< Job 8 >
1 Bildan iz Šuaha progovori tad i reče:
Then Baldad the Sauchite answered, and said,
2 “Dokad ćeš jošte govoriti tako, dokle će ti riječ kao vihor biti?
How long wilt thou speak these things, [how long shall] the breath of thy mouth [be] abundant in words?
3 TÓa zar može Bog pravo pogaziti, može li pravdu izvrnut' Svesilni?
Will the Lord be unjust when he judges; or will he that has made all things pervert justice?
4 Ako mu djeca tvoja sagriješiše, preda ih zato bezakonju njinu.
If thy sons have sinned before him, he has cast them away because of their transgression.
5 Al' ako Boga potražiš iskreno i od Svesilnog milost ti izmoliš;
But be thou early in prayer to the Lord Almighty.
6 ako li budeš čist i neporočan, odsad će svagda on nad tobom bdjeti i obnovit će kuću pravedniku.
If thou art pure and true, he will hearken to thy supplication, and will restore to thee the habitation of righteousness.
7 Bit će malena tvoja sreća prošla prema budućoj što te očekuje.
Though then thy beginning should be small, yet thy end should be unspeakably great.
8 No pitaj samo prošle naraštaje, na mudrost pređa njihovih pripazi.
For ask of the former generation, and search diligently among the race of [our] fathers:
9 Od jučer mi smo i ništa ne znamo, poput sjene su na zemlji nam dani.
(for we are of yesterday, and know nothing; for our life upon the earth is a shadow: )
10 Oni će te poučit' i reći ti, iz srca će svog izvući besjede:
shall not these teach thee, and report [to thee], and bring out words from [their] heart?
11 'Izvan močvare zar će rogoz nići? Zar će bez vode trstika narasti?
Does the rush flourish without water, or shall the flag grow up without moisture?
12 Zeleni se sva, al' i nekošena usahne prije svake druge trave.
When it is yet on the root, and [though] it has not been cut down, does not any herb wither before it has received moisture?
13 To je kob svakog tko Boga zaboravi; tako propada nada bezbožnika:
Thus then shall be the end of all that forget the Lord: for the hope of the ungodly shall perish.
14 Nit je tanana njegovo uzdanje, a ufanje mu kuća paukova.
For his house shall be without inhabitants, and his tent shall prove a spider's web.
15 Nasloni li se, ona mu se ljulja, prihvati li se, ona mu se ruši.
If he should prop up his house, it shall not stand: and when he has taken hold of it, it shall not remain.
16 Zeleni se i sav na suncu buja, vrt su mu cio mladice prerasle.
For it is moist under the sun, and his branch shall come forth out of his dung-heap.
17 Svojim korijenjem krš je isprepleo te život crpe iz živa kamena.
He lies down upon a gathering of stones, and shall live in the mist of flints.
18 A kad ga s mjesta njegova istrgnu, ono ga niječe: 'Nikada te ne vidjeh!'
If [God] should destroy [him], his place shall deny him. Hast thou not seen such things,
19 I evo gdje na putu sada trune dok drugo bilje već niče iz zemlje.
that such is the overthrow of the ungodly? and out of the earth another shall grow.
20 Ne, Bog neće odbacit' neporočne, niti će rukom poduprijet' opake.
For the Lord will by no means reject the harmless man; but he will not receive any gift of the ungodly.
21 Smijeh će ti opet ispuniti usta, s usana će odjeknuti klicanje.
But he will fill with laughter the mouth of the sincere, and their lips with thanksgiving.
22 Dušmane će ti odjenut' sramota i šatora će nestat' zlikovačkog.'”
But their adversaries shall clothe themselves with shame; and the habitation of the ungodly shall perish.