< Levitski zakonik 6 >

1 Jahve još reče Mojsiju:
The Lord told Moses,
2 “Kad se tko ogriješi i počini pronevjeru prema Jahvi prevarivši svoga bližnjega u pologu ili pohrani, a tako i krađom ili iskorištavanjem svoga bližnjega;
“If you sin against the Lord, breaking your commitment to him, then this is what must happen. You may have lied to your neighbor about something you were looking after for them, about some deposit paid, about something was stolen, or maybe you were trying to cheat them.
3 ili, nađe li što je bilo izgubljeno pa slaže i krivo se zakune u bilo kojem grijehu što ga čovjek može učiniti;
You may have found property someone lost, and you lied and made false statements about it, or you have sinned in others ways that people do in such situations.
4 ako tko tako pogriješi i kriv postane, onda ono što je krađom oduzeo ili što je iskorištavanjem namakao; ili polog što mu je bio povjeren; ili izgubljenu stvar što ju je našao;
If you have sinned and become guilty you must return what you have stolen or cheated from your victims, the deposit you took, the lost property you found,
5 ili ono za što se bio krivo zakleo - neka u cijelosti vrati i, dodavši tome petinu, neka dadne onome kome pripada istoga dana kad spozna svoju krivnju.
or anything else that must be given back that you lied about. You must pay full compensation plus a fifth of the value, and give it to the owner as soon as you accept that you are guilty of sin.
6 Neka potom svećeniku za naknadu, kao žrtvu naknadnicu Jahvi, dovede iz svog stada jednoga ovna bez mane, prema tvojoj procjeni,
Then you must take to the priest your guilt offering for the Lord: a ram without defects of the appropriate value from the flock.
7 a svećenik neka nad tim čovjekom izvrši obred pomirenja pred Jahvom, i bit će mu oprošteno, ma kakvo bilo nedjelo kojega je krivac.”
This is how the priest will make you right before the Lord, and you will be forgiven whatever sins you may have done that you are guilty of.”
8 Jahve još reče Mojsiju:
The Lord told Moses,
9 “Naredi Aronu i njegovim sinovima: 'Ovakav je obred za žrtvu paljenicu: žrtva paljenica neka ostane na žeravi na žrtveniku svu noć do jutra; i vatra neka neprestano gori na žrtveniku.
“Give Aaron and his sons these instructions regarding the burnt offering: The burnt offering is to be left on the fireplace of the altar throughout night until morning, and the fire must be kept burning on the altar.
10 Neka svećenik stavi na se lanenu košulju, na svoje tijelo neka navuče lanene gaće; zatim neka zgrne zamašćeni pepeo u što je vatra pretvorila žrtvu paljenicu na žrtveniku i neka ga stavi pokraj žrtvenika.
The priest shall put on his linen clothes and underwear, and he shall take from the altar the greasy ashes of the burnt offering that the fire has burned up and set them down beside the altar.
11 Potom neka svuče svoje ruho i na se obuče drugo te neka odnese zamašćeni pepeo na čisto mjesto izvan tabora.
Then he has to change his clothes, and take the ashes outside the camp to a place that's ceremonially clean.
12 Vatra na žrtveniku mora uvijek gorjeti; ne smije se gasiti. Neka svako jutro svećenik na nju naloži drva i onda na nju naslaže žrtvu paljenicu. Tu neka u kad sažiže loj sa žrtava pričesnica.
The fire on the altar must be kept burning—don't let it go out. Each morning the priest is to add wood to the fire, carefully place the burnt offering on it, and burn the fat parts of the peace offerings on it.
13 Neka na žrtveniku trajno gori vatra; neka se ne gasi.'”
The fire must always be kept burning on the altar continually—don't let it go out.
14 “Ovo je obred za žrtvu prinosnicu: neka je Aronovi sinovi pronose u nazočnosti Jahve pred žrtvenikom.
These are the regulations for the grain offering: Aaron's sons are to present it before the Lord, in front of the altar.
15 Pošto jedan od njih zagrabi pregršt najboljeg brašna i ulja sa žrtve prinosnice i sav tamjan što bude na njoj, pošto to sažeže na žrtveniku kao spomen-žrtvu, ugodan miris Jahvi,
The priest shall remove a handful of the best flour mixed with olive oil, as well as all the frankincense from the grain offering, and burn the ‘reminder part’ on the altar to be to be accepted by the Lord.
