< Levitski zakonik 25 >

1 Jahve reče Mojsiju na Sinajskom brdu:
Yahweh spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying,
2 “Govori Izraelcima i kaži im: Kad uđete u zemlju koju vam dajem, neka ta zemlja održava Jahvin subotni počinak.
“Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, 'When you come into the land that I give you, then the land must be made to keep a Sabbath for Yahweh.
3 Šest godina zasijavaj svoju njivu, šest godina svoj vinograd obrezuj i beri njegov plod.
You must plant your field for six years, and for six years you must prune your vineyard and gather the produce.
4 Ali sedme godine neka i zemlja uživa subotnji počinak, Jahvinu subotu: svoje njive ne zasijavaj niti obrezuj svoga vinograda.
But in the seventh year, a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land must be observed, a Sabbath for Yahweh. You must not plant your field or prune your vineyard.
5 Što samo od sebe uzraste na tvojoj njivi nemoj žeti niti beri grožđe s neobrezane loze. Neka to bude zemlji godina počivanja.
You must not conduct an organized harvest of whatever grows by itself, and you must not conduct an organized harvest of whatever grapes grow on your unpruned vines. This will be a year of solemn rest for the land.
6 Zemljišni počinak neka vam priskrbi prehranu: tebi, tvome sluzi, tvojoj sluškinji, tvome najamniku koji s tobom živi;
Whatever the unworked land grows during the Sabbath year will be food for you. You, your male and female servants, your hired servants and the foreigners who live with you may gather food,
7 a i tvojoj stoci i zvjeradi u tvojoj zemlji neka njezini plodovi služe za hranu.”
and your livestock and also wild animals may eat whatever the land produces.
8 “Nabroj sedam sedmica takvih godina, sedam puta sedam godina. Sedam sedmica godina iznosit će ti četrdeset devet godina.
You must count off seven Sabbaths of years, that is, seven times seven years, so that there will be seven Sabbaths of years, totaling forty-nine years.
9 A onda zaori u trubu! U sedmome mjesecu, desetoga dana toga mjeseca, na Dan pomirenja, zatrubite u trubu širom svoje zemlje.
Then you must blow a loud trumpet everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you must blow a trumpet throughout all your land.
10 Tu pedesetu godinu proglasite svetom! Zemljom proglasite oslobađanje svim njezinim stanovnicima. To neka vam bude jubilej, oprosna godina. Neka se svatko vaš vrati na svoju očevinu; neka se svatko vrati k svome rodu!
You must set apart the fiftieth year to Yahweh and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It will be a Jubilee for you, in which property and slaves must be returned to their families.
11 Ta pedesetogodišnjica neka vam je jubilejska godina: nemojte sijati, nemojte žeti što samo od sebe uzraste niti berite grožđe s neobrezane loze.
The fiftieth year will be a Jubilee for you. You must not plant or conduct an organized harvest. Eat whatever grows by itself, and gather the grapes that grow on the unpruned vines.
12 Jer jubilej vam mora biti svet! Hranite se onim što njiva donese od sebe.
For it is a Jubilee, which will be holy for you. You must eat the produce that grows by itself out of the fields.
13 Te jubilejske godine neka se svatko vrati na svoju očevinu.
You must return everyone to his own property in this year of Jubilee.
14 Zato, kad prodajete imanje svome sunarodnjaku ili kupujete od svoga sunarodnjaka, nemojte nanositi štete svome bratu!
If you sell any land to your neighbor or buy any land from your neighbor, you must not cheat or wrong each other.
15 Od svoga sunarodnjaka kupuj, odbivši samo broj godina poslije jubileja, a on neka ti proda prema broju proizvodnih godina.
If you buy land from your neighbor, consider the number of years and crops that can be harvested until the next Jubilee. Your neighbor selling the land must consider that also.
16 Što više godina, više i cijenu povisi; što manje godina, neka je i cijena manja. Jer, ono što ti on prodaje jest broj ljetina.
A larger number of years until the next Jubilee will increase the value of land, and a smaller number of years until the next Jubilee will decrease the value, because the number of harvests the land will produce for the new owner is related to the number of years before the next Jubilee.
17 Neka nitko od vas ne nanosi štete svome sunarodnjaku, nego se boj Boga svoga! Jer ja sam Jahve, Bog vaš.
You must not cheat or wrong one another; instead, you must honor your God, for I am Yahweh your God.
18 Vršite moje zakone i moje naredbe; vjerno ih provodite u djelo pa ćete u sigurnosti živjeti na zemlji.
Therefore you must obey my decrees, keep my laws, and carry them out. Then you will live in the land in safety.
19 Zemlja će davati svoj rod, jest ćete do sitosti i živjet ćete u sigurnosti.
The land will yield its produce, and you will eat your fill and live there in safety.
