< Jeremija 46 >

1 Riječ koju Jahve uputi proroku Jeremiji protiv naroda.
The word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the prophet against the nations:
2 Još o Egiptu. Protiv vojske faraona Neka, kralja egipatskoga, što bijaše kod rijeke Eufrata, u Karkemišu, i kralj Nabukodonozor ga potuče, četvrte godine Jojakima, sina Jošijina, kralja judejskoga.
Concerning Egypt, against the army of Pharaoh-necho the king of Egypt, which was [posted] by the river Euphrates in Karkemish, which Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehoyakim the son of Josiah the king of Judah.
3 Pripremite štitove i oklope! Naprijed, u boj!
Make ye ready shield and buckler, and draw near to the battle.
4 Upregnite konje! Na kola, vozači! Postavite se pod kacigama! Naperite koplja! Navucite oklope!
Harness the horses, and mount, ye horsemen, and stand forth with helmets: sharpen the spears, and put on the coats of mail.
5 Što vidim? Zaprepašteni, uzmiču? Junaci njihovi, poraženi, u bijeg udariše glavom bez obzira! Užas odasvud - riječ je Jahvina.
Wherefore have I seen them dismayed, moving backward? while their mighty ones are beaten down, and seek safety in flight, and look not back? There is terror round about, saith the Lord.
6 Ni najbrži ne umače, ni najhrabriji ne uteče! Na sjeveru, na obali Eufrata, posrću i padaju.
The swift cannot flee away, nor can the mighty man escape: toward the north by the shore of the river Euphrates do they stumble and fall.
7 Tko se to diže poput Nila, čije vode šume, k'o brzaci nabujaše?
Who is this that cometh up like a stream, whose waters are upheaved like the rivers?
8 To Egipat se diže poput Nila, k'o brzaci vode mu nabujaše. I govori: dići ću se, poplaviti zemlju, opustošiti gradove i pučanstvo!
Egypt cometh up like a stream, and like the rivers are the waters upheaved; and he saith, I will go up, I will cover the land; I will destroy the city and those that dwell therein.
9 Konji, naprijed! Poletite, kola bojna! Navalite, ratnici! Kušiti, Putijci, štitom zaštićeni, i Ludijci, što lukom strijeljate!
Come up, ye horses; and rush along wildly, ye chariots; and let the mighty men come forth: Cush and Put, that grasp the shield, and the Ludim, that grasp and bend the bow.
10 Ovo je dan Jahve nad Vojskama - dan osvete da se dušmanima svojim osveti: mač će se nažderati, nasititi, glad utoliti krvlju njihovom! Jer Gospod, Jahve nad Vojskama, ima žrtveno klanje u sjevernoj zemlji uz obalu Eufrata.
And this same day is for the Lord, the Eternal of hosts, a day of vengeance, to be avenged on his adversaries; that the sword may devour, and may be satiated and made drunken with their blood; for there is a sacrifice for the Lord the Eternal of hosts in the north country by the river Euphrates.
11 Popni se na Gilead, balzama potraži, djevice, kćeri egipatska! Uzalud lijekovi mnogi: nema tebi ozdravljenja!
Go up into Gil'ad, and fetch balm, O virgin, daughter of Egypt: in vain usest thou many remedies; there is no recovery for thee.
12 Narodi čuše za tvoju sramotu, vapaji tvoji napuniše zemlju. Jer se junak o junaka spotiče i obojica padaju.
Nations have heard of thy shame, and thy cry of anguish hath filled the earth; for the mighty man over the mighty have they stumbled, together are both of them fallen.
13 Riječ koju Jahve uputi proroku Jeremiji kad Nabukodonozor, kralj babilonski, dođe da udari na zemlju egipatsku.
The word which the Lord spoke to Jeremiah the prophet, concerning the coming of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, to smite the land of Egypt.
14 Navijestite Egiptu, objavite u Migdolu, obznanite u Memfisu: “Svrstaj se! Spremi se! Jer mač već ždere sve oko tebe!
Announce ye in Egypt, and publish in Migdol, and publish in Noph and in Thachpanches: say ye, Stand fast, and prepare thyself; for the sword devoureth round about thee.
15 Što? Zar Apis pobježe? Tvoj se Bik ne odrva?” Da, Jahve ga obori!
