< Marko 14 >
1 Za dva dana bijaše Pasha i Beskvasni kruhovi. Glavari svećenički i pismoznanci tražili su kako da ga na prijevaru uhvate i ubiju.
And two daies after followed the feast of the Passeouer, and of vnleauened bread: and the hie Priests, and Scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death.
2 Jer se govorilo: “Nikako ne na Blagdan da ne nastane pobuna naroda.”
But they sayde, Not in the feast day, least there be any tumult among the people.
3 I kad je u Betaniji, u kući Šimuna Gubavca, bio za stolom, dođe neka žena s alabastrenom posudicom prave skupocjene nardove pomasti. Razbi posudicu i poli ga po glavi.
And when hee was in Bethania in the house of Simon the leper, as he sate at table, there came a woman hauing a boxe of oyntment of spikenarde, very costly, and shee brake the boxe, and powred it on his head.
4 A neki negodovahu te će jedan drugomu: “Čemu to rasipanje pomasti?
Therefore some disdained among themselues, and sayde, To what ende is this waste of oyntment?
5 Mogla se pomast prodati za više od tristo denara i dati siromasima.” I otresahu se na nju.
For it might haue bene sold for more then three hundreth pence, and bene giuen vnto the poore, and they murmured against her.
6 A Isus reče: “Pustite je, što joj dodijavate? Dobro djelo učini na meni.
But Iesus saide, Let her alone: why trouble yee her? shee hath wrought a good worke on me.
7 Ta siromaha svagda imate uza se i kad god hoćete možete im dobro činiti, a mene nemate svagda.
For yee haue the poore with you alwaies, and when yee will yee may doe them good, but me yee shall not haue alwaies.
8 Učinila je što je mogla: unaprijed mi pomaza tijelo za ukop.
She hath done that she coulde: she came afore hand to anoynt my body to the burying.
9 Zaista, kažem vam, gdje se god bude propovijedalo evanđelje, po svem svijetu, navješćivat će se i ovo što ona učini - njoj na spomen.”
Verely I say vnto you, wheresoeuer this Gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done, shalbe spoken of in remembrance of her.
10 A Juda Iškariotski, jedan od dvanaestorice, ode glavarima svećeničkim da im ga preda.
Then Iudas Iscariot, one of the twelue, went away vnto the hie Priestes, to betray him vnto them.
11 Kad su oni to čuli, obradovali su se i obećali mu dati novca. I tražio je zgodu da ga preda.
And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised that they woulde giue him monie: therefore he sought howe he might conueniently betraie him.
12 Prvoga dana Beskvasnih kruhova, kad se žrtvovala pasha, upitaju učenici Isusa: “Gdje hoćeš blagovati pashu, da odemo i pripravimo?”
Nowe the first day of vnleauened bread, when they sacrificed the Passeouer, his disciples sayde vnto him, Where wilt thou that we goe and prepare, that thou mayest eate the Passeouer?
13 On pošalje dvojicu učenika i rekne im: “Idite u grad i namjerit ćete se na čovjeka koji nosi krčag vode. Pođite za njim
Then hee sent foorth two of his disciples, and sayde vnto them, Goe yee into the citie, and there shall a man meete you bearing a pitcher of water: follow him.
14 pa gdje on uđe, recite domaćinu: 'Učitelj pita: Gdje mi je svratište u kojem bih blagovao pashu sa svojim učenicima?'
And whithersoeuer he goeth in, say yee to the good man of the house, The Master sayeth, Where is the lodging where I shall eate the Passeouer with my disciples?
15 I on će vam pokazati na katu veliko blagovalište, prostrto i spremljeno. Ondje nam pripravite.”
And he wil shewe you an vpper chamber which is large, trimmed and prepared: there make it readie for vs.
16 Učenici odu, dođu u grad i nađu kako im on reče te priprave pashu.
So his disciples went foorth, and came to the citie, and found as he had said vnto them, and made readie the Passeouer.
17 A uvečer dođe on s dvanaestoricom.
And at euen he came with the twelue.
18 I dok bijahu za stolom te blagovahu, reče Isus: “Zaista, kažem vam, jedan će me od vas izdati - koji sa mnom blaguje.”
