< Jeremija 28 >

1 Iste godine, u početku kraljevanja Sidkije, kralja judejskoga, četvrte godine, petog mjeseca, Hananija, sin Azurov, prorok rodom iz Gibeona, reče mi u Domu Jahvinu pred svim svećenicima i svim narodom:
When Zedekiah had been the King of Judah for more than three years, late in the (summer/hot season), Azzur’s son Hananiah, a prophet from Gibeon [city], spoke to me in the [courtyard of the] temple, while [all] the priests and other people were listening. He said,
2 “Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama, Bog Izraelov: 'Skršit ću jaram kralja babilonskoga.
“This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: ‘I will cause the king of Babylon to stop ruling/controlling [MET] [all of you].
3 Do dvije godine vratit ću na ovo mjesto sve posuđe Doma Jahvina koje je Nabukodonozor, kralj babilonski, odavde uzeo i odnio u Babilon.
(Within two years/Before two years have ended), I will cause to be brought bring back to this temple all the valuable things that King Nebuchadnezzar’s [soldiers] took from this temple and took to Babylon.
4 A tako i Jekoniju, sina Jojakimova, kralja judejskoga, i sve izgnanike judejske, koji dospješe u Babilon, također ću vratiti na ovo mjesto - riječ je Jahvina - jer ću skršiti jaram kralja babilonskoga.'”
And I will also cause King Jehoiachin to be brought back here, and all the [other] people who were captured and taken to Babylon. The king of Babylon has [forced you to do what he wants, like someone] puts a yoke [on the neck of an ox to force it to do what he] wants [MET] it to do. But I will cause that to end. [That will happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.’”
5 Tada prorok Jeremija odgovori proroku Hananiji pred svećenicima i pred svim narodom koji bijahu u Domu Jahvinu.
I replied to Hananiah in front of [all] the priests and other people who were standing outside the temple.
6 Reče prorok Jeremija: “Amen! Učinio Jahve tako! Ispunio Jahve riječi koje si prorokovao i vratio ovamo sve posuđe iz Doma Jahvina i sve izgnanike iz Babilona.
I said, “(Amen/May that happen)! I desire/hope that what you have predicted will happen. I hope/desire that Yahweh will do everything that you have said! I hope/desire that he will cause [men from Babylon] to bring back from Babylon [all] the valuable things that were in this temple, and all the people who were taken [to Babylon].
7 Ali čujder i ovu riječ koju ću kazati na tvoje uši i na uši svega naroda.
But now listen to what I say to you while all these people are listening.
8 Proroci koji su bili prije mene i tebe, odiskona prorokovahu mnogim moćnim zemljama i velikim kraljevstvima rat, glad, kugu.
Many years ago, those who were prophets before you and I [became prophets] spoke messages about many nations and great kingdoms. They predicted/prophesied that wars and disasters and plagues/diseases would occur in those nations.
9 Ali o proroku koji proriče mir možeš istom kad se ispuni njegova proročka riječ znati da ga je zaista Jahve poslao.”
[So now you or] any other prophet who predicts that things will go well [for us must show that your message is correct. Only] if what you predict actually happens will we know that you were truly appointed by Yahweh.”
10 Tada prorok Hananija skide jaram s vrata proroka Jeremije i skrši ga.
Then Hananiah took the yoke off my neck and broke it.
11 I reče Hananija pred svim narodom: “Ovako govori Jahve: 'Evo, ovako ću - za dvije godine - skršiti jaram Nabukodonozora, kralja babilonskoga, s vrata svih naroda!'” Tada prorok Jeremija ode svojim putem.
Then he said this to all the people who were there: “This is what Yahweh says: ‘Just like Hananiah has broken this yoke, within two years I will cause King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to [stop forcing the people to do what he wants, which has been like] a heavy yoke on all their necks [MET].’” After Hananiah said that, I left the temple area.
12 A kad prorok Hananija skrši jaram s vrata proroka Jeremije, dođe riječ Jahvina Jeremiji:
[Soon] after Hananiah had broken the yoke that was around my neck, Yahweh gave this message to me:
13 “Idi i ovako reci Hananiji: 'Ovako govori Jahve: Ti si skršio drveni jaram, ali ću ja mjesto njega načiniti željezni.'
“Go and say this to Hananiah: ‘Yahweh says that you have broken a wooden yoke, but that he will replace it with an iron yoke.
14 Jer ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama, Bog Izraelov: 'Željezni ću jaram staviti oko vrata svih ovih naroda da ih podvrgnem Nabukodonozoru, kralju babilonskom, i služit će mu, jer ja sam njemu podložio čak i poljsku zvjerad!'”
I have forced the people of all these nations to [become slaves of] King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. That is [like] [MET] an iron yoke around their necks. I have put everything, even wild animals, under his control.’”
15 I prorok Jeremija reče proroku Hananiji: “Čuj me dobro, Hananija! Tebe nije poslao Jahve, a ti si u narodu pobudio varave nade.
Then I [went to] Hananiah and said to him, “Hananiah, listen [to this]: Yahweh has not appointed you; instead, [you have told] lies to the people, and they have believed your lies.
16 Zato ovako govori Jahve: 'Gle, brišem te s lica zemlje! Umrijet ćeš još ove godine, jer si propovijedao pobunu protiv Jahve!'”
Therefore, this is what Yahweh says: ‘You will [soon] die. Before the end of this year, you will die, because you have rebelled against Yahweh.’”
17 I umrije prorok Hananija te godine u sedmom mjesecu.
Hananiah died two months later.

< Jeremija 28 >