< Job 38 >

1 Nato Jahve odgovori Jobu iz oluje i reče:
Then Yahweh spoke to Job from inside a great windstorm. He said to him,
2 “Tko je taj koji riječima bezumnim zamračuje božanski promisao?
“(Who are you to question what I plan to do?/You have no right/authority to question what I plan to do.) [RHQ] You are speaking ignorantly!
3 Bokove svoje opaši k'o junak: ja ću te pitat', a ti me pouči.
I want to ask you [some] questions, so, just like men prepare themselves for a difficult task [MET], prepare to answer my questions.
4 Gdje si bio kad zemlju utemeljih? Kazuj, ako ti je znanje sigurno.
(“Where were you/Were you there with me) [long ago] when I (laid the foundations of/created) the earth? Since you know so much, tell me [where you were at that time].
5 Znaš li tko joj je mjere odredio i nad njom uže mjerničko napeo?
Do you know how I decided how large the earth would be? Do you know who stretched a measuring tape around the earth? Surely [since you think that you know so much, ] you should know that!
6 Na čemu joj počivaju temelji? Tko joj postavi kamen ugaoni
What supports the pillars on which the earth rests? When the stars [that shine early] in the morning sang together, and someone put in place the stone that causes the earth to stay in its place, and all the angels shouted joyfully [when they saw that happening], who laid that cornerstone? [Did you?]
7 dok su klicale zvijezde jutarnje i Božji uzvikivali dvorjani?
8 Tko li zatvori more vratnicama kad je navrlo iz krila majčina;
“When the seas poured forth from inside the earth, who prevented the water from flooding over the land?
9 kad ga oblakom k'o haljom odjenuh i k'o pelenam' ovih maglom gustom;
It was I, [not you, ] who caused clouds to come over the seas and caused it to become very dark [under those clouds].
10 kad sam njegovu odredio među, vrata stavio sa prijevornicama?
I set limits for the seas, and I put barriers [so that the water would not come over the land].
11 Dotle, ne dalje, rekao sam njemu, tu nek' se lomi ponos tvog valovlja!
[I pointed to the shore] and said to the water, ‘I permit you to come up to here, but I do not permit you to come any farther. Your powerful waves must stop there!’
12 Zar si ikad zapovjedio jutru, zar si kazao zori mjesto njeno,
“Job, have you [ever] commanded the morning [to begin]? Have you [ever] told the dawn to start a new day?
13 da poduhvati zemlju za rubove i da iz nje sve bezbožnike strese;
Have you [ever] told the dawn to spread out over the whole earth, with the result that wicked people run away from the light?
14 da je pretvori u glinu pečatnu i oboji je k'o kakvu haljinu.
When it becomes light after the dawn, the hills and the valleys become clear like the folds in a cloth.
15 Ona uzima svjetlost zlikovcima i pesnicu im lomi uzdignutu.
When it becomes daylight, the wicked do not have the darkness [that they like]; [in the daylight] they no longer are able to raise up their arms, ready to hurt people.
16 Zar si ti prodro do izvora morskih, po dnu bezdana zar si kad hodio?
“[Job, ] have you traveled to the springs [in the bottom of the ocean] from which the water in the seas comes? Have you investigated/explored the very bottom of the oceans?
17 Zar su ti vrata smrti pokazali; vidje li dveri kraja mrtvih sjena?
Has someone shown you the gates to the place where dead people are, the gates to the place where it is very dark?
18 Zar si prostranstvo zemlje uočio? Govori, ako ti je znano sve to.
Do you know how big the earth is? Tell me, if you know all these things!
19 Koji putovi u dom svjetla vode, na kojem mjestu prebivaju tmine,
“Where is the road to the place where light comes from? And [can you tell me] where darkness lives?
20 da ih odvedeš u njine krajeve, da im put k stanu njihovu pokažeš?
Can take me to its home? Do you know where the road is that goes there?
