< Jošua 3 >

1 Urani Jošua i sa svim sinovima Izraelovim krene od Šitima. I stignu do Jordana pa ondje prije prelaza prenoće.
And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they broke up from Shittim, and came close to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel; and they lodged there before they passed over.
2 Poslije tri dana prođu starješine kroz tabor i zapovjede puku:
And it came to pass at the end of three days, that the officers passed through the midst of the camp.
3 “Čim ugledate Kovčeg saveza Jahve, Boga vašega, i svećenike levite koji ga nose, krenite svi sa svoga mjesta i pođite za njim.
And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then shall ye break up from your place, and go after it.
4 Tako ćete znati put kojim vam je ići, jer tim putem još nikada niste išli. Ali između vas i Kovčega neka bude razmak do dvije tisuće lakata. I da mu se niste približili.”
Nevertheless there shall be a space between you and it, of about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, in order that ye may know the way by which ye must go; for ye have not passed this way heretofore.
5 A Jošua zapovjedi narodu: “Posvetite se za sutra, jer će sutra Jahve učiniti čudesa među vama.”
And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves; for tomorrow will the Lord do wonders in the midst of you.
6 A svećenicima Jošua zapovjedi: “Dignite Kovčeg saveza i nosite ga pred narodom.” I digoše Kovčeg saveza i poniješe ga pred narodom.
And Joshua said unto the priests, as followeth, Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass over before the people. And they took up the ark of the covenant, and went before the people.
7 Jahve reče Jošui: “Danas te počinjem uzvisivati pred očima svega Izraela, neka znaju da sam s tobom kao što bijah s Mojsijem.
And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day will I begin to make thee great in the eyes of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so will I be with thee.
8 Ti pak zapovjedi svećenicima koji nose Kovčeg saveza:' Kada stignete do voda jordanskih, u Jordanu se samom zaustavite.'”
And thou shalt command the priests that bear the ark of the covenant, saying, When ye are come to the brink of the waters of the Jordan, ye shall stand still in the Jordan.
9 Tada reče Jošua Izraelcima: “Priđite i čujte riječi Jahve, Boga svojega.”
And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, Approach hither, and hear the words of the Lord your God.
10 I reče Jošua: “Po ovomu ćete spoznati da je među vama Bog živi: on će goniti ispred vas Kanaance, Hetite, Hivijce, Perižane, Girgašane, Amorejce i Jebusejce.
And Joshua said, Hereby shall ye know that the living God is in the midst of you, and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the Girgashites, and the Emorites, and the Jebusites.
11 Evo, Kovčeg saveza Gospodara sve zemlje proći će pred vama preko Jordana.
Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth passeth over before you into the Jordan.
12 Izaberite odmah dvanaest ljudi iz plemena Izraelovih, po jednoga iz svakoga plemena.
And now take yourselves twelve men out of the tribes of Israel, one man each out of every tribe.
13 Čim stopala svećenika koji nose Kovčeg Jahve, Gospodara sve zemlje, stupe u Jordan, razdijelit će se voda Jordana, i ona što teče odozgo ustavit će se kao nasip.'”
And it shall come to pass, that as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, namely, the waters that come down from above; and they shall stand up as a wall.
14 Kad je narod krenuo iz svojih šatora da prijeđe preko Jordana, ponesu svećenici Kovčeg saveza pred njim.
And it came to pass, when the people broke up from their tents, to pass over the Jordan, and the priests the bearers of the ark of the covenant were before the people;
15 A kad su nosači Kovčega stigli do Jordana i kada su svećenici koji su nosili Kovčeg zagazili u vodu na obali - a bilo je vrijeme žetve kad se Jordan prelijeva preko svojih obala -
And as they that bore the ark were come up to the Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bore the ark were dipped in the edge of the water, [the Jordan, however, had overflowed all its banks all the time of harvest, ]
16 voda što je tekla odozgo daleko se, poput nasipa, ustavila kod grada Adame, koji se nalazi kraj Sartana; a voda što je otjecala dolje u Arabsko ili Slano more sasvim je otekla i narod je prelazio prema Jerihonu.
That the waters which came down from above stood still and rose up as a wall, very far from the city Adam, which is beside Zarethan; and those that ran down toward the sea of the plain, the salt sea, failed, were cut off; and the people passed over opposite to Jericho.
17 Svećenici koji su nosili Kovčeg saveza Jahvina stajahu na suhu usred Jordana i prelažaše Izrael po suhu sve dok sav narod ne prijeđe preko rijeke.
And the priests that bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people had finished passing over the Jordan.

< Jošua 3 >