< Jošua 24 >

1 Jošua potom sabra sva plemena Izraelova u Šekem; i sazva starješine Izraelove, glavare, suce i upravitelje njihove i oni stadoše pred Bogom.
Then Joshua got all the tribes of Israel together at Shechem; and he sent for the responsible men of Israel and their chiefs and their judges and their overseers; and they took their place before God.
2 Tada reče Jošua svemu narodu: “Ovako veli Jahve, Bog Izraelov: 'Nekoć su oci vaši, Terah, otac Abrahamov i Nahorov, živjeli s onu stranu Rijeke i služili drugim bogovima.
And Joshua said to all the people, These are the words of the Lord, the God of Israel: In the past your fathers, Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nahor, were living on the other side of the River: and they were worshipping other gods.
3 Ali sam ja uzeo oca vašega Abrahama s one strane Rijeke i proveo ga kroza svu zemlju kanaansku, umnožio mu potomstvo i dao mu Izaka.
And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the River, guiding him through all the land of Canaan; I made his offspring great in number, and gave him Isaac.
4 Izaku dadoh Jakova i Ezava. Ezavu sam dao goru Seir u posjed. Jakov i sinovi njegovi otišli su u Egipat.
And to Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau: to Esau I gave Mount Seir, as his heritage; but Jacob and his children went down to Egypt.
5 Tada sam poslao Mojsija i Arona i udario sam Egipat kaznama koje sam učinio u njemu i tada sam vas izveo.
And I sent Moses and Aaron, troubling Egypt by all the signs I did among them: and after that I took you out.
6 Izveo sam oce vaše iz Egipta i stigli su na more; Egipćani su progonili vaše oce bojnim kolima i konjanicima sve do Mora crvenoga.
I took your fathers out of Egypt: and you came to the Red Sea; and the Egyptians came after your fathers to the Red Sea, with their war-carriages and their horsemen.
7 Zavapili su tada Jahvi i on je razvukao gustu maglu između njih i Egipćana i naveo ih u more koje ih je prekrilo. Vidjeli ste svojim očima što sam učinio Egipćanima; zatim ste ostali dugo vremena u pustinji.
And at their cry, the Lord made it dark between you and the Egyptians, and made the sea go over them, covering them with its waters; your eyes have seen what I did in Egypt: then for a long time you were living in the waste land.
8 Nato sam vas uveo u zemlju Amorejaca, koji žive s onu stranu Jordana. Zaratiše s vama i ja ih dadoh u vaše ruke; uzeli ste u baštinu zemlju njihovu jer sam ih ja ispred vas uništio.
And I took you into the lands of the Amorites on the other side of Jordan; and they made war on you, and I gave them into your hands and you took their land; and I sent destruction on them before you.
9 Tada se digao moapski kralj Balak, sin Siporov, da ratuje s Izraelom i on pozva Bileama, sina Beorova, da vas prokune.
Then Balak, the son of Zippor, king of Moab, went up to war against Israel; and he sent for Balaam, the son of Beor, to put a curse on you:
10 Ali ja ne htjedoh poslušati Bileama: morade vas on i blagosloviti, i spasih vas iz njegove ruke.
But I did not give ear to Balaam; and so he went on blessing you; and I kept you safe from him.
11 Onda ste prešli preko Jordana i došli u Jerihon, ali su glavari Jerihona poveli rat protiv vas - kao i Amorejci, Perižani, Kanaanci, Hetiti, Girgašani, Hivijci i Jebusejci - ali sam ih ja predao u vaše ruke.
Then you went over Jordan and came to Jericho: and the men of Jericho made war on you, the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Hivites and the Jebusites: and I gave them up into your hands.
12 Pred vama sam poslao stršljene koji su ispred vas tjerali dva kralja amorejska: nemaš što zahvaliti svome maču ni svome luku.
And I sent the hornet before you, driving out the two kings of the Amorites before you, not with your sword and your bow.
13 Dao sam vam zemlju za koju se niste trudili i gradove koje niste gradili i u njima se nastaniste; i vinograde vam dadoh i maslinike koje niste sadili, a danas vas hrane.'
And I gave you a land on which you had done no work, and towns not of your building, and you are now living in them; and your food comes from vine-gardens and olive-gardens not of your planting.
14 I zato se sada bojte Jahve i služite mu savršeno i vjerno! Uklonite bogove kojima su služili oci vaši s onu stranu Rijeke i u Egiptu i služite Jahvi!
So now, go in fear of the Lord, and be his servants with true hearts: put away the gods worshipped by your fathers across the River and in Egypt, and be servants of the Lord.
15 Međutim, ako vam se ne sviđa služiti Jahvi, onda danas izaberite kome ćete služiti: možda bogovima kojima su služili vaši oci s onu stranu Rijeke ili bogovima Amorejaca u čijoj zemlji sada prebivate. Ja i moj dom služit ćemo Jahvi.”
And if it seems evil to you to be the servants of the Lord, make the decision this day whose servants you will be: of the gods whose servants your fathers were across the River, or of the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living: but I and my house will be the servants of the Lord.
