< Jošua 24 >
1 Jošua potom sabra sva plemena Izraelova u Šekem; i sazva starješine Izraelove, glavare, suce i upravitelje njihove i oni stadoše pred Bogom.
And Josue gaderide alle the lynagis of Israel in to Sechem; and he clepide the grettere men in birthe, and the princes, and iugis, and maistris; and thei stoden in the siyt of the Lord.
2 Tada reče Jošua svemu narodu: “Ovako veli Jahve, Bog Izraelov: 'Nekoć su oci vaši, Terah, otac Abrahamov i Nahorov, živjeli s onu stranu Rijeke i služili drugim bogovima.
And he spak thus to the puple, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Youre fadris dwelliden at the bigynnyng biyende the flood Eufrates, Thare, the fadir of Abraham, and Nachor, and thei serueden alien goddis.
3 Ali sam ja uzeo oca vašega Abrahama s one strane Rijeke i proveo ga kroza svu zemlju kanaansku, umnožio mu potomstvo i dao mu Izaka.
Therfor Y took youre fadir Abraham fro the coostis of Mesopotanye, and Y brouyte hym in to the lond of Canaan; and Y multipliede `the seed of hym,
4 Izaku dadoh Jakova i Ezava. Ezavu sam dao goru Seir u posjed. Jakov i sinovi njegovi otišli su u Egipat.
and Y yaf Isaac to hym; and eft Y yaf to Isaac, Jacob, and Esau, of whiche Y yaf to Esau the hil of Seir, to `haue in possessioun; forsothe Jacob and hise sones yeden doun in to Egipt.
5 Tada sam poslao Mojsija i Arona i udario sam Egipat kaznama koje sam učinio u njemu i tada sam vas izveo.
And Y sente Moises and Aaron, and Y smoot Egipt with many signes and wondris,
6 Izveo sam oce vaše iz Egipta i stigli su na more; Egipćani su progonili vaše oce bojnim kolima i konjanicima sve do Mora crvenoga.
and Y ledde you and youre fadris out of Egipt. And ye camen to the see, and Egipcians pursueden youre fadris with charis, and multitude of knyytis, `til to the Reed See.
7 Zavapili su tada Jahvi i on je razvukao gustu maglu između njih i Egipćana i naveo ih u more koje ih je prekrilo. Vidjeli ste svojim očima što sam učinio Egipćanima; zatim ste ostali dugo vremena u pustinji.
Forsothe the sones of Israel crieden to the Lord, and he settide derknessis bitwixe you and Egipcians; and he brouyte the see on hem, and hilide hem. Youre iyen sien alle thingis, whiche Y dide in Egipt. And ye dwelliden in wildirnesse in myche tyme.
8 Nato sam vas uveo u zemlju Amorejaca, koji žive s onu stranu Jordana. Zaratiše s vama i ja ih dadoh u vaše ruke; uzeli ste u baštinu zemlju njihovu jer sam ih ja ispred vas uništio.
And Y brouyte you in to the lond of Ammorrei, that dwellide biyende Jordan; and whanne thei fouyten ayens you, Y bitook hem in to youre hondis, and ye hadden in possessioun `the lond of hem, and ye killiden hem.
9 Tada se digao moapski kralj Balak, sin Siporov, da ratuje s Izraelom i on pozva Bileama, sina Beorova, da vas prokune.
Sotheli Balach, the sone of Sephor, the king of Moab, roos, and fauyt ayens Israel; and he sente, and clepide Balaam, the sone of Beor, that he schulde curse you.
10 Ali ja ne htjedoh poslušati Bileama: morade vas on i blagosloviti, i spasih vas iz njegove ruke.
And Y nolde here hym, but ayenward bi hym Y blesside you, and delyuerede you fro hise hondis.
11 Onda ste prešli preko Jordana i došli u Jerihon, ali su glavari Jerihona poveli rat protiv vas - kao i Amorejci, Perižani, Kanaanci, Hetiti, Girgašani, Hivijci i Jebusejci - ali sam ih ja predao u vaše ruke.
