< Izaija 26 >

1 U onaj dan pjevat ću ovu pjesmu u zemlji Judinoj: “Tvrd grad mi imamo: za obranu nam On podiže zidove i predziđa.
In that day they shall sing this song in the land of Judea; Behold a strong city; and he shall make salvation [its] wall and bulwark.
2 Otvorite vrata! Nek' uđe narod pravedni koji čuva vjernost,
Open you the gates, let the nation enter that keeps righteousness, and keeps truth,
3 čiji je značaj čvrst, koji čuva mir jer se u te uzda.
supporting truth, and keeping peace: for on you, O Lord,
4 Uzdajte se u Jahvu dovijeka, jer Jahve je Stijena vječna;
they have trusted with confidence for ever, the great, the eternal God;
5 on obara one koji obitavahu visoko, razvaljuje tvrđu visoku, ruši u prah, sravnjuje sa zemljom,
who have humbled and brought down them that dwell on high, you shall cast down strong cities, and bring them to the ground.
6 te je gaze noge, noge ubogih i koraci nevoljnih.”
And the feet of the meek and lowly shall trample them.
7 Put je pravednikov prav, ti ravniš stazu pravednom.
The way of the godly is made straight: the way of the godly is also prepared.
8 Da, na stazi tvojih sudova željno te, Jahve, čekamo; ime tvoje i spomen tvoj duša nam žudi.
For the way of the Lord is judgement: we have hoped in your name, and on the remembrance [of you],
9 Dušom svojom žudim tebe noću i duhom svojim u sebi te tražim. Jer kad se na zemlji pojave tvoji sudovi, uče se pravdi stanovnici kruga zemaljskoga.
which our soul longs for: my spirit seeks you very early in the morning, O God, for your commandments are a light on the earth: learn righteousness, you that dwell upon the earth.
10 Ako se pomiluje opaki, on se ne uči pravednosti. U zemlji pravednosti on čini bezakonje i ne obazire se na veličanstvo Jahvino.
For the ungodly one is put down: no one who will not learn righteousness on the earth, shall be able to do the truth: let the ungodly be taken away, that he see not the glory of the Lord.
11 Jahve, ruka je tvoja podignuta, a oni je ne vide. Nek' vide i postide se, nek' ih proguta revnost za narod, nek' ih proždre oganj pripravljen dušmanima tvojim.
O Lord, your arm is exalted, yet they knew it not: but when they know they shall be ashamed: jealousy shall seize upon an untaught nation, and now fire shall devour the adversaries.
12 Jahve, ti mir nama daješ, jer ti si tvorac svih djela naših.
O Lord our God, give us peace: for you have rendered to us all things.
13 Jahve, Bože naš, gospodarili su nama osim tebe drugi gospodari, ali tebe jedinog, ime tvoje, častimo.
O Lord our God, take possession of us: O Lord, we know not [any] other beside you: we name your name.
14 Mrtvi neće oživjeti, sjene neće uskrsnuti, jer ti si ih kaznio i uništio i zatro svaki spomen na njih!
But the dead shall not see life, neither shall physicians by any means raise [them] up: therefore you have brought [wrath] upon [them], and slain [them], and have taken away every male of them. Bring more evils upon them, O Lord;
15 Umnožio si narod, Jahve, umnožio si narod, proslavio se, proširio sve granice zemlje!
bring more evils on the glorious ones of the earth.
16 Jahve, tražili su te u nevolji; izlijevali tihu molitvu, kad ih je stigla tvoja kazna.
Lord, in affliction I remembered you; your chastening was to us with small affliction.
17 Kao što se trudna žena pred porođajem grči i viče u bolovima, takvi smo, Jahve, pred tobom.
And as a woman in travail draws near to be delivered, [and] cries out in her pain; so have we been to your beloved.
18 Zatrudnjeli smo, u mukama smo kao da rađamo, nismo donijeli duha spasenja zemlji nit' se rodiše stanovnici svijeta.
We have conceived, O Lord, because of your fear, and have been in pain, and have brought forth the breath of your salvation, which we have wrought upon the earth: we shall not fall, but all that dwell upon the land shall fall.
19 Tvoji će mrtvi oživjeti, uskrsnut će tijela. Probudite se i kličite, stanovnici praha! Jer rosa je tvoja - rosa svjetlosti, i zemlja će sjene na svijet dati.
The dead shall rise, and they that are in the tombs shall be raised, and they that are in the earth shall rejoice: for the dew from you is healing to them: but the land of the ungodly shall perish.
20 Hajde, narode moj, uđi u sobe i vrata za sobom zatvori. Sakrij se časkom dok jarost ne prođe.
Go, my people, enter into your closets, shut your door, hide yourself for a little season, until the anger of the Lord have passed away.
21 Jer, gle, izići će Jahve iz svog prebivališta da stanovnike zemljine kazni što se o njeg' ogriješiše. Izbacit će zemlja svu krv što je na njoj prolivena i neće više kriti onih koji su na njoj poklani.
For, behold, the Lord is bringing wrath from [his] holy place upon the dwellers on the earth: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall not cover her slain.

< Izaija 26 >