< Nahum 2 >
1 Protiv tebe dolazi rušitelj. Postavi stražu na bedeme, gledaj na put, opaši bedra, saberi sve svoje snage.
He has come up [one who] scatters on face your guard [the] fortification watch [the] road strengthen [the] loins make strong strength exceedingly.
2 Da, Jahve će obnoviti vinograd Jakovljev i vinograd Izraelov. Pljačkaši ih opljačkali, mladice im potrli.
For he will restore Yahweh [the] majesty of Jacob like [the] majesty of Israel for they have laid waste to them [those who] lay waste and branches their they have destroyed.
3 Štitovi njegovih junaka crvene se, njegovi su ratnici u grimizu; ognjem blista čelik na njihovim bojnim kolima kad krenu u boj; konji im se propinju.
[the] shield of Warriors his [is] dyed red men of strength [are] clothed in scarlet [are] in fire of iron the chariotry on [the] day prepares he and the cypresses they have been made to quiver.
4 Po ulicama bjesne bojna kola, lete preko trgova; na pogled su baklje goruće; kao munje, samo sijevaju.
In the streets they drive madly the chariotry they rush around! in the open places appearance their [are] like torches like lightning flashes they run around.
5 Pozivaju se borci odabrani, bacaju se u rovove, hrle brzo na bedeme, već je zaklon postavljen.
He remembers nobles his they stumble (on journey their *Q(K)*) they hurry wall its and it is prepared the cover.
6 Vrata koja gledaju na Rijeku otvaraju se, strava je u palači.
[the] gates of The rivers they have been opened and the palace it has melted away.
7 Podižu, u izgnanstvo odvode Gospodaricu, robinjice njene cvile, tuguju kao golubice, u prsa se udaraju.
And it has been fixed it was uncovered it was taken away and maidservants its [are] moaning like [the] sound of doves [they are] beating on hearts their.
8 Niniva je nabujalo jezero, oni bježe pred vodom njezinom. “Zaustavite se, stanite!” Ali se nitko ne okreće.
And Nineveh [was] like a pool of water from [the] days of it and they [are] fleeing stop stop and there not [is one who] turns back.
9 “Grabite srebro! Grabite zlato!” Blagu kraja nema, obilje dragocjenosti!
Plunder silver plunder gold and there not [is] an end to the supply abundance from every article of preciousness.
10 Pljačkanje, haranje, razaranje! Srce zamire, koljena klecaju, u bedrima drhtavica, svima su lica poblijedjela.
Emptiness and emptiness and devastation and heart [is] melting and [are] tottering knees and anguish [is] in all loins and [the] faces of all of them they have gathered a glow.
11 Gdje je skrovište lavovima i log lavićima? Kad je lav izlazio, lavica je ostajala i lavovi mališani; plašio ih nitko nije.
Where? [is the] dwelling place of lions and [is] pasture it for young lions where it walked lion lioness there cub of lion and there not [was one who] disturbed [them].
12 Lav je grabio za svoje laviće, davio je za svoje lavice; svoje spilje punio je plijenom, svoja skrovišta lovinom.
[the] lion [was] tearing For [the] sufficiency of cubs its and [was] strangling for lionesses its and it filled prey hole its and dens its torn flesh.
13 “Evo me! Tebi!” - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama. “Pretvorit ću u dim tvoja bojna kola, mač će poklati tvoje laviće. Istrijebit ću sa zemlje tvoja pljačkanja, i neće se više čuti povik tvojih glasnika.”
Here I [am] against you [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts and I will burn in smoke chariotry its and young lions your it will consume [the] sword and I will cut off from [the] earth prey your and not it will be heard again [the] voice of messengers your.