20 Ako biste rekli: 'Čime ćemo se hraniti te sedme godine kad ne budemo ni sijali ni brali plodova?'
You might say, “What will we eat during the seventh year? Look, we cannot plant or gather our produce.”
21 evo, blagoslov ću svoj pustiti na vas: šesta godina rodom će roditi za tri godine.
I will command my blessing to come upon you in the sixth year, and it will produce harvest enough for three years.
22 Kad budete sijali osme godine, hranit ćete se starim prihodom sve do devete godine; dok ne dođe njezin prihod, jest ćete stari.”
You will plant in the eighth year and continue to eat from the previous years' produce and the stored food. Until the harvest of the ninth year comes in, you will be able to eat from the provisions stored in the previous years.
23 “Zemlja se ne smije prodati potpuno, jer zemlja pripada meni, dok ste vi samo stranci i gosti kod mene.
The land must not be sold to a new permanent owner, because the land is mine. You are all foreigners and temporary residents on my land.
24 Zato u svakome kraju gdje imate zemljišne posjede morate dopustiti otkupljivanje zemlje.
You must observe the right of redemption for all the land that you acquire; you must allow the land to be bought back by the family from whom you bought it.
25 Ako tvoj brat zapadne u škripac te moradne prodati dio svoje očevine, neka dođe njegov najbliži izbavitelj i otkupi što je njegov brat prodao.
If your fellow Israelite became poor and for that reason sold some of his property, then his nearest relative may come and buy back the property that he sold to you.
26 Ako nema koga da mu ga otkupi, a poslije i sam postane imućan te stekne sredstva da je otkupi,
If a man has no relative to redeem his property, but if he has prospered and has the ability to redeem it,
27 neka prebroji godine od prodaje, isplati kupcu svotu za preostalo vrijeme i vrati se na svoju očevinu.
then he may calculate the years since the land was sold and repay the balance to the man to whom he sold it. Then he may return to his own property.
28 Ako nema sredstava da je vrati, onda prodano neka ostane u rukama kupca do jubilejske godine. A stupivši u jubilej, neka se vrati na svoju očevinu.
But if he is not able to get the land back for himself, then the land he has sold will remain in the ownership of the one who bought it until the year of Jubilee. At the year of Jubilee, the land will be returned to the man who sold it, and the original owner will return to his property.
29 Ako tko proda stojnu kuću u gradu zidom obzidanu, može je otkupiti dokle se ne navrši godina poslije prodaje; otkupni rok neka je, dakle, jedna godina.
If a man sells a house in a walled city, then he may buy it back within a whole year after it was sold. For a full year he will have the right of redemption.
30 Ako je ne otkupi u roku od godine, onda kuća u gradu zidom opasana prelazi potpuno kupcu i njegovim potomcima: ni za jubileja neka se ne vraća.
If the house is not redeemed within a full year, then the house in the walled city will become the permanent property of the buyer and his descendants. It is not to be returned in the year of Jubilee.
31 Ali kuće po selima što nemaju zidova oko sebe neka se smatraju kao posjedi u polju; mogu se otkupljivati. U jubileju kupac mora iz njih izići.
But the houses of the villages that have no wall around them will be considered as the field of the land. They may be redeemed, and they must be returned during the year of Jubilee.
32 Kuće koje u levitskim gradovima pripadaju levitima mogu leviti otkupiti u svako vrijeme.
However, the houses owned by the Levites in their cities may be redeemed at any time.
33 Ako se koji levit ne posluži svojim pravom otkupa, onda će kuća što bude prodana u gradu njegova vlasništva biti za jubileja vraćena. Jer kod Izraelaca kuće u gradovima levita njihovo su vlasništvo.
If one of the Levites does not redeem a house he sold, then the house that was sold in the city where it is located must be returned in the year of Jubilee, for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their property among the people of Israel.
34 Neograđena zemlja oko njihovih gradova ne može se prodati, jer je ona njihovo vlasništvo za sva vremena.”
But the fields around their cities may not be sold because they are the permanent property of the Levites.
35 “Ako tvoj brat zapadne u škripac i ne mogne održavati svoje odnose s tobom, primi ga; i neka s tobom živi kao stranac ili gost.
If your fellow countryman becomes poor, so that he can no longer provide for himself, then you must help him as you would help a foreigner or anyone else living as an outsider among you.
36 Ne uzimaj od njega ni lihve ni kamata. Boga se svoga boj, i neka tvoj brat živi s tobom!
Do not charge him interest or try to profit from him in any way, but honor your God so that your brother may keep living with you.
37 Ne uzajmljuj mu novac na kamate niti mu lihvarski davaj svoju hranu.
You must not give him a loan of money and charge interest, nor sell him your food to earn a profit.
