< Jošua 11 >

1 Kad je sve to čuo Jabin, kralj od Hasora, obavijesti Jobaba, kralja od Madona, i kralja od Šimrona, i kralja od Akšafa,
And when Jabis the king of Asor heard, he sent to Jobab king of Maron, and to the king of Symoon, and to the king of Aziph,
2 i kraljeve na sjeveru, u Gorju, i u Arabi južno od Kinereta, i u Šefeli, i na uzvišicama Dora prema moru;
and to the kings who were by the great Sidon, to the hill country and to Araba opposite Keneroth, and to the plain, and to Phenaeddor,
3 Kanaance na istoku i zapadu, Amorejce, Hetite, Perižane i Jebusejce u planinama, Hivijce pod Hermonom u zemlji Mispi.
and to the Chananites on the coast eastward, and to the Amorites on the coast, and the Chettites, and the Pherezites, and the Jebusites in the mountain, and the Evites, and those dwelling under [mount] Aermon in the land Massyma.
4 Svi oni izađu sa svim svojim četama, s mnoštvom što ga bijaše kao pijeska na obali morskoj i s mnogim konjima i kolima.
And they and their kings with them went forth, as the sand of the sea in multitude, and horses, and very many chariots.
5 Udruže se, dakle, svi ti kraljevi i utabore se zajedno na vodama Meroma da se bore protiv Izraela.
And all the kings assembled in person, and came to the same place, and encamped at the waters of Maron to war with Israel.
6 Tada Jahve reče Jošui: “Ne boj se njih, jer ću sutra u ovo doba učiniti te će svi biti pobijeni pred Izraelom; konje njihove osakati, a bojna im kola ognjem spali.”
And the Lord said to Joshua, Be not afraid of them, for to-morrow [at] this time I will put them to flight before Israel: you shall hough their horses, and burn their chariots with fire
7 Jošua povede na njih sve svoje ratnike, iznenada ih napade na vodama Meroma i udari na njih.
And Joshua and all the men of war came upon them at the water of Maron suddenly; and they attacked them in the hill country.
8 I Jahve ih dade u ruke Izraelcima te ih oni pobiše i protjeraše sve do Velikog Sidona i do Misrefot Majima i do ravnice Mispe na istoku; i poraziše ih tako te nitko ne preživje.
And the Lord delivered them into the power of Israel; and they struck them and pursued them to great Sidon, and to Maseron, and to the plains of Massoch eastward; and they destroyed them till there was not one of them left that survived.
9 Jošua učini kako mu je Jahve zapovjedio: konje im osakati, a kola im ognjem spali.
And Joshua did to them, as the Lord commanded him: he houghed their horses, and burnt their chariots with fire.
10 U to se vrijeme vrati Jošua i zauze Hasor, a njegova kralja pogubi mačem. Hasor je nekoć bio glavni grad svima tim kraljevstvima.
And Joshua returned at that time, and took Asor and her king; now Asor in former time was the chief of these kingdoms.
11 Pobili su sve oštricom mača, izvršujući “herem”, kletvu. Ne ostade ništa živo, a Hasor spališe ognjem.
And they killed with the sword all that breathed in it, and utterly destroyed them all, and there was no living thing left in it; and they burnt Asor with fire.
12 Sve gradove onih kraljeva pokori Jošua i pobi kraljeve oštricom mača, izvršujući “herem”, kletvu, kao što je bio zapovjedio Mojsije, sluga Jahvin.
And Joshua took all the cities of the kingdoms, and their kings, and killed them with the edge of the sword; and utterly killed them, as Moses the servant of the Lord commanded.
13 Od ostalih gradova koji se dizahu na svojim brežuljcima Izraelci nisu spalili ni jednoga, osim Hasora, koji spali Jošua.
But all the walled cities Israel burnt not; but Israel burnt Asor only.
14 Sav plijen iz tih gradova i stoku razdijeliše sinovi Izraelovi među sobom, a sve ljude pobiše oštricom mača, istrijebiše ih i ni žive duše ne ostade.
And the children of Israel took all its spoils to themselves; and they killed all the men with the edge of the sword, until he destroyed them; they left not one of them breathing.
15 Sve što Jahve bijaše zapovjedio svome sluzi Mojsiju, zapovjedio je Mojsije Jošui, a Jošua sve izvršio, ne izostavivši ništa od svega što Jahve bijaše zapovjedio Mojsiju.
As the Lord commanded his servant Moses, even so Moses commanded Joshua; and so Joshua did, he transgressed no precept of all that Moses commanded him.
16 Tako je Jošua zauzeo svu zemlju: Gorje, sav Negeb i svu zemlju Gošen, Šefelu, Arabu, Izraelsko gorje i njegove brežuljke,
And Joshua took all the hill country, and all the land of Nageb, and all the land of Gosom, and the plain country, and that towards the west, and the mountain of Israel and the low country by the mountain;
17 od gore Halaka, koja se diže prema Seiru, pa do Baal Gada, u ravnici libanonskoj pod gorom Hermonom; zarobio je sve njihove kraljeve, pobio ih i pogubio.
from the mountain of Chelcha, and that which goes up to Seir, and as far as Balagad, and the plains of Libanus, under mount Aermon; and he took all their kings, and destroyed, and killed them.
18 Dugo je vremena ratovao Jošua s tim kraljevima.
And for many days Joshua waged war with these kings.
19 Nije bilo ni jednoga grada koji je sklopio mir s sinovima Izraelovim, osim Hivijaca, koji su živjeli u Gibeonu: sve ih zauzeše ratom.
And there was no city which Israel took not; they took all in war.
20 Jahve im bijaše otvrdnuo srca te su izašli u boj protiv Izraela i pali pod “herem”, kletvu bez smilovanja, da budu istrijebljeni, kako je to Jahve bio zapovjedio Mojsiju.
For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts to go forth to war against Israel, that they might be utterly destroyed, that mercy should not be granted to them, but that they should be utterly destroyed, as the Lord said to Moses.
21 U ono vrijeme dođe Jošua i istrijebi Anakovce iz Gorja, iz Hebrona, iz Debira, iz Anaba, iz svega gorja Judina i iz svega gorja Izraelova: predade ih “heremu”, uništenju, njih i sve njihove gradove.
And Joshua came at that time, and utterly destroyed the Enakim out of the hill country, from Chebron and from Dabir, and from Anaboth, and from all the race of Israel, and from all the mountain of Juda with their cities; and Joshua utterly destroyed them.
22 Tako ne ostade nijedan Anakovac u svoj zemlji sinova Izraelovih, osim u Gazi, u Gatu i Ašdodu.
There was not [any one] left of the Enakim by the children of Israel, only there was left of them in Gaza, and in Gath, and in Aseldo.
23 Jošua zauze svu zemlju, kao što je Jahve bio rekao Mojsiju, i dade je u baštinu Izraelu podijelivši je po plemenima. I konačno zemlja počinu od rata.
And Joshua took all the land, as the Lord commanded Moses; and Joshua gave them for an inheritance to Israel by division according to their tribes; and the land ceased from war.

< Jošua 11 >