Why are thy valiant men swept away? not one hath stood, because the Lord did drive him off.
16 On učini te mnogi posrnuše, popadaše jedan na drugoga. I gle, govore: “Na noge! Vratimo se svom narodu, rodnoj grudi svojoj, pred mačem koljačkim!”
He caused many to stumble; yea, one also fell over the other; and they said, Arise, and let us return to our own people, and to the land of our birth, from before the wasting sword.
17 Faraonu, kralju egipatskom, ime nadjenite: “Graja što pravi čas promaši.”
They called out there, Pharaoh is king of Egypt, it was but vaunting, he hath let the time appointed pass by.
18 “Tako, života mi moga” - govori Kralj, komu je ime Jahve nad Vojskama - “ono će doći kao Tabor posred gora, kao Karmel iznad mora.
As I live, saith the King, the Lord of hosts is his name, Surely as Thabor is among the mountains, and as Carmel is by the sea, so shall he come.
19 Spremi izgnanički zavežljaj, udomljena kćeri egipatska, jer Memfis će biti u pustoš pretvoren, poharan i nenastanjen.
Appurtenances of exile make for thyself, O thou inhabitress, daughter of Egypt; for Noph shall be made a waste and be left desolate without an inhabitant.
20 Egipat bijaše lijepa junica, ali ide, ide na nju obad sa Sjevera.
O fairest heifer, Egypt! the butcher from the north cometh, he cometh.
21 A i plaćenici egipatski što k'o gojna telad usred nje življahu, i oni se okrenuše, u bijeg udariše, ne mogu se odhrvati jer ih stiže Dan propasti, dođe vrijeme da se kazne.
Also her hired troops in the midst of her are like fatted calves; for they also are turned round, are fled away together, they do not stand; because the day of their calamity is come upon them, the time of their punishment.
22 Slušaj! K'o da zmija sikće, sa svom silom dolaze, sjekirama na nju navaljuju, baš k'o drvosječe.
Her cry shall come like [the hissing of] a serpent; for with an army shall they march, and with axes do they come against her, like hewers of wood.
23 Posjeći će šumu - riječ je Jahvina - iako je neprohodna. Više ih je nego skakavaca, broja njima nema.
They cut down her forest, saith the Lord, though it cannot be searched out; because they are more than the grasshoppers, and there is no number to them.
24 Osramoćena je zemlja egipatska, predana je narodu Sjevera.”
Ashamed hath been made the daughter of Egypt: she hath been given up into the hand of the people of the north.
25 Govori Jahve nad Vojskama, kralj Izraelov: “Evo, kaznit ću Amona Tebskoga, faraona i Egipat, i sve njegove bogove, kraljeve, faraona i sve koji se u nj uzdaju.
The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, hath said, Behold, I will send visitation on Ahmon of No, and on Pharaoh, and on Egypt, and on her gods, and on her kings; even on Pharaoh, and on those that trust on him;
26 Predat ću ih u ruke onima što im rade o glavi, u ruke Nabukodonozora, kralja babilonskoga, i u ruke slugu njegovih. A poslije će Egipat biti opet naseljen, kao u stara vremena” - riječ je Jahvina.
And I will give them up into the hand of those that seek their life, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, and into the hand of his servants: and afterward shall she be inhabited, as in the days of old, saith the Lord.
27 “Ne boj se, Jakove, slugo moja, ne plaši se, Izraele! Jer, evo, spasit ću te izdaleka i potomstvo tvoje iz zemlje izgnanstva. Jakov će se opet smiriti, spokojno će živjet' i nitko ga neće plašiti.
But thou, —fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, and be not dismayed, O Israel; for, behold, I will save thee from afar off, and thy seed from the land of their captivity: and Jacob shall return, and he shall be at rest and at ease, with none to make him afraid.
28 Ne boj se, Jakove, slugo moja - riječ je Jahvina - jer ja sam s tobom. Zatrt ću narode među koje te prognah, a tebe neću sasvim uništiti: ali ću te kaznit' po pravici, ne smijem te pustit' nekažnjena.”
Thou, —fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the Lord; for I am with thee: and although I make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee, yet of thee will I not make a full end; and I will correct thee in measure; yet wholly will I not leave thee unpunished.

< Jeremija 46 >