< Mihej 2 >

1 Teško onima koji smišljaju nedjelo i snuju zlo na posteljama svojim! Kad svane dan, oni ga izvrše, jer je sila u njihovoj ruci.
Terrible things will happen to you who lie awake at night, planning to do wicked things. You get up at dawn, and you do those things, [as soon as] you are able to do them.
2 Zažele li polja, otimaju ih, i kuće, uzimaju ih; čine nasilje čovjeku i kući njegovoj, vlasniku i posjedu njegovu.
You want fields [that belong to other people], so you seize them; you also take their houses. You cheat people to get their homes, taking away the property that belongs to their families.
3 Zato ovako govori Jahve: “Evo tome rodu smišljam zlo iz kojega nećete izvući vratova, niti ćete hoditi ponosito, jer će biti zlo vrijeme.
Therefore, this is what Yahweh says: “I will cause you people to experience disasters, and you will not be able to escape [MTY] from them. You will no [longer] walk around proudly, because when those things happen, it will be a time of much trouble for you.
4 U onaj će vam se dan složiti rugalica, zapjevati tužaljka i reći: 'Propalo je! Posve smo opustošeni, baština je naroda moga otuđena i nitko da mu je vrati, naša polja podijeljena su odmetniku.'
At that time, [your enemies] will make fun of you; they will ridicule you by singing this sad song about you: ‘We are completely ruined; Yahweh is taking our land/fields from us, and he will give it to those who will capture us.’”
5 Zato neće biti nikoga tko bi bacio kocku za dio tvoj u zboru Jahvinu.”
So [when it is the time for the land to be given back to you] people who belong to Yahweh, there will be no one [MTY] who will be able to (cast lots/throw marked stones) to determine which land belongs to whom.
6 “Ne balite!” - bale oni - “Tako se ne bali! Sramota na nas neće pasti!
The people [who heard me say that] replied to me, “Do not prophesy such things! Do not say that [Yahweh] is going to humiliate us [by causing us to experience disasters]!”
7 Zar će biti proklet dom Jakovljev? Zar je Jahve izgubio strpljivost? Zar on tako postupa? Nisu li riječi njegove ugodne Izraelu, narodu njegovu?”
But you people [MTY] of Israel should not [RHQ] talk like that! The Spirit of Yahweh will certainly not [RHQ] be patient [with people who say such things]! People who continually do things that are righteous will certainly [RHQ] like/appreciate what I say.
8 Vi se sami dižete kao neprijatelji narodu mojemu. Čovjeku nezazornu vi otimate kabanicu, onome koji bez straha putuje ratne strahote dosuđujete.
[But Yahweh says], “[Recently] my people have been acting toward me like an enemy. When soldiers return from fighting [against their enemies], you [rich people refuse to return the coats of those poor soldiers who have borrowed money from you] [and given you their coats to guarantee that they will pay back the money that they borrowed from you]. [It is as though] you are waiting to forcefully take their coats off their backs!
9 Vi izgonite žene moga naroda iz njihovih milih domova; djeci njihovoj zauvijek oduzimate slavu koju sam im dao:
You have forced women to leave their nice homes, and you have stolen from their children forever the (blessings/good things) that I wanted to give them.
10 “Ustanite, idite! Ovo nije počivalište! Zbog nečistoće teško vas uže svezalo.”
[So] get up and leave [here]! This is not a place where you can rest [and be safe/protected], because you have (defiled it/caused it to be a place that I hate); it will be completely destroyed.
11 Kad bi mogao biti nadahnut čovjek koji izmišlja ovu opsjenu: “Prorokujem ti vino i piće”, on bi bio prorok narodu ovome.
[You people want] a prophet who will lie to you, saying ‘I will preach [that you should drink] plenty of wine and [other] alcoholic drinks!’ That is the [kind of] prophet who [would please] you.”
12 Svega ću te sabrati, Jakove, sakupit ću Ostatak Izraelov! Smjestit ću ih zajedno kao ovce u toru, kao stado na paši - neće se bojati nikoga.
“[But some day], you descendants of Jacob, you Israeli people who have survived, I will bring you back [from (exile/other countries)], I will gather you together like [SIM] [a shepherd gathers his] sheep from the pasture into a pen [DOU]; there will be many of you in your land/country.
13 Pred njima stupa rušilac: oni će se porušiti i ući, kroz vrata će proći i izaći; pred njima će ići njihov kralj, Jahve će biti na čelu.
Your leader will enable them to leave the countries where they have been exiled; he will lead them out of the gates [of their enemies’ cities], [back to your own country]. Your king will lead them; [it is I], Yahweh, who will be their king!”

< Mihej 2 >