< Izaija 15 >

1 Proroštvo o Moabu. Obnoć opustošen, šaptom pade Ar Moab! Obnoć opustošen, šaptom pade Kir Moab!
The burden of Moab. Because in the night Ar of Moab is laid waste, it is silent: because the wall of Moab is destroyed in the night, it is silent.
2 Uspinju se u hram dibonski, na uzvišice da plaču; nad Nebom i nad Medebom Moab nariče! Sve su glave ostrižene, a sve brade obrijane;
The house is gone up, and Dibon to the high places to mourn over Nabo, and over Medaba, Moab hath howled: ton all their heads shall be baldness, and every beard shall be shaven.
3 na ulicama oblače vreće, na njegovim krovovima leleču! Na njegovim trgovima svi nariču i suze prolijevaju.
In their streets they are girded with sackcloth: on the tops of their houses, and in their streets all shall howl and come down weeping.
4 Jauču Hešbon i Eleala, do Jahasa jauk se čuje. Zato dršću bokovi Moabu, strepi duša njegova;
Hesebon shall cry, and Eleale, their voice is heard even to Jasa. For this shall the well appointed men of Moab howl, his soul shall howl to itself.
5 srce Moabovo jeca, bjegunci mu idu do Soara. Da, uz brdo Luhit uspinju se plačući; putem horonajimskim razliježe se jauk nad propašću.
My heart shall cry to Moab, the bars thereof shall flee unto Segor a heifer of three years old: for by the ascent of Luith they shall go up weeping: and in the way of Oronaim they shall lift up a cry of destruction.
6 Da! Vode nimrimske postadoše pustinja: trava usahla, bilja nestalo, zelenila više nema.
For the waters of Nemrim shall be desolate, for the grass is withered away, the spring is faded, all the greenness is perished.
7 Zato stečevinu koju stekoše i ono što prištedješe nose preko Potoka vrba.
According to the greatness of their work, is their visitation also: they shall lead them to the torrent of the willows.
8 Da! Jauk se razliježe po kraju moapskom: kukanje mu do Eglajima, kukanje mu do Beer Elima.
For the cry is gone round about the border of Moab: the howling thereof unto Gallim, and unto the well of Elim the cry thereof.
9 Da! Vode dimonske krvi su pune, i još jednu nesreću dodajem Dimonu: jednog lava na moapske bjegunce i na preživjele u zemlji.
For the waters of Dibon are filled with blood: for I will bring more upon Dibon: the lion upon them that shall flee of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land.

< Izaija 15 >