< Hošea 12 >

1 Efrajim pase vjetar, za vjetrom istočnim trči cio dan, sve više je laži njegovih i nasilja. Savez sklapaju s Asirijom, ulje nose u Egipat.
Ephraim herds the wind and hunts the sirocco. All day long they heap up falsehood and fraud, make a treaty with Assyria, and sends tribute of olive oil to Egypt.
2 S Izraelom ima Jahve parnicu, kaznit će Jakova prema postupcima, vratit će mu po djelima njegovim.
The Lord has a charge to bring against Israel, to punish Jacob for his acts, according to his deeds will he requite him,
3 Već u krilu materinu brata je potisnuo, u snazi muževnoj s Bogom se borio.
In the womb he supplanted his brother, in manhood he wrestled with God,
4 S Anđelom se borio i nadvladao ga, plakao je i zaklinjao ga. Našao ga je u Betelu i ondje mu je govorio.
He wrestled with the angel and prevailed, he wept and sought his blessing. At Bethel the Lord found him, and there he spoke with us.
5 Da, Jahve, Bog nad Vojskama, Jahve je ime njegovo.
And the Lord is the God of hosts, the Lord is his name!
6 Ti se dakle Bogu svojem vrati, čuvaj ljubav i pravednost i u Boga se svoga uzdaj svagda!
So now, by the help of your God, return. Keep true love and justice. Trust in your God without ceasing.
7 U ruci je Kanaanu kriva tezulja, on voli zakidati.
A merchant uses false scales: They love to defraud.
8 I reče Efrajim: “Samo sam se obogatio, blago sam nagomilao.” Ali ništa mu od sveg dobitka neće ostati, jer se ogriješio bezakonjima.
Ephraim says, ‘Yes, I have become rich, I have secured wealth for myself. But despite my gains no one will find a crime I can be convicted of!’
9 Ja sam Jahve, Bog tvoj, sve od zemlje egipatske, još ću ti dati da stanuješ pod šatorima kao u dane Sastanka;
I am the Lord your God, ever since the land of Egypt. I will make you again dwell in tents, as in days of old.
10 govorit ću prorocima, umnožit ću viđenja i po prorocima prispodobom učiti.
I spoke continually by the prophets. It was I who multiplied visions, and spoke in parables through the prophets.
11 Gilead je puko bezakonje, ispraznost sama; u Gilgali žrtvuju bikove; zato će im oltari biti k'o hrpe kamenja u brazdama poljskim.
In Gilead is iniquity, they will come to nothing. In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls, so their altars will be as stone heaps, among the furrows of the field.
12 Jakov pobježe u kraj aramski, za ženu služaše Izrael, za ženu jednu stada čuvaše.
And Jacob fled to the territory of Aram, and Israel worked to earn a wife: for a wife he herded sheep.
13 Al' po Proroku izvede Jahve Izraela iz Egipta, i po Proroku on ga je čuvao.
The Lord brought Israel up from Egypt by a prophet, and by a prophet Israel was guarded.
14 Pregorko ga Efrajim uvrijedi: stoga će krv njegovu na nj svaliti, platit će mu Gospod njegov za pogrde.
Ephraim has given bitter provocation. His Lord will leave upon him his guilt of bloodshed, and for his contempt he will repay him.

< Hošea 12 >