And as they sate at table and did eate, Iesus said, Verely I say vnto you, that one of you shall betray me, which eateth with me.
19 Ožalošćeni, stanu mu govoriti jedan za drugim: “Da nisam ja?”
Then they began to be sorowful and to say to him one by one, Is it I? And another, Is it I?
20 A on im reče: “Jedan od dvanaestorice koji umače sa mnom u zdjelicu.
And he answered and sayde vnto them, It is one of the twelue that dippeth with mee in the platter.
21 Sin Čovječji, istina, odlazi kako je o njemu pisano, ali jao čovjeku onomu koji ga predaje. Tomu bi čovjeku bolje bilo da se ni rodio nije!”
Truely the Sonne of man goeth his way, as it is written of him: but woe bee to that man, by whome the Sonne of man is betrayed: it had beene good for that man, if hee had neuer beene borne.
22 I dok su blagovali, on uze kruh, izreče blagoslov pa razlomi, dade im i reče: “Uzmite, ovo je tijelo moje.”
And as they did eate, Iesus tooke the bread, and when hee had giuen thankes, he brake it and gaue it to them, and sayde, Take, eate, this is my bodie.
23 I uze čašu, zahvali i dade im. I svi su iz nje pili.
Also he tooke the cuppe, and when he had giuen thankes, gaue it to them: and they all dranke of it.
24 A on im reče: “Ovo je krv moja, krv Saveza, koja se za mnoge prolijeva.
And he saide vnto them, This is my blood of that newe Testament, which is shed for many.
25 Zaista, kažem vam, ne, neću više piti od ovoga roda trsova do onoga dana kad ću ga - novoga - piti u kraljevstvu Božjem.”
Verely I say vnto you, I wil drinke no more of the fruit of ye vine vntill that day, that I drinke it newe in the kingdome of God.
26 Otpjevavši hvalospjeve, zaputiše se prema Maslinskoj gori.
And when they had sung a Psalme, they went out to the mount of Oliues.
27 I reče im Isus: “Svi ćete se sablazniti. Ta pisano je: Udarit ću pastira i ovce će se razbjeći.
Then Iesus said vnto them, Al ye shall be offended by mee this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepheard, and the sheepe shall be scattered.
28 Ali kad uskrsnem, ići ću pred vama u Galileju.”
But after that I am risen, I will goe into Galile before you.
29 Nato će mu Petar: “Ako se i svi sablazne, ja neću!”
And Peter saide vnto him, Although all men should be offended at thee, yet would not I.
30 A Isus mu reče: “Zaista, kažem ti, baš ti, danas, ove noći, prije nego se pijetao dvaput oglasi, triput ćeš me zatajiti.”
Then Iesus saide vnto him, Verely I say vnto thee, this day, euen in this night, before the cocke crowe twise, thou shalt denie me thrise.
31 Ali on je upornije uvjeravao: “Bude li trebalo i umrijeti s tobom - ne, neću te zatajiti.” A tako su svi govorili.
But he saide more earnestly. If I shoulde die with thee, I will not denie thee: likewise also saide they all.
32 I dođu u predio imenom Getsemani. I kaže Isus svojim učenicima: “Sjednite ovdje dok se ne pomolim.”
After, they came into a place named Gethsemane: then hee saide to his disciples, Sit yee here, till I haue praied.
33 I povede sa sobom Petra, Jakova i Ivana. Spopade ga užas i tjeskoba
And hee tooke with him Peter, and Iames, and Iohn, and hee began to be troubled, and in great heauinesse,
34 pa im reče: “Duša mi je nasmrt žalosna! Ostanite ovdje i bdijte!”
And saide vnto them, My soule is very heauie, euen vnto the death: tarie here, and watch.
35 Ode malo dalje i rušeći se na zemlju molio je da ga, ako je moguće, mimoiđe ovaj čas.
So he went forward a litle, and fell downe on the ground, and praied, that if it were possible, that houre might passe from him.
