< Jošua 19 >

1 Drugi ždrijeb izađe za Šimuna, za pleme sinova Šimunovih po porodicama njihovim: njihova je baština bila usred sinova Judinih.
And the second lot came forth for the children of Simeon by their kindreds: and their inheritance was
2 Dodijeljena im je kao baština: Beer Šeba, Šeba, Molada;
In the midst of the possession of the children of Juda: Bersabee and Sabee and Molada,
3 Hasar Šual, Bala, Esem;
And Hasersual, Bala and Asem,
4 Eltolad, Betul, Horma,
And Eltholad, Bethul and Harma,
5 Siklag, Bet-Hamarkabot, Hasar Susa,
And Siceleg and Bethmarchaboth and Hasersusa,
6 Bet-Lebaot i Šaruhen: trinaest gradova i njihova sela.
And Bethlebaoth and Sarohen: thirteen cities, and their villages.
7 Ajin, Rimon, Eter i Ašan: četiri grada s njihovim selima.
Ain and Remmon and Athor and Asan: four cities, and their villages.
8 I sva naselja što su oko tih gradova, do Baalat Beera, Ramat Negeba. To je baština plemena sinova Šimunovih po porodicama njihovim.
And all the villages round about these cities to Baalath Beer Ramath to the south quarter. This is the inheritance of the children of Simeon according to their kindreds,
9 Baština je sinova Šimunovih bila od dijela sinova Judinih, jer dio dodijeljen sinovima Judinim bijaše za njih prevelik. Zato su sinovi Šimunovi dobili svoju baštinu usred njihova područja.
In the possession and lot of the children of Juda: because it was too great, and therefore the children of Simeon had their possession in the midst of their inheritance.
10 Treći ždrijeb izađe za sinove Zebulunove po porodicama njihovim: njihovo je područje sezalo do Sarida,
And the third lot fell to the children of Zabulon by their kindreds: and the border of their possession was unto Sarid.
11 odakle im se međa na zapadu penjala do Marale, doticala Dabešet i dopirala do potoka koji je nasuprot Jokneamu.
And it went up from the sea and from Merala, and came to Debbaseth: as far as the torrent, which is over against Jeconam.
12 Od Sarida je međa okretala prema istoku, sve do međe Kislot Tabora, odakle je izlazila do Dabrata i uspinjala se do Jafije.
And it returneth from Sarid eastward to the borders of Ceseleththabor: and it goeth out to Dabereth, and ascendeth towards Japhie.
13 A odatle je išla opet prema istoku, na Git Hefer i na Ita Kasin, izlazila na Rimon i vraćala se do Nee.
And it passeth along from thence to the east side of Gethhepher and Thacasin: and goeth out to Remmon, Amthar and Noa.
14 Onda je okretala sa sjevera oko Hanatona i završavala se u dolini Jiftah-Elu.
And it turneth about to the north of Hanathon: and the outgoings thereof are the valley of Jephtahel,
15 Pa Katat, Nahalal, Šimron, Jidalu i Betlehem: dvanaest gradova s njihovim selima.
And Cateth and Naalol and Semeron and Jedala and Bethlehem: twelve cities and their villages.
16 To je bila baština sinova Zebulunovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi s njihovim selima.
This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Zabulon by their kindreds, the cities and their villages.
17 Četvrti je ždrijeb izašao za Jisakara, za sinove Jisakarove po njihovim porodicama.
The fourth lot came out to Issachar by their kindreds.
18 A posjed im je bio: Jizreel, Hakesulot, Šunem;
And his inheritance was Jezrael and Casaloth and Sunem,
19 Hafarajim, Šion, Anaharat;
And Hapharaim and Seen and Anaharath,
20 Harabit, Kišjon, Ebes;
And Rabboth and Cesion, Abes,
21 Remet i En-Ganim, En-Hada i Bet-Pases.
And Rameth and Engannim and Enhadda and Bethpheses.
22 Potom međa dotiče Tabor, Šahasimu i Bet-Šemeš i izlazi na Jordan: šesnaest gradova s njihovim selima.
And the border thereof cometh to Thabor and Sehesima and Bethsames: and the outgoings thereof shall be at the Jordan: sixteen cities, and their villages.
23 To je baština plemena sinova Jisakarovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi s njihovim selima.
This is the possession of the sons of Issachar by their kindreds, the cities and their villages.
24 Peti ždrijeb iziđe za pleme sinova Ašerovih po njihovim porodicama.
And the fifth lot fell to the tribe of the children of Aser by their kindreds:
25 Njihova je zemlja bila: Helkat, Hali, Beten, Akšaf,
And their border was Halcath and Chali and Beten and Axaph,
26 Alamelek, Amad, Mišal. Na zapadu je međa doticala Karmel i Šihor Libnat.
And Elmelech and Amaad and Messal: and it reacheth to Carmel by the sea and Sihor and Labanath,
27 Zatim je okretala prema sunčanom istoku do Bet-Dagona i doticala se Zebuluna i doline Jiftahela sa sjevera; protezala se dalje Bet-Haemekom i Neielom i dosezala slijeva Kabul,
And it returneth towards the east to Bethdagon: and passeth along to Zabulon and to the valley of Jephthael towards the north to Bethemec and Nehiel. And it goeth out to the left side of Cabul,
28 pa Abdon, Rehob, Hamon i Kanu sve do Velikog Sidona.
