< Job 20 >
1 Sofar iz Naamata progovori tad i reče:
Then Zophar the Naamathite made answer and said,
2 “Misli me tjeraju da ti odgovorim, i zato u meni vri to uzbuđenje
For this cause my thoughts are troubling me and driving me on.
3 dok slušam ukore koji me sramote, al' odgovor mudar um će moj već naći.
I have to give ear to arguments which put me to shame, and your answers to me are wind without wisdom.
4 Zar tebi nije od davnine poznato, otkad je čovjek na zemlju stavljen bio,
Have you knowledge of this from early times, when man was placed on the earth,
5 da je kratka vijeka radost opakoga, da kao tren prođe sreća bezbožnička.
That the pride of the sinner is short, and the joy of the evil-doer but for a minute?
6 Pa ako stasom i do neba naraste, ako mu se glava dotakne oblaka,
Though he is lifted up to the heavens, and his head goes up to the clouds;
7 poput utvare on zauvijek nestaje; koji ga vidješe kažu: 'Gdje je sad on?'
Like the waste from his body he comes to an end for ever: those who have seen him say, Where is he?
8 Kao san bez traga on se rasplinjuje, nestaje ga kao priviđenja noćnog.
He is gone like a dream, and is not seen again; he goes in flight like a vision of the night.
9 Nijedno ga oko više gledat neće, niti će ga mjesto njegovo vidjeti
The eye which saw him sees him no longer; and his place has no more knowledge of him.
10 Njegovu će djecu gonit' siromasi: rukama će svojim vraćati oteto.
His children are hoping that the poor will be kind to them, and his hands give back his wealth.
11 Kosti su njegove bujale mladošću; gle, zajedno s njome pokošen je sada.
His bones are full of young strength, but it will go down with him into the dust.
12 Zlo bijaše slatko njegovim ustima te ga je pod svojim jezikom skrivao;
Though evil-doing is sweet in his mouth, and he keeps it secretly under his tongue;
13 sladio se pazeć' da ga ne proguta i pod nepcem svojim zadržavao ga.
Though he takes care of it, and does not let it go, but keeps it still in his mouth;
14 Ali hrana ta mu trune u utrobi, otrovom zmijskim u crijevima postaje.
His food becomes bitter in his stomach; the poison of snakes is inside him.
15 Blago progutano mora izbljuvati. Bog će ga istjerat' njemu iz utrobe.
He takes down wealth as food, and sends it up again; it is forced out of his stomach by God.
16 Iz zmijine glave otrov je sisao: sada umire od jezika gujina.
He takes the poison of snakes into his mouth, the tongue of the snake is the cause of his death.
17 Potoke ulja on gledat' više neće, ni vidjet' gdje rijekom med i mlijeko teku.
Let him not see the rivers of oil, the streams of honey and milk.
18 Vratit će dobitak ne okusivši ga, neće uživat' u plodu trgovine.
He is forced to give back the fruit of his work, and may not take it for food; he has no joy in the profit of his trading.
19 Jer je sirotinju gnjeo i tlačio, otimao kuće koje ne sazida,
Because he has been cruel to the poor, turning away from them in their trouble; because he has taken a house by force which he did not put up;
20 jer ne bješe kraja požudi njegovoj, njegova ga blaga neće izbaviti.
There is no peace for him in his wealth, and no salvation for him in those things in which he took delight.
21 Jer mu proždrljivost ništa ne poštedi, ni sreća njegova dugo trajat neće.
He had never enough for his desire; for this cause his well-being will quickly come to an end.
22 Sred izobilja u škripcu će se naći, svom će snagom na nj se oboriti bijeda.
Even when his wealth is great, he is full of care, for the hand of everyone who is in trouble is turned against him.
23 I dok hranom bude trbuh svoj punio, Bog će na nj pustiti jarost svoga gnjeva, sasut' dažd strelica na meso njegovo.
God gives him his desire, and sends the heat of his wrath on him, making it come down on him like rain.
24 Ako i izmakne gvozdenom oružju, luk će mjedeni njega prostrijeliti.
He may go in flight from the iron spear, but the arrow from the bow of brass will go through him;
25 Strijelu bi izvuk'o, al' mu probi leđa, a šiljak blistavi viri mu iz žuči. Kamo god krenuo, strepnje ga vrebaju,
He is pulling it out, and it comes out of his back; and its shining point comes out of his side; he is overcome by fears.
26 na njega tmine sve tajom očekuju. Vatra ga ništi, ni od kog zapaljena, i proždire sve pod njegovim šatorom.
All his wealth is stored up for the dark: a fire not made by man sends destruction on him, and on everything in his tent.
27 Gle, nebo krivicu njegovu otkriva i čitava zemlja na njega se diže.
The heavens make clear his sin, and the earth gives witness against him.
28 Njegovu će kuću raznijeti poplava, otplaviti je u dan Božje jarosti.
The produce of his house is taken away into another country, like things given into the hands of others in the day of wrath.
29 Takvu sudbinu Bog priprema zlikovcu i takvu baštinu on mu dosuđuje.”
This is the reward of the evil man, and the heritage given to him by God.