< Jeremija 8 >

1 “U ono vrijeme - riječ je Jahvina - povadit će iz grobova kosti kraljeva judejskih, kosti knezova njezinih, kosti svećenika, kosti proroka i kosti žitelja jeruzalemskih.
At that time, saith the Lord, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Juda, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves;
2 I razasut će ih prema suncu, prema mjesecu i prema svoj vojsci nebeskoj, koje ljubljahu, kojima služahu, koje slijeđahu, koje za savjet pitahu i kojima se klanjahu. I neće ih pokupiti i sahraniti; ostat će kao gnoj po zemlji.
and they shall spread them out to the sun, and the moon, and to all the stars, and to all the host of heaven, which they have loved, and which they have served, and after which they have walked, and to which they have held, and which they have worshipped; they shall not be mourned for, neither shall they be buried; but they shall be for an example on the face of the earth,
3 Tada će svima onima što preostanu od tih zlih plemena, po svim mjestima kuda ih rasprših, smrt biti milija od života” - riječ je Jahve nad Vojskama.
because they chose death rather than life, even to all the remnant that are left of that family, in every place whither I shall drive them out.
4 “Reci im: Ovako govori Jahve: 'Padne li tko, neće li opet ustati, zaluta li, neće li se opet vratiti?
For thus saith the Lord, Shall not he that falls arise? or he that turns away, shall he not turn back again?
5 Zašto onda taj narod luta uporno i neprekidno? Čvrsto se drže laži, neće da se obrate.
Wherefore has this my people turned away with a shameless revolting, and strengthened themselves in their willfulness, and refused to return?
6 Pazio sam i osluškivao: Ne govore kako valja. Nitko se ne kaje zbog pakosti svoje, i ne govori 'Što učinih?' Svatko je skrenuo trku svoju kao konj kad u boj nagne.
Hearken, I pray you, and hear: will they not speak thus, There is no man that repents of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? the runner has failed from his course, as a tired horse in his neighing.
7 Čak i roda pod nebom zna svoje vrijeme, grlica, lastavica i ždral drže se vremena kad se moraju vratiti. A moj narod ne poznaje suda Jahvina.
Yea, the stork in the heaven knows her time, [also] the turtle-dove and wild swallow; the sparrows observe the times of their coming in; but this my people knows not the judgments of the Lord.
8 Kako možete tvrditi: 'Mi smo mudri, u nas je Zakon Jahvin!' Zaista, u laž ga je pretvorila lažljiva pisaljka pisara!
How will ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? In vain have the scribes used a false pen.
9 Mudraci će biti osramoćeni, prestravljeni i uhvaćeni u zamku. Gle, oni prezreše riječ Jahvinu! A njihova mudrost - što im koristi?
The wise men are ashamed, and alarmed, and taken; because they have rejected the word of the Lord; what wisdom is there in them?
10 Zato ću žene njihove dati strancima, a vaša polja osvajačima. Jer od najmanjeg do najvećega svi gramze za plijenom, od proroka do svećenika svi su varalice.
Therefore will I give their wives to others, and their fields to [new] inheritors; and they shall gather their fruits, saith the Lord.
11 I olako liječe ranu naroda mojega vičući: 'Mir! Mir!' Ali mira nema.
12 Neka se postide što gnusobu počiniše, no oni više ne znaju što je stid, ne umiju se više crvenjeti. Zato će popadati s onima što padaju, srušit će se kad stanem kažnjavati” - govori Jahve.
13 “Htjedoh u berbu k njima - riječ je Jahvina - a ono ni grozda na trsu, ni smokve na smokvi; čak je i lišće uvelo. Zato ih predah onima što prolaze kraj njih.
There are no grapes on the vines, and there are no figs on the fig-trees, and the leaves have fallen off.
14 'Zašto još čekamo? Na okup! Zavucimo se u tvrde gradove da ondje izginemo, jer nas Jahve, Bog naš, zatire, napaja nas vodom otrovanom, jer zgriješismo protiv Jahve.
Why do we sit still? assemble yourselves, and let us enter into the strong cities, and let us be cast out there: for God has cast us out, and made us drink water of gall, because we have sinned before him.
15 Nadasmo se miru, ali dobra nema, čekasmo vrijeme ozdravljenja, al' evo užasa!
We assembled for peace, but there was no prosperity; for a time of healing, but behold anxiety.
16 Iz Dana dopire njištanje konja njegovih, od rzanja njegovih pastuha dršće zemlja sva. Dolaze da proždru zemlju i što je napunja, grad i žitelje u njemu.'
We shall hear the neighing of his swift horses out of Dan: the whole land quaked at the sound of the neighing of his horses; and he shall come, and devour the land and the fullness of it; the city, and them that dwell in it.
17 I gle, puštam na vas otrovnice protiv kojih nema čarolija; ujedat će vas - riječ je Jahvina -
For, behold, I send forth against you deadly serpents, which cannot be charmed, and they shall bite you
18 lijeka biti neće.” Bol me spopada, srce mi iznemoglo.
mortally with the pain of your distressed heart.
19 Evo zapomažu kćeri naroda moga iz zemlje daleke: “Zar Jahve nije više na Sionu? Kralj njegov? Zašto me razjariše svojim kipovima, ništavilima tuđinskim?
Behold, [there is] a sound of the cry of the daughter of my people from a land afar off: Is not the Lord in Sion? is there not a king there? because they have provoked me with their graven [images], and with strange vanities.
20 Žetva prođe, minu ljeto, a mi nismo spašeni!”
The summer is gone, the harvest is past, and we are not saved.
21 Satrven sam što je kći naroda mojega satrvena, žalostan sam, stravom obuzet.
For the breach of the daughter of my people I have been saddened: in my perplexity pangs have seized upon me as of a woman in travail.
22 Zar u Gileadu nema balzama? Nema li ondje liječnika? TÓa zašto ne dolazi ozdravljenje kćeri naroda mojega?
And is there no balm in Galaad, or is there no physician there? why has not the healing of the daughter of my people taken place?

< Jeremija 8 >