And to Abaran and Rohob and Hamon and Cana, as far as the great Sidon.
29 Međa je tada zavijala prema Rami i do tvrdoga grada Tira te je okretala prema Hosi i izlazila na more. Obuhvaćala je Mehaleb, Akzib,
And it returneth to Horma to the strong city of Tyre, and to Hosa: and the outgoings thereof shall be at the sea from the portion of Achziba:
30 Ako, Afek i Rehob: dvadeset i dva grada s njihovim selima.
And Amma and Aphec and Rohob: twenty-two cities, and their villages.
31 To je baština plemena sinova Ašerovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi i njihova sela.
This is the possession of the children of Aser by their kindreds, and the cities and their villages.
32 Šesti ždrijeb izađe za sinove Naftalijeve po njihovim porodicama.
The sixth lot came out to the sons of Nephtali by their families:
33 Njihova međa ide od Helefa i od Hrasta u Saananimu, od Adami Hanekeba i Jabneela do Lakuma i izbija na Jordan.
And the border began from Heleph and Elon to Saananim, and Adami, which is Neceb, and Jebnael even to Lecum: and their outgoings unto the Jordan:
34 Potom međa okreće na zapad k Aznot Taboru i pruža se odande prema Hukoku; na jugu se dotiče Zebuluna, na zapadu Ašera, na istoku Jordana.
And the border returneth westward to Azanotthabor, and goeth out from thence to Hucuca, and passeth along to Zabulon southward, and to Aser westward, and to Juda upon the Jordan towards the rising of the sun.
35 Utvrđeni gradovi bijahu Hasidim, Ser, Hamat, Rakat, Kineret;
And the strong cities are Assedim, Ser, and Emath, and Reccath and Cenereth,
36 Adama, Rama, Hasor,
And Edema and Arama, Asor,
37 Kedeš, Edrej, En-Hasor;
And Cedes and Edri, Enhasor,
38 Jiron, Migdal-El, Horem, Bet-Anat, Bet-Šemeš: devetnaest gradova s njihovim selima.
And Jeron and Magdalel, Herem, and Bethanath and Bethsames: nineteen cities, and their villages.
39 To je baština plemena Naftalijevih sinova po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi i njihova sela.
This is the possession of the tribe of the children of Nephtali by their kindreds, the cities and their villages.
40 Izađe sedmi ždrijeb za pleme sinova Danovih po porodicama njihovim.
The seventh lot came out to the tribe of the children of Dan by their families:
41 Područje baštine njihove bilo je: Sora, Eštaol, Ir Šemeš,
And the border of their possession was Saraa and Esthaol, and Hirsemes, that is, the city of the sun.
42 Šaalabin, Ajalon, Jitla,
Selebin and Aialon and Jethela,
43 Elon, Timna, Ekron,
Elon and Themna and Acron,
44 Elteke, Gibeton, Baalat,
Elthece, Gebbethon and Balaath,
45 Jehud, Bene-Berak, Gat-Rimon,
And Jud and Bane and Barach and Gethremmon:
46 Me-Hajarkon i Harakon s područjem prema Jafi.
And Mejarcon and Arecon, with the border that looketh towards Joppe,
47 Ali područje sinova Danovih bilo je za njih pretijesno; zato udare Danovi sinovi na Lešem, osvoje ga i sve pobiju oštricom mača; zaposjednu grad, nastane se u njemu i Lešem prozovu Dan, po imenu Dana, oca svoga.
And is terminated there. And the children of Dan went up and fought against Lesem, and took it: and they put it to the sword, and possessed it, and dwelt in it, calling the name of it Lesem Dan, by the name of Dan their father.
48 To je baština plemena sinova Danovih po porodicama njihovim: ti im gradovi i sela njihova.
This is the possession of the tribe of the sons of Dan, by their kindreds, the cities and their villages.
49 Kada završe diobu zemlje ždrijebom i utvrde njezine međe, dadu Izraelci Jošui, sinu Nunovu, baštinu u svojoj sredini.
And when he had made an end of dividing the land by lot to each one by their tribes, the children of Israel gave a possession to Josue the son of Nun in the midst of them,
50 Po zapovijedi Jahvinoj dali su mu grad koji je sebi želio: Timnat-Serah u Efrajimovoj gori; on utvrdi taj grad i nastani se u njemu.
According to the commandment of the Lord, the city which he asked for, Thamnath Saraa, in mount Ephraim: and he built up the city, and dwelt in it.
51 To su baštine koje su svećenik Eleazar i Jošua, sin Nunov, i glavari izraelskih plemena podijelili ždrijebom među plemena izraelska u Šilu, pred Jahvom, na vratima Šatora sastanka. Tako je zavšena razdioba zemlje.
These are the possessions which Eleazar the priest, and Josue the son of Nun, and the princes of the families, and of the tribes of the children of Israel, distributed by lot in Silo, before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony, and they divided the land.

< Jošua 19 >