< Job 28 >

1 “Da, srebro ima svoja nalazišta, a zlato mjesta gdje se pročišćava.
Truly there is a vein for silver, And a place for gold, which men refine.
2 Ruda željezna iz zemlje se vadi, a iz rudače rastaljene bakar.
Iron is obtained from earth, And stone is melted into copper.
3 Ljudi tami postavljaju granice i kopaju do najvećih dubina za kamenom u mraku zakopanim.
Man putteth an end to darkness; He searcheth to the lowest depths For the stone of darkness and the shadow of death.
4 Čeljad iz tuđine rovove dube do kojih ljudska ne dopire noga, visi njišuć' se, daleko od ljudi.
From the place where they dwell they open a shaft; Forgotten by the feet, They hang down, they swing away from men.
5 Krilo zemlje iz kojeg kruh nam niče kao od vatre sve je razrovano.
The earth, out of which cometh bread, Is torn up underneath, as it were by fire.
6 Stijene njene safira su skrovišta, prašina zlatna krije se u njima.
Her stones are the place of sapphires, And she hath clods of gold for man.
7 Tih putova ne znaju grabljivice, jastrebovo ih oko ne opaža.
The path thereto no bird knoweth, And the vulture's eye hath not seen it;
8 Zvijeri divlje njima nisu kročile niti je kada lav njima prošao.
The fierce wild beast hath not trodden it; The lion hath not passed over it.
9 Ali na kamen diže čovjek ruku te iz korijena prevraća planine.
Man layeth his hand upon the rock; He upturneth mountains from their roots;
10 U kamenu prokopava prolaze, oko mu sve dragocjeno opaža.
He cleaveth out streams in the rocks, And his eye seeth every precious thing;
11 Žilama vode on tok zaustavlja; stvari skrivene nosi na vidjelo.
He bindeth up the streams, that they trickle not, And bringeth hidden things to light.
12 Ali otkuda nam Mudrost dolazi? Na kojemu mjestu Razum prebiva?
But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?
13 Čovjek njezina ne poznaje puta, u zemlji živih nisu je otkrili.
Man knoweth not the price thereof, Nor can it be found in the land of the living.
14 Bezdan govori: 'U meni je nema!' a more: 'Ne nalazi se kod mene!'
The deep saith, It is not in me; And the sea saith, It is not with me.
15 Zlatom se čistim kupiti ne može, ni cijenu njenu srebrom odmjeriti;
It cannot be gotten for gold, Nor shall silver be weighed out as the price thereof.
16 ne mjeri se ona zlatom ofirskim, ni oniksom skupim pa ni safirom.
It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir, With the precious onyx or the sapphire.
17 Sa zlatom, staklom ne poređuje se, nit' se daje za sud od suha zlata.
Gold and crystal are not to be compared with it; Nor can it be purchased with jewels of fine gold.
18 Čemu spominjat' prozirac, koralje, bolje je steći Mudrost no biserje.
No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; For wisdom is more precious than pearls.
19 Što je prema njoj topaz etiopski? Ni čistim zlatom ne procjenjuje se.
The topaz of Ethiopia cannot equal it, Nor can it be purchased with pure gold.
20 Ali otkuda nam Mudrost dolazi? Na kojemu mjestu Razum prebiva?
Whence then cometh wisdom? And where is the place of understanding?
21 Sakrivena je očima svih živih; ona izmiče pticama nebeskim.
Since it is hidden from the eyes of all living, And kept close from the fowls of the air.
22 Propast paklena i Smrt izjavljuju: 'Za slavu njenu mi smo samo čuli.' (questioned)
Destruction and Death say, We have heard a rumor of it with our ears.
23 Jedino je Bog put njen proniknuo, on jedini znade gdje se nalazi.
God knoweth the way to it; He knoweth its dwelling-place.
24 Jer pogledom granice zemlje hvata i opaža sve pod svodom nebeskim.
For he seeth to the ends of the earth, And surveyeth all things under the whole heaven.
25 Kad htjede vjetru odredit težinu i mjerilom svu vodu izmjeriti,
When he gave the winds their weight, And meted out the waters by measure;
26 kad je zakone daždu nametnuo i oblacima gromovnim putove,
When he prescribed a law to the rain, And a path to the thunder-flash, —
27 tad ju je vidio te izmjerio, učvrstio i do dna ispitao.
Then did he see it, and make it known; He established it, and searched it out.
28 A potom je rekao čovjeku: Strah Gospodnji - eto što je mudrost; 'Zla se kloni' - to ti je razumnost.”
But he said unto man, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding.

< Job 28 >