< Job 31 >

1 Sa svojim očima savez sam sklopio da pogledat neću nijednu djevicu.
A covenant had I made with my eyes: how then should I fix my look on a virgin?
2 A što mi je Bog odozgo dosudio, kakva mi je baština od Svesilnoga?
And what then would have been my portion of God from above? and what lot of the Almighty from on high?
3 TÓa nije li nesreća za opakoga, a nevolja za one koji zlo čine?
Is not calamity [ready] for the unjust? and misfortune for the wrong-doers?
4 Ne proniče li on sve moje putove, ne prebraja li on sve moje korake?
Behold, he truly seeth my ways, and numbereth all my steps;
5 Zar sam ikad u društvu laži hodio, zar mi je noga k prijevari hitjela?
[And knoweth] whether I have walked with vain desires, or if my foot hath hastened after deceit.
6 Nek' me na ispravnoj mjeri Bog izmjeri pa će uvidjeti neporočnost moju!
Let him weigh me then in a righteous balance, and let God acknowledge my integrity,
7 Ako mi je korak s puta kad zašao, ako mi se srce za okom povelo, ako mi je ljaga ruke okaljala,
If my step have turned aside from the [proper] way, and my heart have walked after my eyes, and if any blemish have cleaved to my hands:
8 neka drugi jede što sam posijao, neka sve moje iskorijene izdanke!
Then let me sow, and let another eat; and let what I have growing be rooted out.
9 Ako mi zavede srce žena neka, ako za vratima svog bližnjeg kad vrebah,
If my heart have been beguiled toward a woman, or if I have lain in wait at my neighbor's door:
10 neka moja žena drugom mlin okreće, neka s drugim svoju podijeli postelju!
Then may my wife labor at the mill for another, and may strangers ill-use her;
11 Djelo bestidno time bih počinio, zločin kojem pravda treba da presudi,
For this would be incest; yea, it would be an iniquity [to be punished by] the judges;
12 užego vatru što žeže do Propasti i što bi svu moju sažgala ljetinu.
For it would be a fire that consumeth down to the place of corruption, and would root out all my products.
13 Ako kada prezreh pravo sluge svoga il' služavke, sa mnom kad su se parbili,
If ever I cast aside the justice due to my man-servant and my maid-servant, when they contended with me:
14 što ću učiniti kada Bog ustane? Što ću odvratit' kad račun zatraži?
What then could I do when God should rise up? and when he should investigate, what could I answer him?
15 Zar nas oba on ne stvori u utrobi i jednako sazda u krilu majčinu?
Did not he that made me make him born or a woman? and did not the same one fashion us in the womb?
16 Ogluših li se na molbe siromaha ili rasplakah oči udovičine?
If ever I denied the wish of the indigent, or ever allowed the eyes of the widow to fall [in vain hopes];
17 Jesam li kada sam svoj jeo zalogaj a da ga nisam sa sirotom dijelio?
Or if ever I ate my bread by myself alone, and the fatherless did not eat thereof;
18 TÓa od mladosti k'o otac sam mu bio, vodio sam ga od krila materina!
(For from my youth he was brought up with me, as though we were of one father, and I have guided her [as though she was sprung] from my mother's womb; )
19 Zar sam beskućnika vidio bez odjeće ili siromaha kog bez pokrivača
If ever I saw any one perishing for want of clothing, or the needy without covering:
20 a da mu bedra ne blagosloviše mene kad se runom mojih ovaca ogrija?
If his loins have not blessed me, and if he have not been warmed with the fleece of my sheep;
21 Ako sam ruku na nevina podigao znajuć' da mi je na vratima branitelj,
If I have swung my hand against the fatherless, because I saw in the gate those that would help me:
22 nek' se rame moje od pleća odvali i neka mi ruka od lakta otpadne!
Then may my shoulder fall from my shoulder-blade, and my arm be broken from the channel-bone;
23 Jer strahote Božje na mene bi pale, njegovu ne bih odolio veličanstvu.
For dreaded by me was the calamitous punishment of God, and against his highness I can accomplish nothing.
24 Zar sam u zlato pouzdanje stavio i rekao zlatu: 'Sigurnosti moja!'
If I have made gold my confidence, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my trust:
25 Zar sam se veliku blagu radovao, bogatstvima koja su mi stekle ruke?
If ever I rejoiced because my wealth was abundant, and because my hand had gotten much;
26 Zar se, gledajući sunce kako blista i kako mjesec sjajni nebom putuje,
If ever I looked at the light [of the sun] when he shone brightly and on the moon walking in splendor:
27 moje srce dalo potajno zavesti da bih rukom njima poljubac poslao?
And my heart became misled in secret, and my hand kissed my mouth:
28 Grijeh bi to bio što za sudom vapije, jer Boga višnjega bih se odrekao.
This also were an iniquity to be punished by the judge; for thus would I have denied the God that is above.
29 Zar se obradovah nevolji dušmana i likovah kad ga je zlo zadesilo,
If ever I rejoiced at the downfall of him that hated me, or was elated when evil befell him; —
30 ja koji ne dadoh griješiti jeziku, proklinjući ga i želeći da umre?
But I suffered not my mouth to sin by denouncing with a curse his soul: —
31 Ne govorahu li ljudi mog šatora: 'TÓa koga nije on mesom nasitio'?
If the men of my tent said not, Oh is there one that is not satisfied of his flesh; —
32 Nikad nije stranac vani noćivao, putniku sam svoja otvarao vrata.
In the street a stranger had not to lodge; my doors I held open to the roadside;
33 Zar sam grijehe svoje ljudima tajio, zar sam u grudima skrivao krivicu
If I covered up my transgressions like a common man, by hiding in my bosom my iniquity;
34 jer sam se plašio govorkanja mnoštva i strahovao od prezira plemenskog te sam mučao ne prelazeć' svoga praga?
Because I dreaded the great multitude, or because the contempt of families did terrify me, so that I kept silence, and dared not to go out of the door; —
35 O, kad bi koga bilo da mene sasluša! Posljednju sam svoju riječ ja izrekao: na Svesilnom je sad da mi odgovori! Nek' mi optužnicu napiše protivnik,
Oh who will bring me one that would hear me! behold, here is my plea; may the Almighty answer me; and any record which my opponent may have written, —
36 i ja ću je nosit' na svome ramenu, čelo ću njome k'o krunom uresit'.
Surely upon my shoulder would I carry it: I would bind it as a crown unto me.
37 Dat ću mu račun o svojim koracima i poput kneza pred njega ću stupiti.”
The number of my steps would I tell him: as [to] a prince would I go near unto him.—
38 Ako je na me zemlja moja vikala, ako su s njom brazde njezine plakale;
If my land ever cried out because of me, or if its furrows wept together;
39 ako sam plodove jeo ne plativši i ako sam joj ojadio ratare,
If I ever consumed its strength without payment, or caused the soul of its owners to grieve:
40 [40a] neka mjesto žita po njoj niče korov, a mjesto ječma nek' posvud kukolj raste! [40b] Konac riječi Jobovih.
Then may instead of wheat, thorns come forth, and instead of barley, cockle. (Here end the words of Job.)

< Job 31 >