< Luka 1 >
1 Kad već mnogi poduzeše sastaviti izvješće o događajima koji se ispuniše među nama -
Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us,
2 kako nam to predadoše oni koji od početka bijahu očevici i sluge Riječi -
even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us,
3 pošto sam sve, od početka, pomno ispitao, naumih i ja tebi, vrli Teofile, sve po redu napisati
it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus [God friend];
4 da se tako osvjedočiš o pouzdanosti svega u čemu si poučen.
that you might know the certainty concerning the things in which you were instructed.
5 U dane Heroda, kralja judejskoga, bijaše neki svećenik imenom Zaharija iz razreda Abijina. Žena mu bijaše od kćeri Aronovih, a ime joj Elizabeta.
There was in the days of Herod [Heroic], the king of Judea [Praise], a certain priest named Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], of the priestly division of Abiyah [My father Yah]. He had a wife of the daughters of Aaron [Light-bringer], and her name was Elizabeth [My God oath].
6 Oboje bijahu pravedni pred Bogom: živjeli su besprijekorno po svim zapovijedima i odredbama Gospodnjim.
They were both upright before God, observing all the mitzvot ·instructions· and ordinances of Yahweh blamelessly.
7 No nisu imali djeteta jer Elizabeta bijaše nerotkinja, a oboje već poodmakle dobi.
But they had no child, because Elizabeth [My God oath] was barren, and they both were well advanced in years.
8 Dok je Zaharija jednom po redu svoga razreda obavljao svećeničku službu pred Bogom,
Now while he served in the priest’s office before God in the order of his priestly division,
9 ždrijebom ga zapade po bogoslužnom običaju da uđe u Svetište Gospodnje i prinese kad.
according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to enter into the temple of Yahweh and burn incense (as the Cohen Gadol ·High Priest· on Yom Kippur ·Day of Atonement·). On the seventh month Ethanim ·Ever-flowing durable stream (in Hebrew), 7· or Tishrei ·[Beginning (in Babylonian)]· on the 10th day).
10 Za vrijeme kađenice sve je ono mnoštvo naroda vani molilo.
All the people were outside, praying, at the time of the incense burning,
11 A njemu se ukaza anđeo Gospodnji. Stajao je s desne strane kadionoga žrtvenika.
when there appeared to him an angel of MarYah [Master Yahweh], standing on the right side of the altar of incense.
12 Ugledavši ga, Zaharija se prepade i strah ga spopade.
Zacharias [Remembered by Yah] was troubled when he saw him, and fear fell upon him.
13 No anđeo mu reče: “Ne boj se, Zaharija! Uslišana ti je molitva: žena će ti Elizabeta roditi sina. Nadjenut ćeš mu ime Ivan.
But the angel said to him, “Don’t be afraid, Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], because your request has been heard, and your wife, Elizabeth [My God oath], will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John [Yah is gracious].
14 Bit će ti radost i veselje i rođenje će njegovo mnoge obradovati.
You will have joy and gladness; and many will rejoice at his birth.
15 Bit će doista velik pred Gospodinom. Ni vina ni drugoga opojnog pića neće piti. Duha Svetoga bit će pun već od majčine utrobe.
For he will be great in the sight of MarYah [Master Yahweh], and he will drink no wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with Ruach haKodesh [Spirit, Breath of the Holiness], even from his mother’s womb.
16 Mnoge će sinove Izraelove obratiti Gospodinu, Bogu njihovu.
He will turn many of the children of to MarYah [Master Yahweh], their God.
17 Ići će pred njim u duhu i sili Ilijinoj da obrati srce otaca k sinovima i nepokorne k razumnosti pravednih te spremi Gospodinu narod pripravan.”
He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah [My God Yah], ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to prepare a people prepared for Adonai.”
18 Nato Zaharija reče anđelu: “Po čemu ću ja to razaznati. Ta star sam i žena mi poodmakle dobi.”
Zacharias [Remembered by Yah] said to the angel, “How can I be sure of this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.”