16 neka ostatak u obliku beskvasnih kruhova pojedu Aron i njegovi sinovi; neka ga jedu na posvećenu mjestu - u dvorištu Šatora sastanka.
The rest is for Aaron and his sons to eat. It must be eaten without yeast in a holy place—the courtyard of the Tent of Meeting.
17 Neka se ne peče s kvascem. To je dio žrtava meni paljenih što im ga ja dajem - dio najsvetiji, jednako kao i žrtva okajnica i kao žrtva naknadnica.
It must not be baked with yeast. I have provided it as their share of my food offerings. It is most holy, just like the sin offering and the guilt offering.
18 Svaki muškarac Aronova potomstva može jesti taj dio od žrtava paljenih Jahvi, i to je vječni zakon za sve vaše naraštaje: i tko ih se god dotakne, bit će posvećen.”
Any of Aaron's male descendants may eat it. This is a permanent allowance from the food offerings to the Lord for future generations. Whatever touches them shall become holy.”
19 Jahve još reče Mojsiju:
The Lord told Moses,
20 “Neka Aron i njegovi sinovi na dan svoga pomazanja prinesu Jahvi ovaj prinos: desetinu efe najboljeg brašna kao redovitu žrtvu prinosnicu, polovinu ujutro, a polovinu uvečer.
“This is the offering that Aaron and his sons are to present to the Lord when they're anointed: a tenth of an ephah of best flour as a usual grain offering, half in the morning and half in the evening.
21 Neka bude pripravljena u tavi na ulju. Donesi je dobro namočenu i prinesi Jahvi kao ugodan miris, kao žrtvu prinosnicu od više komada.
Cook it with olive oil on a griddle. Bring it well-kneaded and present it as a grain offering broken into pieces, to be accepted by the Lord.
22 Neka je tako pripravi svećenik koji od njegovih sinova bude pomazan da ga naslijedi. To je vječni zakon. Neka se ta žrtva Jahvi sva sažeže!
It is to be cooked by the priest who is one of Aaron's descendants and who is to be anointed to take his place. In this case since it is permanently allocated to the Lord, it must be burned completely.
23 Svaka svećenička žrtva prinosnica treba da bude posve spaljena; neka se od nje ne jede.”
Every grain offering for a priest is to be burned completely. It must not be eaten.”
24 Još reče Jahve Mojsiju:
The Lord told Moses,
25 “Kaži Aronu i njegovim sinovima: 'Ovo je obred žrtvovanja za grijeh: žrtva okajnica neka se zakolje pred Jahvom na mjestu gdje se kolje žrtva paljenica - presveta je!
“Tell Aaron and his sons that these are the regulations for the sin offering. The sin offering is to be killed where the burnt offering is killed before the Lord, and it is most holy.
26 Svećenik koji prinosi tu žrtvu okajnicu neka od nje i jede; neka se ona jede na posvećenu mjestu, u dvorištu Šatora sastanka.
The priest who offers the sin offering is to eat it. It must be eaten without yeast in a holy place—the courtyard of the Tent of Meeting.
27 Tko se god dotakne njezina mesa bit će posvećen; ako krv poštrapa odijelo, poštrapani dio neka se ispere na posvećenu mjestu.
Whatever touches it shall become holy and if any of the blood is splashed on clothing, you must wash it in a holy place.
28 A posuda od ilovače u kojoj bude meso kuhano neka se razbije; a ako bude kuhano u posudi od tuča, neka se istare i vodom ispere.
The clay pot used to boil the sin offering must be broken. If it's boiled in a bronze pot, the pot must be thoroughly cleaned and washed out with water.
29 Svaki muški od svećeničke loze može od nje jesti - presveta je!
Any male among the priests may eat it, it is most holy.
30 Ali nijedna žrtva okajnica od koje je krv donesena u Šator sastanka za obred pomirenja u Svetištu neka se ne jede, nego na vatri spali.'”
But no sin offering may be eaten if its blood has been taken into the Tent of Meeting to as a means to make things right in the Holy Place. In that case it must be burned.”

< Levitski zakonik 6 >