21 Ti znadeš to, tÓa davno ti se rodi, tvojih dana broj veoma je velik!
I am sure that you know these things, because you [talk as though you] were born before the time when all things were created; you [must] be very old!
22 Zar si stigao do riznica snijega i zar si tuče spremišta vidio
“Have you entered the place where I store the snow and the place where I keep the hail?
23 što ih pričuvah za dane nevolje, za vrijeme boja krvava i rata?
I store the snow and the hail [in order that I can use them to help my people] when [they have] troubles, in times when [they are fighting] wars [DOU].
24 Kojim li se putem dijeli munja kada iskre po svoj zemlji prosipa?
And where is the road to the place from which I cause the lightning to flash? Where is the place from where the east wind begins to blow over all the earth?
25 Tko li je jaz iskopao povodnju, tko prokrčio pute grmljavini
Who created the channels in which the rain comes down from the sky? Who makes the roads for the thunder/lightning?
26 da bi daždjelo na kraj nenastanjen, na pustinju gdje žive duše nema,
Who causes rain to fall in the desert, in places where no one lives?
27 da bi neplodnu napojio pustoš, da bi u stepi trava izniknula?
Who sends the rain that gives moisture/water to areas where nothing has grown, with the result that grass begins to grow again?
28 Ima li kiša svoga roditelja? Tko je taj koji kapi rose rađa?
Does the rain have a father? Does the dew [also] have a father?
29 Iz čijeg li mraz izlazi krila, tko slanu stvara što s nebesa pada?
And from whose womb does ice come [in the (winter/cold season)]? Who gives birth to the frost that comes down from the sky?
30 Kako čvrsnu vode poput kamena i led se hvata površja bezdana?
[In the winter, ] the water [freezes and] becomes hard, like a rock, and the surface of lakes becomes frozen.
31 Možeš li lancem vezati Vlašiće i razdriješiti spone Orionu,
“[Job], can you fasten the chains that hold the stars together in clusters/groups in the sky?
32 u pravo vrijeme izvesti Danicu, vodit' Medvjeda s njegovim mladima?
Can you tell the stars when they should shine? Can you guide [the stars in the groups in the northern sky whose names are] the Big Bear and the Little Bear?
33 Zar poznaješ ti zakone nebeske pa da njima moć na zemlji dodijeliš?
Do you know the laws that the stars must obey? Can you cause those same laws to rule [everything here] on the earth?
34 Zar doviknuti možeš oblacima pa da pljuskovi tebe poslušaju?
“Can you shout to the clouds and cause rain to pour down on you?
35 Zar na zapovijed tvoju munje lijeću i tebi zar se odazivlju: 'Evo nas'?
Can you cause flashes of lightning to come down and strike where you want it to strike? Do those flashes say to you, ‘Where do you want us to strike next?’
36 Tko je mudrost darovao ibisu, tko li je pamet ulio u pijetla?
Who enables the clouds to know when they should cause rain to fall?
37 Tko to mudro prebrojava oblake i tko nebeske izlijeva mjehove
And who is skilled/wise enough to be able to count the clouds? Who can tilt the jugs of water in the sky [to cause the rain to fall],
38 dok se zemlja u tijesto ne zgusne i dok se grude njezine ne slijepe?
with the result that the dry ground becomes hard as the dry (clods/lumps of soil) [become wet and] stick together?
39 Zar ćeš ti plijen uloviti lavici ili ćeš glad utažit' lavićima
“When a lioness and her cubs crouch in their dens or hide in a thicket, [waiting for some animal to pass by that they can kill, ] can you find animals for a lioness to kill so that [she and] her cubs can [eat the meat and] not be hungry any more?
40 na leglu svojem dok gladni čekaju i vrebaju na žrtvu iz zaklona?
41 Tko hranu gavranovima pribavlja kad Bogu ptići njegovi cijuču i naokolo oblijeću bez hrane?
Who provides dead animals for crows, when the baby crows are calling out to me [for food], [when they are so weak] because of their lack of food [that] they (stagger around/can hardly stand up) [in their nests]?”

< Job 38 >