< Job 7 >

1 Nije l' vojska život čovjekov na zemlji? Ne provodi l' dane poput najamnika?
Is there not a warfare to man on earth? And as the days of an hireling his days?
2 Kao što trudan rob za hladom žudi, poput nadničara štono plaću čeka,
As a servant desireth the shadow, And as a hireling expecteth his wage,
3 mjeseci jada tako me zapadoše i noći su mučne meni dosuđene.
So I have been caused to inherit months of vanity, And nights of misery they numbered to me.
4 Liježuć' mislim svagda: 'Kada ću ustati?' A dižuć se: 'Kada večer dočekati!' I tako se kinjim sve dok se ne smrkne.
If I lay down then I said, 'When do I rise!' And evening hath been measured, And I have been full of tossings till dawn.
5 PÓut moju crvi i blato odjenuše, koža na meni puca i raščinja se.
Clothed hath been my flesh [with] worms, And a clod of dust, My skin hath been shrivelled and is loathsome,
6 Dani moji brže od čunka prođoše, promakoše hitro bez ikakve nade.
My days swifter than a weaving machine, And they are consumed without hope.
7 Spomeni se: život moj je samo lahor i oči mi neće više vidjet' sreće!
Remember Thou that my life [is] a breath, Mine eye turneth not back to see good.
8 Prijateljsko oko neće me gledati; pogled svoj u mene upro si te sahnem.
The eye of my beholder beholdeth me not. Thine eyes [are] upon me — and I am not.
9 Kao što se oblak gubi i raspline, tko u Šeol siđe, više ne izlazi. (Sheol h7585)
Consumed hath been a cloud, and it goeth, So he who is going down to Sheol cometh not up. (Sheol h7585)
10 Domu svome natrag ne vraća se nikad, njegovo ga mjesto više ne poznaje.
He turneth not again to his house, Nor doth his place discern him again.
11 Ustima ja svojim stoga branit' neću, u tjeskobi duha govorit ću sada, u gorčini duše ja ću zajecati.
Also I — I withhold not my mouth — I speak in the distress of my spirit, I talk in the bitterness of my soul.
12 Zar sam more ili neman morska, pa si stražu nada mnom stavio?
A sea -[monster] am I, or a dragon, That thou settest over me a guard?
13 Kažem li: 'Na logu ću se smirit', ležaj će mi olakšati muke',
When I said, 'My bed doth comfort me,' He taketh away in my talking my couch.
14 snovima me prestravljuješ tada, prepadaš me viđenjima mučnim.
And thou hast affrighted me with dreams, And from visions thou terrifiest me,
15 Kamo sreće da mi se zadavit'! Smrt mi je od patnja mojih draža.
And my soul chooseth strangling, Death rather than my bones.
16 Ja ginem i vječno živjet neću; pusti me, tek dah su dani moji!
I have wasted away — not to the age do I live. Cease from me, for my days [are] vanity.
17 Što je čovjek da ga toliko ti cijeniš, da je srcu tvojem tako prirastao
What [is] man that Thou dost magnify him? And that Thou settest unto him Thy heart?
18 i svakoga jutra da njega pohodiš i svakoga trena da ga iskušavaš?
And inspectest him in the mornings, In the evenings dost try him?
19 Kada ćeš svoj pogled skinuti sa mene i dati mi barem pljuvačku progutat'?
How long dost Thou not look from me? Thou dost not desist till I swallow my spittle.
20 Ako sam zgriješio, što učinih tebi, o ti koji pomno nadzireš čovjeka? Zašto si k'o metu mene ti uzeo, zbog čega sam tebi na teret postao?
I have sinned, what do I to Thee, O watcher of man? Why hast Thou set me for a mark to Thee, And I am for a burden to myself — and what?
21 Zar prijestupa moga ne možeš podnijeti i ne možeš prijeći preko krivnje moje? Jer, malo će proći i u prah ću leći, ti ćeš me tražiti, al' me biti neće.”
Thou dost not take away my transgression, And cause to pass away mine iniquity, Because now, for dust I lie down: And Thou hast sought me — and I am not!

< Job 7 >