And ye passiden Jordan, and camen to Jerico; and men of that citee fouyten ayens you, Ammorrei, and Feresei, and Cananei, Ethei, and Gergesei, and Euei, and Jebusei; and Y bitook hem in to youre hondis.
12 Pred vama sam poslao stršljene koji su ispred vas tjerali dva kralja amorejska: nemaš što zahvaliti svome maču ni svome luku.
And Y sente flies with venemouse tongis bifor you, and Y castide hem out of her places; Y kyllide twei kyngis of Ammorreis, not in thi swerd and bowe.
13 Dao sam vam zemlju za koju se niste trudili i gradove koje niste gradili i u njima se nastaniste; i vinograde vam dadoh i maslinike koje niste sadili, a danas vas hrane.'
And Y yaf to you the lond in which ye traueiliden not, and citees whiche ye bildiden not, that ye schulden dwelle in tho, and vyneris, and places of olyue trees, whiche ye plauntiden not.
14 I zato se sada bojte Jahve i služite mu savršeno i vjerno! Uklonite bogove kojima su služili oci vaši s onu stranu Rijeke i u Egiptu i služite Jahvi!
Now therfor drede ye the Lord, and serue ye hym with perfite herte and moost trewe; and do ye awei the goddis, to whiche youre fadris seruyden in Mesopotanye, and in Egipt; and serue ye the Lord.
15 Međutim, ako vam se ne sviđa služiti Jahvi, onda danas izaberite kome ćete služiti: možda bogovima kojima su služili vaši oci s onu stranu Rijeke ili bogovima Amorejaca u čijoj zemlji sada prebivate. Ja i moj dom služit ćemo Jahvi.”
But if it semeth yuel to you, `that ye serue the Lord, chesyng is youun to you; chese ye to you to dai that, that plesith, whom ye owen most to serue; whether to goddis, whiche youre fadris serueden in Mesopotanye, whether to the goddis of Ammorreis, in whose lond ye dwellen; forsothe Y, and myn hows schulen serue the Lord.
16 Narod odgovori: “Daleko neka je od nas da ostavimo Jahvu a služimo drugim bogovima.
And al the puple answeride and seide, Fer be it fro vs that we forsake the Lord, and serue alien goddis.
17 Jahve, Bog naš, izveo je nas i naše oce iz Egipta, iz doma robovanja, i on je pred našim očima učinio velika čudesa i čuvao nas cijelim putem kojim smo išli i među svim narodima kroz koje smo prolazili.
`Oure Lord God hym silf ledde vs and oure fadris out of the lond of Egipt, fro the hows of seruage, and dide grete signes in oure siyt; and he kepte vs in al the weie, bi which we yeden, and in alle puplis, bi whiche we passiden; and he castide out alle folkis,
18 Još više: Jahve je ispred nas protjerao sve narode i Amorejce, koji su živjeli u ovoj zemlji. I mi ćemo služiti Jahvi jer je on Bog naš.”
Ammorrei, the dwellere of the lond, in to which we entriden. Therfor we schulen serue the Lord, for he is `oure Lord God.
19 Tada reče Jošua narodu: “Vi ne možete služiti Jahvi, jer je on Bog sveti, Bog ljubomorni, koji ne može podnijeti vaših prijestupa ni vaših grijeha.
And Josue seide to the puple, Ye moun not serue the Lord; for God is hooli, and a strong feruent louyere, and he foryyueth not youre trespassis and synnes.
20 Ako ostavite Jahvu da biste služili tuđim bogovima, okrenut će se protiv vas i uništit će vas, pošto vam je bio dobro činio.”
If ye forsaken the Lord, and seruen alien goddis, the Lord schal turne `hym silf, and schal turment you, and schal distrie, after that he hath youe goodis to you.
21 A narod odgovori Jošui: “Ne, mi ćemo služiti Jahvi!”
And the puple seide to Josue, It schal not be so, as thou spekist, but we schulen serue the Lord.