38 Ja, Jahve, Bog vaš, izbavio sam vas iz zemlje egipatske da vam dadem zemlju kanaansku i budem vaš Bog.
I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, in order that I might give you the land of Canaan, and that I might be your God.
39 Ako li tvoj brat padne u škripac dok je s tobom u urednim odnosima te se moradne tebi prodati, nemoj ga prisiliti da služi kao rob; neka bude kod tebe kao najamnik ili nadničar.
If your fellow countryman has become poor and sells himself to you, you must not make him work like a slave.
40 Neka služi kod tebe do jubilejske godine.
Treat him as a hired servant. He must be like someone living temporarily with you. He will serve with you until the year of Jubilee.
41 Onda neka bude slobodan da ode od tebe - i on i njegova djeca s njim; neka ide natrag svome rodu i opet zaposjedne svoju djedovinu.
Then he will go away from you, he and his children with him, and he will return to his own family and to his fathers' property.
42 TÓa oni su moji službenici, ja sam ih izbavio iz zemlje egipatske; oni se ne smiju prodavati kao robovi.
For they are my servants whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. They will not be sold as slaves.
43 Nemoj s njim grubo postupati! Boga se svoga boj!
You must not rule over them harshly, but you must honor your God.
44 A robove i ropkinje, budeš li ih htio imati, možete kupiti, i muške i ženske, od naroda koji su oko vas.
As for your male and female slaves, whom you can obtain from the nations who live around you, you may buy slaves from them.
45 Možete ih kupovati i od pridošlica koji s vama borave; od njihovih obitelji što žive s vama i rođeni su u vašoj zemlji. Takvi mogu postati vašim vlasništvom.
You may also buy slaves from the foreigners who are living among you, that is, from their families who are with you, children who have been born in your land. They may become your property.
46 Njih možete predati u nasljedstvo svojoj djeci da ih zavazda naslijede u baštinu. Prema njima možete postupati kao prema robovima. Ali prema svojoj braći, Izraelcima, nitko ne smije grubo postupati.
You may provide such slaves as an inheritance for your children after you, to hold as property, and make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your brothers among the people of Israel with harshness.
47 Ako se stranac s tobom nastanjen obogati, a tvoj brat, u svojim odnosima prema njemu, zapadne u škripac te se proda strancu koji je s tobom nastanjen ili kojemu god potomku strančeve obitelji,
If a foreigner or someone living temporarily with you has become wealthy, and if one of your fellow Israelites has become poor and sells himself to that foreigner, or to someone in a foreigner's family,
48 on ima pravo i nakon prodaje biti otkupljen. Neka ga otkupi netko od njegove braće;
after your fellow Israelite has been bought, he may be bought back. Someone in his family may redeem him.
49 ili neka ga otkupi njegov stric, njegov rođak ili bilo tko od njegove obitelji koji bude od njegove krvi. Ili, ako ima sredstava, neka se sam otkupi.
It might be the person's uncle, or his uncle's son, who redeems him, or anyone who is his close relative from his family. Or, if he has become prosperous, he may redeem himself.
50 Sa svojim kupcem neka proračuna vrijeme od godine kad mu se prodao do jubilejske godine. Cijena za njegovo oslobođenje neka bude prema broju godina. Vrijeme što ga je proveo sa svojim vlasnikom neka se procijeni kao vrijeme jednog najamnika.
He must bargain with the man who bought him; they must count the years from the year he sold himself to his purchaser until the year of Jubilee. The price of his redemption must be figured in keeping with the rate paid to a hired servant, for the number of years he might continue to work for the one who bought him.
51 Ako ostaje još mnogo godina, neka isplati za svoju otkupninu u omjeru svoje prodajne svote.
If there are still many years until the year of Jubilee, he must pay back as the price for his redemption an amount of money that is in proportion to the number of those years.
52 A ako ostaje samo nekoliko godina do jubilejske godine, neka izračuna pa isplati za svoj otkup prema godinama službe.
If there are only a few years to the year of Jubilee, then he must bargain with his purchaser to reflect the number of years left before the year of Jubilee, and he must pay for his redemption in keeping with the number of years.
53 Prema njemu neka bude kao prema najamniku koji se iznajmljuje od godine na godinu. Neka se na tvoje oči s njim ne postupa grubo.
He is to be treated like a man hired year by year. You must make sure he is not treated with harshness.
54 Ne bude li iskupljen ovako, onda i on i njegova djeca s njim neka odu u jubilejskoj godini.
If he is not redeemed by these means, then he must serve until the year of Jubilee, he and his children with him.
55 Jer Izraelci su moji službenici; oni su moji službenici koje sam ja izveo iz zemlje egipatske, ja, Jahve, Bog vaš.”
To me the people of Israel are servants. They are my servants whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.'”

< Levitski zakonik 25 >