboimu, u Nebalatu,
Chadid, Zebo'im, Neballat,
35 Lodu, Ononu i u Dolini rukotvoraca.
Lod, and Ono, the valley of the carpenters.
36 Skupine levita nalazile su se u Judi i Benjaminu.
And of the Levites dwelt certain divisions in Judah, and in Benjamin.

< Nehemija 11 >