< Suci 17 >

1 Bijaše u Efrajimovoj gori čovjek po imenu Mikajehu.
There was a man named Micah who lived in the hilly area where the tribe of Ephraim live.
2 On reče majci: “Tisuću i sto srebrnih šekela što su ti ukradeni i zbog kojih si izustila kletvu - uši su je moje čule - taj je novac kod mene, ja sam ga uzeo.” Mati mu odgovori: “Jahve te blagoslovio, sine moj!”
One day he said to his mother, “I heard you curse whoever stole (1,100 pieces/28 pounds/13 kg.) of silver from your house. I am the one who took the silver, and I still have it.” His mother replied, “My son, I pray that Yahweh will bless you [for admitting that you took it].”
3 I Mikajehu vrati joj tisuću i sto srebrnih šekela. A mati mu njegova reče: “Te sam novce posvetila Jahvi iz svoje ruke za tebe, sine moj, da se izdjela za to rezan ili ljeven idol. I evo, za to ih dajem.”
Micah gave all the silver back to his mother. Then she said [to herself], “I will give [some of] this silver to Yahweh.” And she said to her son, “My son, I want you to make an idol and a statue [from this silver]. So I will give [some of] this silver back to you [for making these things].”
4 Majka uze dvije stotine srebrnih šekela i dade ih zlataru. On načini od njih rezani i ljeveni idol koji postaviše u Mikajehuovoj novoj kući.
So when he gave all the silver to his mother, she took (200 pieces/about 5 pounds/1.6 kg.) of it to a (silversmith/man who made things from silver). With the silver that man made an idol and a statue, [and gave them to Micah]. Micah put them in his house.
5 On mu sagradi svetište, zatim načini efod i terafe te posveti jednoga od svojih sinova da mu bude svećenik.
He had in his house a special (shrine/place for putting sacred things). He made a sacred vest and some small idols [and put them in this shrine along with the big idol and the statue]. Then Micah chose one of his sons to become his priest.
6 U to vrijeme u Izraelu nije bilo kralja i svatko je radio po miloj volji.
At that time, the Israeli people did not have a king. So [Micah and everyone else] did whatever they considered to be the right thing to do.
7 Bijaše neki mladić iz Betlehema u Judi, iz Judina plemena; bio je levit i boravio je ondje kao došljak.
There was a young man who had been living in Bethlehem in the area where the tribe of Judah lives. He [wanted to work as a priest because he] was a member of the tribe of Levi.
8 Taj čovjek ode iz grada Betlehema u Judi da se nastani na kakvu prikladnu mjestu kao došljak. Putujući, dođe u Efrajimovu goru do Mikine kuće.
So he left Bethlehem to find another place to live [and work]. He came to Micah’s house in the hilly area where the tribe of Ephraim live.
9 Mika ga upita: “Odakle dolaziš?” “Ja sam levit iz Judina Betlehema”, odgovori mu on, “i putujem da se negdje nastanim.”
Micah asked him, “Where are you from?” He replied, “I come from Bethlehem. I am from the tribe of Levi, and I am looking for a place to live [and work as a priest].”
10 “Ostani kod mene”, reče mu Mika, “i budi mi ocem i svećenikom, a ja ću ti davati deset srebrnih šekela na godinu, haljine i hranu.” I levit uđe.
Micah said to him, “Stay with me, and you can become like a father [to counsel me], and be my priest. Each year I will give to you ten pieces of silver and some [new] clothes. And I will provide food for you.”
11 Levit je pristao da ostane u njega, i mladić mu bijaše kao jedan od sinova.
So the young man agreed to live with Micah. He became like one of Micah’s own sons.
12 Mika posveti levita za svećenika; mladić je postao njegovim svećenikom i živio je u Mikinoj kući.
Micah appointed him to be a priest, and he lived in Micah’s house.
13 “Sad znam”, reče Mika, “da će mi Jahve učiniti dobro kad imam levita za svećenika.”
Then Micah said, “Now I know that Yahweh will do good things for me, because I have a man from the tribe of Levi to be my priest.”

< Suci 17 >