< Izaija 24 >

1 Gle, Jahve razvaljuje zemlju, razara je, nakazi joj lice, raspršuje stanovnike njene.
Behold, the Lord maketh empty the land, and layeth it waste, marreth its surface, and scattereth abroad its inhabitants.
2 Svećenik će biti k'o i narod, gospodar k'o i sluga, gospodarica k'o i sluškinja, prodavač k'o i kupac, zajmodavac k'o i zajmoprimac, vjerovnik k'o i dužnik.
And it shall be with the people as with the priest; with the servant as with his master; with the bondwoman as with her mistress; with the buyer as with the seller; with the lender as with the borrower; with the debtor as with his creditor.
3 Opustošena će biti zemlja, opljačkana sasvim, jer je Jahve odlučio.
Empty, emptied out shall be the land, and spoiled, utterly spoiled; for the Lord hath spoken this word.
4 Zemlja tuži, vene, svijet gine, gasne, nebo sa zemljom propada.
The land mourneth, withereth away, the world languishes, withereth away, the high ones of the people of the land do languish.
5 Oskvrnjena je zemlja pod žiteljima svojim, jer prestupiše Zakon, pogaziše odredbu, Savez vječni razvrgoše.
For the land was defiled under its inhabitants; because they had transgressed the laws, neglected the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant.
6 Zato prokletstvo proždire zemlju, okajavaju stanovnici njeni. Zato su sažgani žitelji zemljini i malo je ljudi preostalo.
Therefore hath the curse devoured the land, and they that dwell therein suffer for their guilt; therefore are the inhabitants of the land dried up, and but few men are left.
7 Vino tuguje, loza vene, uzdišu svi što bijahu srca vesela.
The new wine mourneth, the vine languisheth, all the merry-hearted sigh.
8 Prestalo je veselje uz bubnje, zamrla je graja razigrana; umukla je glazba citara.
At rest is the mirth of the tambourines; ceased hath the tumult of the joyful; at rest is the mirth of the harp.
9 Ne pije se više vino uz pjesmu, ogrknu piće silovito.
Amidst singing shall they no [more] drink wine; bitter shall be the strong drink to those that drink it.
10 Razoren je grad ništavila, zatvoren ulaz svim kućama.
Broken down is the city of desolation; shut up is every house that none can enter.
11 Jauk po ulicama zbog vina, nesta svakog veselja, radost je iz zemlje prognana.
A [painful] cry for wine is in the streets; darkened is all joy; banished is the mirth of the land.
12 Tek pustoš ostade u gradu, u trijeske smrskana su vrata.
Destruction is left in the city, in ruins is beaten the gate.
13 Jer tako se zbiva na zemlji, među narodima, kao kad se oberu masline il' paljetkuje grožđe nakon berbe.
For thus shall it be in the midst of the land among the nations, as [at] the shaking of an olive-tree, as [at] the gleaning of grains when the vintage is done.
14 Oni glas podižu, kliču od radosti; uznose s mora veličajnost Jahvinu.
These shall lift up their voice, they shall sing; because of the majesty of the Lord, they shout aloud from the sea.
15 I na istoku ime Jahve slave oni, na otocima mora ime Jahve, Boga Izraelova.
Therefore in the valleys honor ye the Lord; in the isles of the sea, the name of the Lord the God of Israel.
16 S kraja zemlje čujemo pjesme: “Slava Pravedniku!” Ali ja kažem: “Propadoh! Propadoh! Jao meni! Vjerolomci se iznevjeriše, nevjerom se, vjerolomci, iznevjeriše.”
From the edge of the earth have we heard songs, “Glory to the righteous.” But I said, “Evil is mine, evil is mine, woe is me! the treacherous have dealt treacherously; yea, the treacherous have dealt very treacherously.”
17 Strava, jama, zamka tebi, žitelju zemlje:
Fear, and the pit, and the snare are upon thee, O inhabitant of the land.
18 tko pred glasom strave uteče u jamu će upasti; tko se iz jame izvuče zamka će ga uhvatit'. Da, otvorit će se ustave u visini i zatresti zemlji temelji.
And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the call of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are opened, and there quaked the foundations of the earth.
19 Zemlja će se grozno razbiti, zemlja će se strašno raspući, zemlja će se silno uzdrmati,
Crushed entirely is the earth, split in pieces is the earth, shaken to its centre is the earth.
20 zemlja će zateturati poput pijanca, zanjihat se poput kolibe; toliko će joj otežati bezakonje njeno da će pasti i neće više ustati.
The earth reeleth to and fro like a drunkard, and vibrateth like a watch-hut; and heavily lieth upon it its transgression; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
21 I dogodit će se u onaj dan: Jahve će kazniti u visini Vojsku nebesku, a na zemlji sve kraljeve zemaljske;
And it shall come to pass on that day, that the Lord will visit punishment on the host of heaven in heaven, and on the kings of the earth upon the earth.
22 bit će sakupljeni i zasužnjeni u jami, zatvoreni u tamnicu i nakon mnogih dana kažnjeni.
And they shall be gathered in heaps, as prisoners, in the prison, and shall be shut up in the dungeon, and thus after many days shall they be punished.
23 Pocrvenjet će mjesec, postidjet se sunce, jer će kraljevati Jahve nad Vojskama na gori Sionu i u Jeruzalemu i Slava će mu sjati pred starješinama.
And the moon shall be put to the blush, and the sun be made ashamed; for the Lord of hosts will reign on mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients in glory.

< Izaija 24 >