< Job 14 >
1 Čovjek koga je žena rodila kratka je vijeka i pun nevolja.
Man, born of woman! Of few days, and full of trouble!
2 K'o cvijet je nikao i vene već, poput sjene bježi ne zastajuć'.
As a flower he hath gone forth, and is cut off, And he fleeth as a shadow and standeth not.
3 Na takva, zar, ti oči otvaraš i preda se na sud ga izvodiš?
Also — on this Thou hast opened Thine eyes, And dost bring me into judgment with Thee.
4 Tko će čisto izvuć' iz nečista? Nitko!
Who giveth a clean thing out of an unclean? not one.
5 Pa kad su njegovi dani odbrojeni, kad mu broj mjeseci o tebi ovisi, kad mu granicu stavljaš neprijelaznu,
If determined are his days, The number of his months [are] with Thee, His limit Thou hast made, And he passeth not over;
6 skini s njega pogled da počinut' može, poput najamnika da svoj dan uživa.
Look away from off him that he may cease, Till he enjoy as an hireling his day.
7 TÓa ni drvu nije nada sva propala, posječeno, ono opet prozeleni i mladice nove iz njega izbiju.
For there is of a tree hope, if it be cut down, That again it doth change, That its tender branch doth not cease.
8 Ako mu korijen i ostari u zemlji, ako mu se panj i sasuši u prahu,
If its root becometh old in the earth, And its stem doth die in the dust,
9 oćutjevši vodu, ono će propupat' i pustiti grane kao stablo novo.
From the fragrance of water it doth flourish, And hath made a crop as a plant.
10 Al' kad čovjek umre, ostaje pokošen, kad smrtnik izdahne, gdje li je on tada?
And a man dieth, and becometh weak, And man expireth, and where [is] he?
11 Može sva voda iz mora ispariti i presahnut' rijeke, isušit posvema',
Waters have gone away from a sea, And a river becometh waste and dry.
12 al' čovjek kad legne, ne ustaje više, dok nebesa bude, neće se podići, od sna se svojega probuditi neće.
And man hath lain down, and riseth not, Till the wearing out of the heavens they awake not, Nor are roused from their sleep.
13 O, kad bi me htio skriti u Šeolu, zakloniti me dok srdžba ti ne mine, dÓati mi rok kad ćeš me se spomenuti, (Sheol )
O that in Sheol Thou wouldest conceal me, Hide me till the turning of Thine anger, Set for me a limit, and remember me. (Sheol )
14 - jer, kad umre čovjek, zar uskrsnut' može? - čekao bih te sve dane vojske svoje dok ne bi došao da mi smjenu dadeš.
If a man dieth — doth he revive? All days of my warfare I wait, till my change come.
15 Zvao bi me, a ja bih se odazvao: zaželio si se djela svojih ruku.
Thou dost call, and I — I answer Thee; To the work of Thy hands Thou hast desire.
16 A sad nad svakim mojim vrebaš korakom, nijednog mi grijeha nećeš oprostiti,
But now, my steps Thou numberest, Thou dost not watch over my sin.
17 u vreći si prijestup moj zapečatio i krivicu moju svu si zapisao.
Sealed up in a bag [is] my transgression, And Thou sewest up mine iniquity.
18 Vaj! K'o što se jednom uruši planina, k'o što se hridina s mjesta svog odvali,
And yet, a falling mountain wasteth away, And a rock is removed from its place.
19 k'o što voda kamen s vremenom istroši, a pljusak bujicom zemlju svu sapere, tako uništavaš nadu u čovjeku.
Stones have waters worn away, Their outpourings wash away the dust of earth, And the hope of man Thou hast destroyed.
20 Oborio si ga - on ode za svagda, nagrđena lica, otjeran, odbačen.
Thou prevailest [over] him for ever, and he goeth, He is changing his countenance, And Thou sendest him away.
21 Djecu mu poštuju - o tom ništa ne zna; ako su prezrena - o tom ne razmišlja.
Honoured are his sons, and he knoweth not; And they are little, and he attendeth not to them.
22 On jedino pati zbog svojega tijela, on jedino tuži zbog svojeg života.”
Only — his flesh for him is pained, And his soul for him doth mourn.'