36 Govoraše: “Abba! Oče! Tebi je sve moguće! Otkloni čašu ovu od mene! Ali ne što ja hoću, nego što hoćeš ti!”
And he saide, Abba, Father, all things are possible vnto thee: take away this cup from me: neuertheles not that I will, but that thou wilt, be done.
37 I dođe, nađe ih pozaspale pa reče Petru: “Šimune, spavaš? Jedan sat nisi mogao probdjeti?
Then hee came, and founde them sleeping, and said to Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watche one houre?
38 Bdijte i molite da ne padnete u napast. Duh je, istina, voljan, no tijelo je slabo.”
Watch ye, and pray, that ye enter not into tentation: the spirite in deede is ready, but the flesh is weake.
39 Opet ode i pomoli se istim riječima.
And againe hee went away, and praied, and spake the same wordes.
40 Ponovno dođe i nađe ih pozaspale. Oči im se sklapale i nisu znali što da mu odgovore.
And he returned, and founde them a sleepe againe: for their eyes were heauie: neither knewe they what they should answere him.
41 Dođe i treći put i reče im: “Samo spavajte i počivajte! Gotovo je! Dođe čas! Evo, predaje se Sin Čovječji u ruke grešničke!
And he came the third time, and said vnto them, Sleepe henceforth, and take your rest: it is ynough: the houre is come: beholde, the Sonne of man is deliuered into the hands of sinners.
42 Ustanite, hajdemo! Evo, izdajica se moj približio!”
Rise vp: let vs go: loe, he that betraieth me, is at hand.
43 Uto, dok je on još govorio, stiže Juda, jedan od dvanaestorice, i s njime svjetina s mačevima i toljagama, poslana od glavara svećeničkih, pismoznanaca i starješina.
And immediatly while hee yet spake, came Iudas that was one of the twelue, and with him a great multitude with swordes and staues from the hie Priests, and Scribes, and Elders.
44 A izdajica im njegov dade znak: “Koga poljubim, taj je! Uhvatite ga i oprezno odvedite!”
And he that betraied him, had giuen them a token, saying, Whomsoeuer I shall kisse, he it is: take him and leade him away safely.
45 I kako dođe, odmah pristupi k njemu i reče: “Učitelju!” I poljubi ga.
And assoone as hee was come, hee went straightway to him, and saide, Haile Master, and kissed him.
46 Oni podignu na nj ruke i uhvate ga.
Then they laide their handes on him, and tooke him.
47 A jedan od nazočnih trgnu mač, udari slugu velikoga svećenika i odsiječe mu uho.
And one of them that stoode by, drewe out a sword, and smote a seruant of the hie Priest, and cut off his eare.
48 Isus im prozbori: “Kao na razbojnika iziđoste s mačevima i toljagama da me uhvatite.
And Iesus answered and saide to them, Ye be come out as against a thiefe with swordes, and with staues, to take me.
49 Danomice bijah vam u Hramu, naučavah i ne uhvatiste me. No neka se ispune Pisma!”
I was daily with you teaching in the Temple, and yee tooke me not: but this is done that the Scriptures should be fulfilled.
50 I svi ga ostave i pobjegnu.
Then they all forsooke him, and fled.
51 A jedan je mladić išao za njim, ogrnut samo plahtom. I njega htjedoše uhvatiti,
And there followed him a certaine yong man, clothed in linnen vpon his bare bodie, and the yong men caught him.
52 no on ostavi plahtu i gol pobježe.
But he left his linnen cloth, and fled from them naked.
53 Zatim odvedoše Isusa velikom svećeniku. I skupe se svi glavari svećenički, starješine i pismoznanci.
So they led Iesus away to the hie Priest, and to him came together all the hie Priestes, and the Elders, and the Scribes.
54 Petar je izdaleka išao za njim do u dvor velikog svećenika. Tu je sjedio sa stražarima i grijao se uz vatru.
And Peter folowed him afarre off, euen into the hall of the hie Priest, and sate with the seruants, and warmed himselfe at the fire.
55 A glavari svećenički i cijelo Vijeće, da bi mogli pogubiti Isusa, tražili su protiv njega kakvo svjedočanstvo, ali nikako da ga nađu.
