< Suci 13 >

1 Izraelci su opet okrenuli da čine ono što Jahvi nije po volji i Jahve ih predade u ruke Filistejcima za čerdeset godina.
And eft the sones of Israel diden yuel in the `siyt of the Lord, which bitook hem in to the hondis of Filisteis fourti yeer.
2 A bijaše neki čovjek iz Sore, od Danova plemena, po imenu Manoah. Žena mu bila nerotkinja i nije imala djece.
Forsothe a man was of Saraa, and of the kynrede of Dan, `Manue bi name, and he hadde a bareyn wijf.
3 Toj se ženi ukaza Anđeo Jahvin i reče joj: “Ti si neplodna i nisi rađala.
To `which wijf an aungel of the Lord apperide, and seide to hir, Thou art bareyn, and with out fre children; but thou schalt conseyue, and schalt bere a sone.
4 Ali se odsad pazi: da ne piješ ni vina ni žestoka pića i da ne jedeš ništa nečisto.
Therfor be thou war, lest thou drynke wyn, and sydur, nethir ete thou ony vnclene thing;
5 Jer, zatrudnjet ćeš, evo, i rodit ćeš sina. I neka mu britva ne prijeđe po glavi, jer će od majčine utrobe dijete biti Bogu posvećeno - bit će nazirej Božji i on će početi izbavljati Izraela iz ruke Filistejaca.”
for thou schalt conceyue and schalt bere a sone, whos heed a rasour schal not towche; for he schal be a Nazarei of God fro his yong age, and fro the modris wombe; and he schal bigynne to delyuere Israel fro the hond of Filisteis.
6 Žena ode i kaza mužu: “Božji čovjek došao k meni, lice mu kao u Božjeg anđela, puno dostojanstva. Nisam ga upitala odakle je došao, niti mi on kaza svog imena.
And whanne sche hadde come to hir hosebonde, sche seide to hym, The man of God cam to me, and hadde an aungel cheer, and he was ful ferdful, `that is, worschipful `and reuerent; and whanne Y hadde axide hym, who he was, and fro whannus he cam, and bi what name he was clepid, he nolde seie to me;
7 Ali mi je rekao: 'Ti ćeš začeti i roditi sina. Ne pij odsad ni vina ni žestoka pića i ne jedi ništa nečisto jer će ti dijete biti nazirej Božji od majčine utrobe do smrti.'”
but he answeride this, Lo! thou schalt conseyue, and schalt bere a sone; be thou war, that thou drynke not wyn ne sidur, nether ete ony vncleene thing; for the child schal be a Nazarey, `that is, hooli of the Lord, fro his yonge age and fro the modris wombe `til to the dai of his deeth.
8 Tada se Manoah pomoli Jahvi i reče: “Molim te, Gospode, neka Božji čovjek koga si jednom poslao dođe još jednom k nama i pouči nas što ćemo činiti s djetetom kad se rodi!”
Therfor Manue preide the Lord, and seide, Lord, Y biseche, that the man of God, whom thou sentist, come eft, and teche vs, what we owen to do of the child, that schal be borun.
9 Jahve usliši Manoaha i Anđeo Jahvin dođe opet k ženi dok je sjedila u polju. Manoah, muž njezin, ne bijaše kraj nje.
And the Lord herde Manue preiynge; and the aungel of the Lord apperide eft to his wijf sittynge in the feeld; forsothe Manue, hir hosebonde, was not with hir. And whanne sche hadde seyn the aungel,
10 Žena brzo otrča da obavijesti muža i reče mu: “Gle, ukazao mi se čovjek koji mi je došao onog dana.”
sche hastide, and ran to hir hosebonde, and telde to hym, and seide, Lo! the man whom Y siy bifore, apperide to me.
11 Manoah ustade, pođe za ženom i kada dođe k čovjeku, upita ga: “Jesi li ti onaj što je govorio s ovom ženom?” A on odgovori: “Jesam.”
Which roos, and suede his wijf; and he cam to the man, and seide to hym, Art thou he, that hast spoke to the womman? And he answeride, Y am.
