< Izaija 52 >

1 Probudi se! Probudi se! Odjeni se snagom, Sione! Odjeni se najsjajnijim haljinama, Jeruzaleme, grade sveti, jer više neće k tebi ulaziti neobrezani i nečisti.
Awake, awake! Put on your strength, Zion. Put on your beautiful garments, Jerusalem, the holy city, for from now on the uncircumcised and the unclean will no more come into you.
2 Otresi prah sa sebe, ustani, izgnani Jeruzaleme! Skini okov sa svog vrata, izgnana kćeri sionska.”
Shake yourself from the dust! Arise, sit up, Jerusalem! Release yourself from the bonds of your neck, captive daughter of Zion!
3 Jest, ovako govori Jahve: “Bili ste prodani nizašto i bit ćete otkupljeni bez novaca.”
For Yahweh says, “You were sold for nothing; and you will be redeemed without money.”
4 Jest, ovako govori Gospod Jahve: “Moj je narod sišao nekoć u Egipat da se ondje nastani kao stranac, potom ga Asirci nizašto potlačiše.
For the Lord Yahweh says: “My people went down at the first into Egypt to live there; and the Assyrian has oppressed them without cause.
5 Ali sada, čemu sam ja ovdje - riječ je Jahvina - kad je moj narod bio bez razloga porobljen, a gospodari njegovi likuju - riječ je Jahvina - i bez prestanka se danomice ime moje huli.
“Now therefore, what do I do here,” says Yahweh, “seeing that my people are taken away for nothing? Those who rule over them mock,” says Yahweh, “and my name is blasphemed continually all day long.
6 Zato će narod moj poznati moje ime i shvatit će u onaj dan da sam ja koji govorim: 'Evo me!'”
Therefore my people shall know my name. Therefore they shall know in that day that I am he who speaks. Behold, it is I.”
7 Kako su ljupke po gorama noge glasonoše radosti koji oglašava mir, nosi sreću, i spasenje naviješta govoreć Sionu: “Bog tvoj kraljuje!”
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
8 Čuj, stražari ti glas podižu, zajedno svi kliču od radosti, jer na svoje oči vide gdje se na Sion vraća Jahve.
Your watchmen lift up their voice. Together they sing; for they shall see eye to eye when Yahweh returns to Zion.
9 Radujte se, kličite, razvaline jeruzalemske, jer je Jahve utješio narod svoj i otkupio Jeruzalem.
Break out into joy! Sing together, you waste places of Jerusalem; for Yahweh has comforted his people. He has redeemed Jerusalem.
10 Ogolio je Jahve svetu svoju mišicu pred očima svih naroda, da svi krajevi zemaljski vide spasenje Boga našega.
Yahweh has made his holy arm bare in the eyes of all the nations. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
11 Odlazite, odlazite, iziđite odatle, ne dotičite ništa nečisto! Iziđite iz njegove sredine! Očistite se, vi koji nosite posude Jahvine!
Depart! Depart! Go out from there! Touch no unclean thing! Go out from among her! Cleanse yourselves, you who carry Yahweh’s vessels.
12 Jer nećete izići u hitnji, niti ćete ići bježeći, jer će vam prethodnica biti Jahve, a zalaznica Bog Izraelov!
For you shall not go out in haste, neither shall you go by flight; for Yahweh will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.
13 Gle, uspjet će Sluga moj, podignut će se, uzvisit' i proslaviti!
Behold, my servant will deal wisely. He will be exalted and lifted up, and will be very high.
14 Kao što se mnogi užasnuše vidjevši ga - tako mu je lice bilo neljudski iznakaženo te obličjem više nije naličio na čovjeka -
Just as many were astonished at you— his appearance was marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men—
15 tako će on mnoge zadiviti narode i kraljevi će pred njim usta stisnuti videć' ono o čemu im nitko nije govorio, shvaćajuć' ono o čemu nikad čuli nisu:
so he will cleanse many nations. Kings will shut their mouths at him; for they will see that which had not been told them, and they will understand that which they had not heard.

< Izaija 52 >