< Job 7 >

1 Nije l' vojska život čovjekov na zemlji? Ne provodi l' dane poput najamnika?
“People need to work hard on this earth, like soldiers do; all during the time that we are alive, we work hard [RHQ], like laborers/servants do.
2 Kao što trudan rob za hladom žudi, poput nadničara štono plaću čeka,
We are like [SIM] slaves who keep wanting to be in the cool shade, and we are like [SIM] workers who are waiting to be paid.
3 mjeseci jada tako me zapadoše i noći su mučne meni dosuđene.
God has given me many months [in which I think that it is] useless [to remain alive]; he has allotted/given to me many nights during which I feel miserable.
4 Liježuć' mislim svagda: 'Kada ću ustati?' A dižuć se: 'Kada večer dočekati!' I tako se kinjim sve dok se ne smrkne.
When I lie down [at night] I say, ‘How long will it be until morning?’ But nights are long, and I (toss/turn over and over) [on my bed] until dawn.
5 PÓut moju crvi i blato odjenuše, koža na meni puca i raščinja se.
My body is covered with maggots and scabs; pus oozes out of my open sores.
6 Dani moji brže od čunka prođoše, promakoše hitro bez ikakve nade.
My days pass as quickly as a weaver’s (shuttle/stick that takes the thread back and forth), and they end without my confidently expecting [that things will be better the next day].
7 Spomeni se: život moj je samo lahor i oči mi neće više vidjet' sreće!
God, do not forget that my life is [as short as] a breath [MET]; I [think that] I [SYN] will never again be happy.
8 Prijateljsko oko neće me gledati; pogled svoj u mene upro si te sahnem.
God, you [SYN] see me now, but [some day] you will not see me any more. You will search for me, but I will be gone [because I will be dead].
9 Kao što se oblak gubi i raspline, tko u Šeol siđe, više ne izlazi. (Sheol h7585)
Like [SIM] clouds (disperse/break up) and then disappear, people [die and] descend to the place where dead people are, and they do not return; (Sheol h7585)
10 Domu svome natrag ne vraća se nikad, njegovo ga mjesto više ne poznaje.
they never return to their houses, and people among whom they lived do not remember them any more.
11 Ustima ja svojim stoga branit' neću, u tjeskobi duha govorit ću sada, u gorčini duše ja ću zajecati.
So, I will not be silent; while I am suffering I will speak; I will complain [to God about what has happened to me] because I [SYN] am very angry.
12 Zar sam more ili neman morska, pa si stražu nada mnom stavio?
[God, ] why do you watch closely what I am doing? [Do you think that] I am a [dangerous] sea monster?
13 Kažem li: 'Na logu ću se smirit', ležaj će mi olakšati muke',
When [I lie down at night, ] I think, ‘I will be comforted here on my bed; my pain will be less while I am sleeping.’
14 snovima me prestravljuješ tada, prepadaš me viđenjima mučnim.
But then you give me dreams that cause me to be afraid; you give me visions that terrify me,
15 Kamo sreće da mi se zadavit'! Smrt mi je od patnja mojih draža.
with the result that I would prefer to be strangled to death than to continue to [be alive] being only a bunch of bones.
16 Ja ginem i vječno živjet neću; pusti me, tek dah su dani moji!
I detest continuing to be alive; I do not want to live for many years [HYP]. Allow me to be alone, [because I will be alive] for only a very short remaining time [HYP].
17 Što je čovjek da ga toliko ti cijeniš, da je srcu tvojem tako prirastao
“We human beings are not [very important]; so, why do you pay a lot of attention to us [DOU]?
18 i svakoga jutra da njega pohodiš i svakoga trena da ga iskušavaš?
You look at us every morning [to see what we are doing], and examine us every moment [to see if we are doing what is right].
19 Kada ćeš svoj pogled skinuti sa mene i dati mi barem pljuvačku progutat'?
(When will you stop looking at me and leave me alone [for a little time], long enough to swallow my spit?/Please stop looking at me and leave me alone [for a little time], long enough to swallow my spit.) [RHQ]
20 Ako sam zgriješio, što učinih tebi, o ti koji pomno nadzireš čovjeka? Zašto si k'o metu mene ti uzeo, zbog čega sam tebi na teret postao?
[Why do] you watch me constantly? If I sin, that certainly does not harm you! Why have you set me up like a target to shoot at? Do you consider me to be a heavy load that you are forced to carry?
21 Zar prijestupa moga ne možeš podnijeti i ne možeš prijeći preko krivnje moje? Jer, malo će proći i u prah ću leći, ti ćeš me tražiti, al' me biti neće.”
[If I have sinned, ] are you not able to forgive me for my sins— the things that I have done that are wrong? Soon I will lie in my grave; you will search for me, but [you will not find me because] I will be [dead and] gone.”

< Job 7 >