16 Narod odgovori: “Daleko neka je od nas da ostavimo Jahvu a služimo drugim bogovima.
Then the people in answer said, Never will we give up the Lord to be the servants of other gods;
17 Jahve, Bog naš, izveo je nas i naše oce iz Egipta, iz doma robovanja, i on je pred našim očima učinio velika čudesa i čuvao nas cijelim putem kojim smo išli i među svim narodima kroz koje smo prolazili.
For it is the Lord our God who has taken us and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, out of the prison-house, and who did all those great signs before our eyes, and kept us safe on all our journeys, and among all the peoples through whom we went:
18 Još više: Jahve je ispred nas protjerao sve narode i Amorejce, koji su živjeli u ovoj zemlji. I mi ćemo služiti Jahvi jer je on Bog naš.”
And the Lord sent out from before us all the peoples, the Amorites living in the land: so we will be the servants of the Lord, for he is our God.
19 Tada reče Jošua narodu: “Vi ne možete služiti Jahvi, jer je on Bog sveti, Bog ljubomorni, koji ne može podnijeti vaših prijestupa ni vaših grijeha.
And Joshua said to the people, You are not able to be the servants of the Lord, for he is a holy God, a God who will not let his honour be given to another: he will have no mercy on your wrongdoing or your sins.
20 Ako ostavite Jahvu da biste služili tuđim bogovima, okrenut će se protiv vas i uništit će vas, pošto vam je bio dobro činio.”
If you are turned away from the Lord and become the servants of strange gods, then turning against you he will do you evil, cutting you off, after he has done you good.
21 A narod odgovori Jošui: “Ne, mi ćemo služiti Jahvi!”
And the people said to Joshua, No! But we will be the servants of the Lord.
22 Na to će Jošua narodu: “Sami ste protiv sebe svjedoci da ste izabrali Jahvu da mu služite.” Odgovoriše mu: “Svjedoci smo.”
And Joshua said to the people, You are witnesses against yourselves that you have made the decision to be the servants of the Lord. And they said, We are witnesses.
23 “Maknite, dakle, tuđe bogove koji su među vama i priklonite svoja srca Jahvi, Bogu Izraelovu.”
Then, he said, put away the strange gods among you, turning your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.
24 Odgovori narod Jošui: “Služit ćemo Jahvi, Bogu svojemu, i glas ćemo njegov slušati.”
And the people said to Joshua, We will be the servants of the Lord our God, and we will give ear to his voice.
25 Tako sklopi Jošua toga dana Savez s narodom i utvrdi mu uredbu i zakon. Bilo je to u Šekemu.
So Joshua made an agreement with the people that day, and gave them a rule and a law in Shechem.
26 Jošua upisa te riječi u Knjigu zakona Božjega. Zatim uze velik kamen i stavi ga ondje pod hrast koji bijaše u svetištu Jahvinu.
And Joshua put these words on record, writing them in the book of the law of God; and he took a great stone, and put it up there under the oak-tree which was in the holy place of the Lord.
27 Zatim reče Jošua svemu narodu: “Gle, ovaj kamen neka nam bude svjedokom jer je čuo riječi što ih je govorio Jahve; on će biti svjedok da ne zatajite Boga svoga.”
And Joshua said to all the people, See now, this stone is to be a witness against us; for all the words of the Lord have been said to us in its hearing: so it will be a witness against you if you are false to the Lord your God.
28 Tada Jošua otpusti narod, svakoga na njegovu baštinu.
Then Joshua let the people go away, every man to his heritage.
29 Poslije ovih događaja umrije Jošua, sin Nunov, sluga Jahvin, u dobi od sto deset godina.
Now after these things, the death of Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, took place, he being then a hundred and ten years old.
30 Sahraniše ga u kraju što ga je baštinio u Timnat Serahu, u Efrajimovoj gori, sjeverno od gore Gaaša.
And they put his body in the earth in the land of his heritage in Timnath-serah, in the hill-country of Ephraim, to the north of Mount Gaash.
31 Izrael je služio Jahvi svega vijeka Jošuina i svega vijeka starješina koje su Jošuu nadživjele i vidjele sva djela što ih je Jahve učinio Izraelu.
And Israel was true to the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the older men who were still living after Joshua's death, and had seen what the Lord had done for Israel.
32 Kosti Josipove, koje su sinovi Izraelovi sa sobom donijeli iz Egipta, pokopali su u Šekemu, na zemljištu koje Jakov bijaše kupio od sinova Hamora, oca Šekemova, za stotinu srebrnjaka i koje je pripalo u baštinu sinova Josipovih.
And the bones of Joseph, which the children of Israel had taken up from Egypt, they put in the earth in Shechem, in the property which Jacob had got from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, for a hundred shekels: and they became the heritage of the children of Joseph.
33 Umrije i Eleazar, sin Aronov, i pokopaše ga u Gibei, koja je pripadala njegovu sinu Pinhasu a nalazila se u Efrajimovoj gori.
Then the death of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, took place; and his body was put in the earth in the hill of Phinehas his son, which had been given to him in the hill-country of Ephraim.

< Jošua 24 >