And the hie Priests, and all the Councill sought for witnesse against Iesus, to put him to death, but found none.
56 Mnogi su doduše lažno svjedočili protiv njega, ali im se svjedočanstva ne slagahu.
For many bare false witnesse against him, but their witnesse agreed not together.
57 Ustali su neki i lažno svjedočili protiv njega:
Then there arose certaine, and bare false witnesse against him, saying,
58 “Mi smo ga čuli govoriti: 'Ja ću razvaliti ovaj rukotvoreni Hram i za tri dana sagraditi drugi, nerukotvoreni!'”
We hearde him say, I will destroy this Temple made with hands, and within three daies I will builde another, made without hands.
59 Ali ni u tom im svjedočanstvo ne bijaše složno.
But their witnesse yet agreed not together.
60 Usta nato veliki svećenik na sredinu i upita Isusa: “Zar ništa ne odgovaraš? Što to ovi svjedoče protiv tebe?
Then the hie Priest stoode vp amongst them, and asked Iesus, saying, Answerest thou nothing? what is the matter that these beare witnesse against thee?
61 A on je šutio i ništa mu nije odgovarao. Veliki ga svećenik ponovo upita: “Ti li si Krist, Sin Blagoslovljenoga?”
But hee helde his peace, and answered nothing. Againe the hie Priest asked him, and sayde vnto him, Art thou that Christ the Sonne of the Blessed?
62 A Isus mu reče: “Ja jesam! I gledat ćete Sina Čovječjega gdje sjedi zdesna Sile i dolazi s oblacima nebeskim.”
And Iesus said, I am he, and yee shall see the Sonne of man sitte at the right hande of the power of God, and come in the clouds of heauen.
63 Nato veliki svećenik razdrije haljine i reče: “Što nam još trebaju svjedoci?
Then the hie Priest rent his clothes, and sayd, What haue we any more neede of witnesses?
64 Čuli ste hulu. Što vam se čini?” Oni svi presudiše da zaslužuje smrt.
Ye haue heard the blasphemie: what thinke yee? And they all condemned him to be worthie of death.
65 I neki stanu pljuvati po njemu, zastirati mu lice i udarati ga govoreći: “Proreci!” I sluge ga stadoše pljuskati.
And some began to spit at him, and to couer his face, and to beate him with fists, and to say vnto him, Prophesie. And the sergeants smote him with their roddes.
66 I dok je Petar bio dolje u dvoru, dođe jedna sluškinja velikoga svećenika;
And as Peter was beneath in the hal, there came one of the maides of the hie Priest.
67 ugledavši Petra gdje se grije, upre u nj pogled i reče: “I ti bijaše s Nazarećaninom, Isusom.”
And when shee sawe Peter warming him selfe, shee looked on him, and sayde, Thou wast also with Iesus of Nazareth.
68 On zanijeka: “Niti znam niti razumijem što govoriš.” I iziđe van u predvorje, a pijetao se oglasi.
But he denied it, saying, I knowe him not, neither wot I what thou saiest. Then he went out into the porche, and the cocke crewe.
69 Sluškinja ga ugleda i poče opet govoriti nazočnima: “Ovaj je od njih!”
Then a maid sawe him againe, and bega to say to them that stood by, This is one of them.
70 On opet nijekaše. Domalo nazočni opet stanu govoriti Petru: “Doista, i ti si od njih! Ta Galilejac si!”
But hee denied it againe: and anon after, they that stoode by, sayde againe to Peter, Surely thou art one of them: for thou art of Galile, and thy speach is like.
71 On se tada stane kleti i preklinjati: “Ne znam čovjeka o kom govorite!”
And he began to curse, and sweare, saying, I knowe not this man of whom ye speake.
72 I odmah se po drugi put oglasi pijetao. I spomenu se Petar one besjede, kako mu ono Isus reče: “Prije nego se pijetao dvaput oglasi, triput ćeš me zatajiti.” I briznu u plač.
Then the seconde time the cocke crewe, and Peter remembred the woorde that Iesus had saide vnto him, Before the cocke crowe twise, thou shalt denie me thrise, and waying that with himselfe, he wept.