19 Anđeo mu odgovori: “Ja sam Gabriel koji stojim pred Bogom. Poslan sam da govorim s tobom i da ti donesem ovu radosnu poruku.
The angel answered him, “I am Gabriel [Man of God], who stands in the presence of God. I was sent to speak to you, and to bring you this good news.
20 I evo, budući da nisi povjerovao mojim riječima, koje će se ispuniti u svoje vrijeme, zanijemjet ćeš i nećeš moći govoriti do dana dok se to ne zbude.”
Behold, you will be silent and not able to speak, until the day that these things will happen, because you didn’t trust my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time.”
21 Narod je iščekivao Zahariju i čudio se što se toliko zadržao u Svetištu.
The people were waiting for Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], and they marveled that he delayed in the temple.
22 Kad je napokon izašao, nije im mogao ništa reći pa zaključiše da je u Svetištu imao viđenje. Nastojao im se doduše izraziti znakovima, ali osta nijem.
When he came out, he could not speak to them, and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple. He continued making signs to them, and remained mute.
23 Kad se navršiše dani njegove službe, otiđe kući.
When the days of his service were fulfilled, he departed to his house.
24 Nakon tih dana zatrudnje Elizabeta, njegova žena. Krila se pet mjeseci govoreći:
After these days Elizabeth [My God oath], his wife, conceived, and she hid herself five months, saying,
25 “Evo, to mi je učinio Gospodin u dane kad mu se svidje skinuti s mene sramotu među ljudima.”
“Thus has MarYah [Master Yahweh] done to me in the days in which he looked at me, to take away my reproach among men.”
26 U šestome mjesecu posla Bog anđela Gabriela u galilejski grad imenom Nazaret
Now in the sixth month Elul ·Search, 6·, the angel Gabriel [Man of God] was sent from God to a city of Galilee [District, Circuit], named Nazareth [Branch, Separated one],
27 k djevici zaručenoj s mužem koji se zvao Josip iz doma Davidova; a djevica se zvala Marija.
to a virgin pledged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph [May he add], of David [Beloved]’s house. The virgin’s name was Mary [Rebellion].
28 Anđeo uđe k njoj i reče: “Zdravo, milosti puna! Gospodin s tobom!”
Having come in, the angel said to her, “Shalom ·Complete peace·, favored lady! Adonai is with you. Blessed are you among women!”
29 Na tu se riječ ona smete i stade razmišljati kakav bi to bio pozdrav.
But when she saw him, she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered what kind of salutation this might be.
30 No anđeo joj reče: “Ne boj se, Marijo! Ta našla si milost u Boga.
The angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary [Rebellion], for you have found favor with God.
31 Evo, začet ćeš i roditi sina i nadjenut ćeš mu ime Isus.
Behold, you will conceive in your womb, and give birth to a son, and will call his name ‘Yeshua [Salvation].’
32 On će biti velik i zvat će se Sin Svevišnjega. Njemu će Gospodin Bog dati prijestolje Davida, oca njegova,
He will be great, and will be called haBen haElohim Chayim [the Son of the God Living]. MarYah [Master Yahweh] God will give him the throne of his forefather, David [Beloved],
33 i kraljevat će nad domom Jakovljevim uvijeke i njegovu kraljevstvu neće biti kraja.” (aiōn )
and he will reign over the house of Jacob [Supplanter] forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.” (aiōn )
34 Nato će Marija anđelu: “Kako će to biti kad ja muža ne poznajem?”
Mary [Rebellion] said to the angel, “How can this be, seeing I am a virgin?”
35 Anđeo joj odgovori: “Duh Sveti sići će na te i sila će te Svevišnjega osjeniti. Zato će to čedo i biti sveto, Sin Božji.
The angel answered her, “The Ruach Kodesh [Holy Spirit, Breath] will come on you, and the power of the Elyon [Most High] will overshadow you. Therefore also the holy one who is born from you will be called the Ben-Elohim ·Son of Elohim God·.
