< Jakovljeva 4 >

1 Odakle ratovi, odakle borbe među vama? Zar ne odavde: od pohota što vojuju u udovima vašim?
Whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence? even of your carnal appetites making war in your bodies?
2 Žudite, a nemate; ubijate i hlepite, a ne možete postići; borite se i ratujete. Nemate jer ne ištete.
Ye desire, and ye have not: ye are envious, and jealous, and cannot obtain: ye fight and contend; but ye have not, because ye ask not.
3 Ištete, a ne primate jer rđavo ištete: da u pohotama svojim potratite.
Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask wickedly; that ye may spend it in your pleasures.
4 Preljubnici! Ne znate li da je prijateljstvo sa svijetom neprijateljstvo prema Bogu? Tko god dakle hoće da bude prijatelj svijeta, promeće se u neprijatelja Božjega.
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity to God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
5 Ili mislite da Pismo uzalud veli: Ljubomorno čezne za duhom što ga nastani u nama?
Do ye think the scripture speaks in vain? or does the Spirit that dwelleth in us, excite to envy?
6 A daje on i veću milost. Zato govori: Bog se oholima protivi, a poniznima daje milost.
No, He giveth more grace: wherefore it is said, God resisteth the proud, but sheweth favor to the humble.
7 Podložite se dakle Bogu! Oduprite se đavlu i pobjeći će od vas!
Submit yourselves therefore to God: resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Približite se Bogu i on će se približiti vama! Očistite ruke, grešnici! Očistite srca, dvoličnjaci!
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you: cleanse your hands, O sinners, and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
9 Zakukajte, protužite, proplačite! Smijeh vaš nek se u plač obrati i radost u žalost!
Be grieved, and mourn, and weep: let your mirth be turned into mourning, and your joy to sadness.
10 Ponizite se pred Gospodinom i on će vas uzvisiti!
Be humbled before the Lord, and He will exalt you.
11 Ne ogovarajte, braćo, jedni druge! Tko ogovara ili sudi brata svoga, ogovara i sudi Zakon. A sudiš li Zakon, nisi vršitelj nego sudac Zakona.
Speak not against one another, my brethren; he that speaketh against his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh against the law, and judgeth the law; but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
12 Jedan je Zakonodavac i Sudac: Onaj koji može spasiti i pogubiti. A tko si ti da sudiš bližnjega?
Now there is but one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou then that judgest another?
13 De sada, vi što govorite: “Danas ili sutra otići ćemo u taj i taj grad, provesti ondje godinu, trgovati i zaraditi”,
Come now, ye that say, To-day or to-morrow we will go to such a city, and spend a year there, and trade and get gain;
14 a ne znate što će sutra biti. Ta što je vaš život? Dašak ste što se načas pojavi i zatim nestane!
(though ye know not what will be on the morrow; for what is your life? a vapor, which appeareth for a little while, and then vanisheth away: ) whereas ye ought to say,
15 Umjesto da govorite: “Htjedne li Gospodin, živjet ćemo i učiniti ovo ili ono”,
If the Lord will, and we should live, and do this or that:
16 vi se razmećete svojim hvastanjima! Svako je takvo hvastanje opako.
but ye glory in your presumption: all such glorying is wicked.
17 Znati dakle dobro činiti, a ne činiti - grijeh je.
To him therefore that knoweth to do good, and doth it not, to him it is sin.

< Jakovljeva 4 >