22 Na to će Jošua narodu: “Sami ste protiv sebe svjedoci da ste izabrali Jahvu da mu služite.” Odgovoriše mu: “Svjedoci smo.”
And Josue seide to the puple, Ye ben witnessis, that ye han chose the Lord to you, that ye serue him. And thei answeriden, We ben witnessis.
23 “Maknite, dakle, tuđe bogove koji su među vama i priklonite svoja srca Jahvi, Bogu Izraelovu.”
Therfor, he seide, Now do ye awei alien goddis fro the myddis of you, and bowe ye youre hertis to the Lord God of Israel.
24 Odgovori narod Jošui: “Služit ćemo Jahvi, Bogu svojemu, i glas ćemo njegov slušati.”
And the puple seide to Josue, We schulen serue `oure Lord God, and we schulen be obedient to hise heestis.
25 Tako sklopi Jošua toga dana Savez s narodom i utvrdi mu uredbu i zakon. Bilo je to u Šekemu.
Therfor Josue smoot a boond of pees in that dai, and settide forth to the puple comaundementis and domes in Sichen.
26 Jošua upisa te riječi u Knjigu zakona Božjega. Zatim uze velik kamen i stavi ga ondje pod hrast koji bijaše u svetištu Jahvinu.
And he wroot alle these wordis in the book of Goddis lawe. And he took a greet stoon, and puttide it vndur an ook, that was in the seyntuarie of the Lord.
27 Zatim reče Jošua svemu narodu: “Gle, ovaj kamen neka nam bude svjedokom jer je čuo riječi što ih je govorio Jahve; on će biti svjedok da ne zatajite Boga svoga.”
And he seide to al the puple, Lo! this stoon schal be to you in to witnessing, that ye herden alle the wordis of the Lord, whiche he spak to you, lest perauenture ye wolden denye aftirward, and lye to youre Lord God.
28 Tada Jošua otpusti narod, svakoga na njegovu baštinu.
And he lefte the puple, ech man in to his possessioun.
29 Poslije ovih događaja umrije Jošua, sin Nunov, sluga Jahvin, u dobi od sto deset godina.
And after these thingis Josue, the sone of Nun, the `seruaunt of the Lord, diede, an hundride yeer eld and ten.
30 Sahraniše ga u kraju što ga je baštinio u Timnat Serahu, u Efrajimovoj gori, sjeverno od gore Gaaša.
And thei birieden hym in the costis of his possessioun, in Thannath of Sare, which is set in the hil of Effraym, fro the north part of the hil Gaas.
31 Izrael je služio Jahvi svega vijeka Jošuina i svega vijeka starješina koje su Jošuu nadživjele i vidjele sva djela što ih je Jahve učinio Izraelu.
And Israel seruede the Lord in alle the daies of Josue, and of the eldre men, that lyueden in long tyme aftir Josue, and whiche eldre men knewen alle the werkis of the Lord, whiche he hadde do in Israel.
32 Kosti Josipove, koje su sinovi Izraelovi sa sobom donijeli iz Egipta, pokopali su u Šekemu, na zemljištu koje Jakov bijaše kupio od sinova Hamora, oca Šekemova, za stotinu srebrnjaka i koje je pripalo u baštinu sinova Josipovih.
Also `the sones of Israel birieden the boonys of Joseph, whiche thei baren fro Egipt in Sichen, in the part of the feeld, which feeld Jacob bouyte of the sones of Emor, fadir of Sichen, for an hundrid yonge scheep; and it was in to possessioun of the sones of Joseph.
33 Umrije i Eleazar, sin Aronov, i pokopaše ga u Gibei, koja je pripadala njegovu sinu Pinhasu a nalazila se u Efrajimovoj gori.
Also Eliazar, sone of Aaron, preest, diede; and Fynees and hise sones biryden hym in Gabaa, which was youun to hym in the hil of Efraym.