36 A evo tvoje rođakinje Elizabete: i ona u starosti svojoj zače sina. I njoj, nerotkinjom prozvanoj, ovo je već šesti mjesec.
Behold, Elizabeth [My God oath], your relative, also has conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month Elul ·Search, 6· with her who was called barren.
37 Ta Bogu ništa nije nemoguće!”
For nothing spoken by God is impossible.”
38 Nato Marija reče: “Evo službenice Gospodnje, neka mi bude po tvojoj riječi!” I anđeo otiđe od nje.
Mary [Rebellion] said, “Behold, the servant of MarYah [Master Yahweh]; let it be done to me according to your word.” The angel departed from her.
39 Tih dana usta Marija i pohiti u Gorje, u grad Judin.
Mary [Rebellion] arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah [Praised],
40 Uđe u Zaharijinu kuću i pozdravi Elizabetu.
and entered into the house of Zacharias [Remembered by Yah] and greeted Elizabeth [My God oath].
41 Čim Elizabeta začu Marijin pozdrav, zaigra joj čedo u utrobi. I napuni se Elizabeta Duha Svetoga
When Elizabeth [My God oath] heard Mary [Rebellion]’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth [My God oath] was filled with Ruach haKodesh [Spirit, Breath of the Holiness].
42 i povika iz svega glasa: “Blagoslovljena ti među ženama i blagoslovljen plod utrobe tvoje!
She called out with a loud voice, and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!
43 Ta otkuda meni da mi dođe majka Gospodina mojega?
Why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44 Gledaj samo! Tek što mi do ušiju doprije glas pozdrava tvojega, zaigra mi od radosti čedo u utrobi.
For behold, when the voice of your greeting came into my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy!
45 Blažena ti što povjerova da će se ispuniti što ti je rečeno od Gospodina!”
Blessed is she who trusted, for there will be a fulfillment of the things which have been spoken to her from MarYah [Master Yahweh]!”
46 Tada Marija reče: “Veliča duša moja Gospodina,
Mary [Rebellion] said, “My soul magnifies Adonai.
47 klikće duh moj u Bogu, mome Spasitelju,
My spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior,
48 što pogleda na neznatnost službenice svoje: odsad će me, evo, svi naraštaji zvati blaženom.
for he has looked at the humble state of his servant. For behold, from now on, all generations will call me blessed.
49 Jer velika mi djela učini Svesilni, sveto je ime njegovo!
For he who is mighty has done great things for me. Holy set-apart is his name.
50 Od koljena do koljena dobrota je njegova nad onima što se njega boje.
And in every generation, he has eleos ·merciful compassion in action· on those who fear him.
51 Iskaza snagu mišice svoje, rasprši oholice umišljene.
He has shown strength with his arm. He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
52 Silne zbaci s prijestolja, a uzvisi neznatne.
He has put down princes from their thrones. And has exalted the lowly.
53 Gladne napuni dobrima, a bogate otpusti prazne.
He has filled the hungry with good things. He has sent the rich away empty.
54 Prihvati Izraela, slugu svoga, kako obeća ocima našim:
He has given help to Israel [God prevails], his servant, that he might remember eleos ·merciful compassion in action·,
55 spomenuti se dobrote svoje prema Abrahamu i potomstvu njegovu dovijeka.” (aiōn )
As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham [Father of a multitude] and his offspring forever.” (aiōn )
56 Marija osta s Elizabetom oko tri mjeseca, a onda se vrati kući.
Mary [Rebellion] stayed with her about three months, and then teshuvah ·completely returned· to her house.
57 Elizabeti se međutim navršilo vrijeme da rodi. I porodi sina.
Now the time that Elizabeth [My God oath] should give birth was fulfilled, and she gave birth to a son.
58 Kad su njezini susjedi i rođaci čuli da joj Gospodin obilno iskaza dobrotu, radovahu se s njome.
Her neighbors and her relatives heard that Adonai had magnified his eleos ·merciful compassion in action· towards her, and they rejoiced with her.
