< Hošea 14 >
1 Vrati se, Izraele, Jahvi Bogu svome, jer zbog svojeg si bezakonja posrnuo.
Turn back, O Israel, unto Jehovah thy God, For thou hast stumbled by thine iniquity.
2 Uzmite sa sobom riječi i Jahvi se vratite. Recite mu: “Skini sa nas bezakonje i dobrohotno primi da ti prinesemo plod svojih usana.
Take with you words, and turn to Jehovah, Say ye unto Him: 'Take away all iniquity, and give good, And we do render the fruit of our lips.
3 Asirac nas neće izbavljati i nećemo konje više jahati niti ćemo djelu ruku svojih govoriti: 'Bože naš!' - jer u tebe sirota milost nalazi.”
Asshur doth not save us, on a horse we ride not, Nor do we say any more, Our God, to the work of our hands, For in Thee find mercy doth the fatherless.'
4 Iscijelit ću ih od njihova otpada, od svega ću ih srca ljubiti; jer gnjev se moj odvratio od njih.
I heal their backsliding, I love them freely, For turned back hath Mine anger from him.
5 Bit ću kao rosa Izraelu; kao ljiljan on će cvasti, pustit će korijen poput jablana,
I am as dew to Israel, he flourisheth as a lily, And he striketh forth his roots as Lebanon.
6 nadaleko pružat će izdanke. Ljepota će mu biti kao u masline, miris poput libanonskog.
Go on do his sucklings, And his beauty is as an olive, And he hath fragrance as Lebanon.
7 Opet će u mojoj sjeni boraviti, uzgajat će svoju pšenicu, vinograde gajit' što će steći ime vina helbonskog.
Return do the dwellers under his shadow, They revive [as] corn, and flourish as a vine, His memorial [is] as wine of Lebanon.
8 Efrajime, što ti imaš još s kumirima? Ja sam ga uslišao i pogledao. Ja sam poput zelena čempresa: po meni si rodan plodovima.
O Ephraim, what to Me any more with idols? I — I afflicted, and I cause him to sing: 'I [am] as a green fir-tree,' From Me is thy fruit found.
9 Tko je mudar neka shvati ovo, i čovjek razuman neka spozna! Jer pravi su putovi Jahvini: pravednici hode po njima, grešnici na njima posrću.
Who [is] wise, and doth understand these? Prudent, and knoweth them? For upright are the ways of Jehovah, And the righteous go on in them, And the transgressors stumble therein!