12 “Kada se ispuni ono što si rekao”, opet će Manoah, “po kojim propisima i kako treba postupati s djetetom?”
To whom Manue seide, Whanne thi word schal be fillid, what wolt thou, that the child do, ethir fro what thing schal he kepe hym silf?
13 Anđeo Jahvin odgovori Manoahu: “Neka se žena čuva svega što sam joj zabranio.
And the `aungel of the Lord seide to Manue, Absteyne he hym silf fro alle thingis which Y spak to thi wijf.
14 Neka ne uživa ništa što dolazi od vinove loze, neka ne pije ni vina ni žestoka pića, neka ne jede ništa nečisto i neka se drži svega što sam joj zapovjedio.”
And ete he not what euer thing cometh forth of the vyner, drynke he not wyn, and sidur, ete he not ony vncleene thing and fille he; and kepe that, that Y comaundide to hym.
15 Tada reče Manoah Anđelu Jahvinu: “Rado bismo te ustavili i pogostili jaretom.”
Therfor Manue seide to the `aungel of the Lord, Y biseche, that thou assente to my preieris, and we aray to thee a `kide of the geet.
16 Anđeo Jahvin nato će Manoahu: “Sve da me i ustaviš, ja ne bih jeo tvoga jela; nego ako želiš žrtvovati paljenicu, prinesi je Jahvi.” Manoah, ne znajući da je to Anđeo Jahvin,
To whom the aungel of the Lord answeride, Thouy thou constreynest me, Y schal not ete thi looues; forsothe if thou wolt make brent sacrifice, offre thou it to the Lord. And Manue wiste not, that it was `an aungel of the Lord.
17 reče tada Anđelu Jahvinu: “Kako ti je ime, da te možemo častiti kada se ispuni što si obećao.”
And Manue seide to hym, What name is to thee, that if thi word be fillid, we onoure thee?
18 Anđeo Jahvin odgovori mu: “Zašto pitaš za moje ime? Ono je tajanstveno.”
To whom he answeride, Whi axist thou my name, which is wondurful?
19 Manoah nato uze jare i prinos te ga na stijeni kao paljenicu žrtvova Jahvi koji čini tajanstvene stvari.
Therfor Manue took a `kide of the geet, and fletynge sacrifices, and puttide on the stoon, and offryde to the Lord that doith wondirful thingis. Forsothe he and his wijf bihelden.
20 Kada se poče dizati plamen sa žrtvenika k nebu, podiže se Anđeo Jahvin u tome plamenu. Kad to vidješe Manoah i njegova žena, padoše ničice.
And whanne the flawme of the auter stiede in to heuene, the aungel of the Lord stiede togidere in the flawme. And whanne Manue and his wijf hadden seyn this, thei felden lowe to erthe.
21 Anđeo Jahvin nije se više ukazivao Manoahu i njegovoj ženi. Manoah tada shvati da je to Anđeo Jahvin.
And the aungel of the Lord apperide no more to hem. And anoon Manue vndurstood, that he was an aungel of the Lord.
22 “Zacijelo ćemo umrijeti”, reče ženi, “jer smo vidjeli Boga.”
And he seide to his wijf, We schulen die bi deeth, for we sien the Lord.
23 “Da nas je htio usmrtiti”, odgovori mu žena, “ne bi iz naše ruke primio paljenice ni prinosa i ne bi nam dao da sve to vidimo niti da takvo što čujemo.”
To whom the womman answeride, If the Lord wolde sle vs, he schulde not haue take of oure hondis brent sacrifices, and moiste sacrifices, but nether he schulde haue schewid alle thingis to vs, nether `he schulde haue seid tho thingis, that schulen come.
24 Žena rodi sina i nadjenu mu ime Samson. Dijete odraste i Jahve ga blagoslovi.
Therfor sche childide a sone, and clepide his name Sampson; and the child encreesside, and the Lord blesside hym.
25 I Jahvin duh bijaše s njim u Danovu taboru, između Sore i Eštaola.
And the spirit of the Lord bigan to be with hym in the castels of Dan, bitwixe Saraa and Escahol.

< Suci 13 >