59 Osmoga se dana okupe da obrežu dječaka. Htjedoše ga prozvati imenom njegova oca - Zaharija,
On the eighth day, they came to circumcise the child; and they would have called him Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], after the name of his father.
60 no mati se njegova usprotivi: “Nipošto, nego zvat će se Ivan!”
His mother answered, “Not so; but he will be called John [Yah is gracious].”
61 Rekoše joj na to: “Ta nikoga nema od tvoje rodbine koji bi se tako zvao.”
They said to her, “There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name.”
62 Tada znakovima upitaju oca kojim ga imenom želi prozvati.
They made signs to his father, what he would have him called.
63 On zaiska pločicu i napisa “Ivan mu je ime!” Svi se začude,
He asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, “His name is John [Yah is gracious].” They all marveled.
64 a njemu se umah otvoriše usta i jezik te progovori blagoslivljajući Boga.
His mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue freed, and he spoke, blessing God.
65 Strah obuze sve njihove susjede, a po svem su se Gorju judejskom razglašavali svi ti događaji.
Fear came on all who lived around them, and all these sayings were talked about throughout all the hill country of Judea [Praise].
66 I koji su god čuli, razmišljahu o tome pitajući se: “Što li će biti od ovoga djeteta?” Uistinu, ruka Gospodnja bijaše s njime.
All who heard them laid them up in their heart, saying, “What then will this child be?” The hand of MarYah [Master Yahweh] was with him.
67 A Zaharija, otac njegov, napuni se Duha Svetoga i stade prorokovati:
His father, Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], was filled with Ruach haKodesh [Spirit, Breath of the Holiness], and prophesied, saying,
68 “Blagoslovljen Gospodin Bog Izraelov, što pohodi i otkupi narod svoj!
“Blessed be MarYah [Master Yahweh], the God of Israel [God prevails], for he has visited and redeemed his people;
69 Podiže nam snagu spasenja u domu Davida, sluge svojega,
and has raised up a horn of yishu'ah ·salvation· for us in the house of his servant David [Beloved]
70 kao što obeća na usta svetih proroka svojih odvijeka: (aiōn )
(as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets who have been from of old), (aiōn )
71 spasiti nas od neprijatelja naših i od ruke sviju koji nas mrze;
yishu'ah ·salvation· from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us;
72 iskazati dobrotu ocima našim i sjetiti se svetog Saveza svojega,
to show eleos ·merciful compassion in action· towards our fathers, to remember his holy covenant ·binding contract between two or more parties·,
73 zakletve kojom se zakle Abrahamu, ocu našemu: da će nam dati
the covenant oath which he swore to Abraham [Father of a multitude], Avinu ·our Father·,
74 te mu, izbavljeni iz ruku neprijatelja, služimo bez straha
to grant to us that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, should serve him without fear,
75 u svetosti i pravednosti pred njim u sve dane svoje.
In holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life.
76 A ti, dijete, prorok ćeš se Svevišnjega zvati jer ćeš ići pred Gospodinom da mu pripraviš putove,
And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Elyon [Most High], for you will go before the face of Yahweh to prepare his ways,
77 da pružiš spoznaju spasenja narodu njegovu po otpuštenju grijeha njihovih,
to give knowledge of yishu'ah ·salvation· to his people by the remission of their abstract sins ·miss the marks·,
78 darom premilosrdnog srca Boga našega po kojem će nas pohoditi Mlado sunce s visine
because of the tender eleos ·merciful compassion in action· of our God, whereby the dawn from on high will visit us,
79 da obasja one što sjede u tmini i sjeni smrtnoj, da upravi noge naše na put mira.”
to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
80 Dječak je međutim rastao i duhom jačao. Boravio je u pustinji sve do dana svoga javnog nastupa pred Izraelom.
The child was growing, and becoming strong in spirit, and was in the desert until the day of his public appearance to Israel [God prevails].